Wednesday 3 June 2020

‘MMS: Allopathy’ vs Homoeopathy.

‘MMS: Allopathy’ vs Homoeopathy.

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी

InBho: InTarnesanal Bhojpuri: 03.06.2020.

खास बात Khaas Baat: Spesal Taak:

Bhojpuri: '21sT Sencuri Inglish': [old English]:
[‘MMS: Allopathy’ vs Homoeopathy:
Trillionaires vs 0-naires,
Blunt vs extremely fine,
"Sthool vs Sooxmaatisooxma" in san,
Science of Level-3 vs Science of Level-4,
Fully supported by all governments vs Rarely & partly supported by only a few governments.

Pharma- (Fake) MMS – Business men - Supply Chain Tycoons’ Lobby vs Individual Doctors, manufactures, organizations.
Where is the comparison!!!
‘The Angle of attack’ of MMS is 0-Degree vs That of Homoeopathy 120 Degree =>
MMS uses 1 or 2 drugs for each ailment resulting into dozens drugs causing reactions also vs Homoeopathy 1 or 2 remedy for all ailments, no reaction.
MMS causes the patients come again & again vs Homoeopathy cures the ailments for ever or for long.
MMS Highly expensive due to series of checks, tests etc vs Symptom based treatment hardly a check is needed.
Example: Take an MMS remedy for controlling High BP once, now one has to take the remedy for whole life everyday
> what a ‘regular earning jogaad’ vs Take a Homoeopathy remedy for 3 to 4 days to control High BP, no need to take medicine for 1 to 2 years, keeping good health no regular expenses of the person (not being a patient), only regular check of BP.
(Fake) MMS vs Homoeopathy >>> No comparison.]
Larn Tu Liv with nKorona Laaik 'Pox': Seekhee` Jeeye ke Maataa Karunaa Sange:
> Bhaarat me` Maataa ke prako~p bahut kam baa, bahut kam log divangat bhaile: Ehi se 'Anlaok-1' suru bhail Sri: 25.03.9120 se, Yog ke saath: dekhee` neece 10 oh deshan ke ka haal baa 'Karonaa Bhawaani' ke ailaa se 27.03.9120 le:

K.Sa. desh Kantri Grasit Sik K diwangat Deth% Rnk
0. WarlD World 6453.8, 382.5 5.30 % -

1. YSA USA 1881.2, 108.1, 5.75 %, 1sT
2. Braazil Brazil 558.2, 31.3, 5.67 %. 4th
3. Rassiaa Russia 423.7, 5.04, 1.17 %, 8th
4. Spen Spain 287.0, 27.1, 9.45 %, 5th
5. YK UK 278.0, 39.4, 14.12%, 2nD
6. ITali Italy 233.5, 33.5, 15.22%, 3rD
7. Bhaarat India 207.6, 5.83, 2.83 %, 7th
8. JarmaniGermny 184.1, 8.67, 4.69 %, 6th
9. Peru Peru 174.9, 4.77, 2.72 %, 9th
10. Tarki Turkey 165.6, 4.59, 2.77%, 10th

*. CaainaaChina 83.0, 4.63, 5.54% Suruaati desh.

> 1m. Sabse acchaa haal baa Rus ke uupar ke 10 deshan me. Eehaa` pahile "Kalyug me` Satyug" rahe 'Soviet Sangh' me`. Rassiaa Russia. iz aeT da besT pozeesan aauT aof da ebav 10 kantreez. Dyuring USSR Dez, hiyar iTself waaz "Truth Eraa in Blaek Eraa"

> 2sr. Sthaan baa Peru ke, aa
> 3sr. Sthaan pa Bhaarat baa.

Sri: 25.03.9120 se Bhaarat me` ‘Unlok-1’ suru.

>> Baakir Fraansa, YK, ITali aadi ke haal baRaa kharaab laagataa jahaa` kareeb 10 - 15% Grasit log divangat ho gailan, tabahu`o eh sab deshan me` Aarthik haal ke calate 'Laok-Daaun' khatam ka ke log kaam pa jaataaran.

** Jaapaan ke PM Abe COVID-19 ke sab Bandi haTaa delan.
** Rus ke RaasTraadhyax Putin kahataaran ki COVID-19 ke limit aa gail baa.

ॐ कर्पूरगौरम करुणावतारं संसारसारं भुजगेंद्रहारं ,

सदावसन्तं हृदयारवीन्द्रे भवं भवानी सहितं नमामि।

TraansparenT like Kaemfar, Karunaa-Inkaarnesan,

In ho~l aof da WarlD, DekoreteD with poaaejan;
LeT shi / hi liv in aavar harT, Wi bo~ Tu da Bhawaanim / ShivaSankaram!!!

*** MMS: Allopathy vs Homoeopathy ***
Dr AK Arun, a Public Health Scientist and National Award Winning Homoeopathic Healer' opinion: Can Homoeopathy save humanity from Coronavirus? 10.04.2020 in 'National Herald'.
The writer, Dr DD Sharma fully agreese with Dr Arun that the nCorona Virus patients are curable by Homoeopathy. King George VI had to take services from the medicos of Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital to cure Cholera patients in 1854, after complete failiore of Allopathy.
So faar iT iz kampleeT felior aof MMS: Allopathy Te~mD baai aolmosT aol da gavarmenTs aof da warld, whaai? IT iz a big Kwescan. BaT da riplaai appiars Tu bi in da lobby aof "FaarmaasisTs, Bizness Taikoons, Sapplaai-Ce~n Daons, aend Hyooz emmaaunT ao Mani involvDa deyar in."
Haau kaen poor Homoropats faat with da ebav Trillioniyars!! with deyar Tru servises with meegar ammaaunT aof mani DivoTeD Tu Kyo~r da pesenTs with "120 Degree aengla aof ATtaek i.e. naormalli 1 remedy faor meni elmenTs", in ples aof Allopaethic ceks aafTar ceks kasTing thaauzanDs, then Dazens aof Drugs aon da besis aof "1:1 aor 0 Degree Aengla aof ATtaek"; aol KaosTing Lakhas.

>>> Asal baat baa ki "nCoronaa-19" ke calate COVID-19 ke jimmedaar; naa ta~ Cin baa, naa kawano dusar desh.
Asal dosi baa:
"tathaa-kathit MMS: Allopathy ke aa Uupar ke Laobbi".
>>> MMS aof Level-3 Saains think: ‘Homoeopathy’ aez a PseDo-Saains whic iz rialli a 'Saains aof Level-4'. Go Tu da book
"Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology".
BaT ‘ElekTrikal Injiniar’ Du naoT se ‘ElekTroniks’, a PseDo-Saains. > deyar iz no aenTi ‘ElekTroniks’ Laobbi hiar, laaik ‘So kaolD MMS’,

MosT saffaring kanTrees aof da WarlD with
min. 1 Deth /10 K aez aon 02.06.2020 KE:
भोजपुरी Bhojpuri Inglish Maral /10 K.Deth/10K:
1. बेल्जियम Beljiam [Belgium] 8 NATO.HQ.
2. स्पेन Spe~n [Spain] 6 NATO
3. इटली ITali [Italy] 5 NATO
4. बर्तानिया Bartaaniyaa [UK] 5 NATO
5. फ्रांस Fraans [France] 4 NATO
6. उत्तरीदेश Nadarlaend [Netherland] 3 NATO
7. स्वीडन Swiden [Sweden] 3 *
8. सं. रा. अमेरिका YSA [USA] 3 NATO
9. स्विटजरदेश SwiTzarlaend[Switzerland] 2 *
10. पोर्तुगाल Portugaal [Portugaal] 1 NATO
11. लक्सेम्बर्ग Laxembarg [Luxemburg] 1 NATO
12. कनाडा Kanaadaa [Canada] 1 NATO
13. Jarmani [Germany] 1 NATO
14. Braazil [Brazil] 1 *
15. Peru 1 *

"करुणावतार" भइल सृष्टयाब्द 1 972 949 119 के अगहन महीना में,
बुद्धावतार के ~ 2500 बरिस बाद,

ओसहीं जइसे कृष्णावतार के ~ 2500 बरीस बाद भइल रहे बुद्धावतार.

Ee bhail "KarunaAwataara"
SrishTyaabda: 1 972 949 119 ke Agahan Maas me`,
Buddhaawataar ke ~ 2500 Barish baad,
Osahee`jaise KrizNaawataaara ke ~ 2500 Baris baad bhail rahe Buddhaawataara.

Dis iz "Karunaawataar" in Des. 2019 KE aafTar ~ 2500 Yr aof Buddhaawataar,

da se~m aez Buddhaawataara Tuk ples aafTar
~2500 Yr aof Krishnaawataar.

Auru dekhee`: Pleez haev a luk:
InBho: "AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri" 5m Baris: sins: 19.07.2015 KE > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.
Aaj 9119 me` Bhojpuri, Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.
InBho, "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.
Today in 2020: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri.
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool" and requests the Governments of these countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language".]
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:

Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit: 12.7.9119.
Aul raaiTs rizarvD with da Pablishar: [All rights reserved with the Publisher]: 11.10.2019.
अउरु Auru baa kanTiniuD [continued

03.06.2020 InBho इन-भो KarunaAwataara:


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