Friday 16 October 2020

[For Remedy of Covid-19 Governments to visit:] अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी InBho: InTarnesanal Bhojpuri: 16.10.2020.

[For Remedy of Covid-19 Governments to visit:] 

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी

InBho: InTarnesanal Bhojpuri: 16.10.2020.

खास बात Khaas Baat: Spesal Taak:

 '21sT Sencuri Inglish':

[For Remedy of Covid-19 Governments to visit: Elecrical vs Allopathy:

How do they compare? See below:  

Whaat is Electrical vs Electronics, 

the sam is:

Homeopathy, Biochemic, Ayurveda’s Bhazma-Ras vs 'So called MMS': ‘Modern Medical System’ or Allopathy.

>> The “’so called MMS’, since 

"Allopathy is Level-3’ science” like Electrical (for levels of science go to the book "Knowledge Beyond nao pico Technolgy" at

where as 

“Homeopathy, Biochemic, Ayurveda’s Bhasma-Ras are Level-4 Science” like Electronics.

Generally, there is no quarrel between 

Electrical and Electronics.

But Allopathy does not understand and accept “Homoeopathy, Biochemic and Ayurveda’s Rasas & Bhasmaas”. 

Even in India, Allopathy, the 'so called MMS': ‘Modern Medical System’ puts objections every now and then, even when over 1 lac persons have lost their lives due to Covid-19 in India.

In the World, over 1M people have lost their lives. 

Even though the 'Level-3 MMS' have no remedy for nCorona,  they obstruct Homoeopathy which claims that in ‘Arsenicum alb 30c’, at least they have one definite preventive as well as curative remedy.

With slight different symptoms, there are other remedies in Homoeopathy.

InBho requests the governments of all the contries to use Homoeopathic remedies consulting qualified Homoeopaths.


The objection of “’Level-3 MMS’ for Homeopathy [Level-4] is, when they themslves do not have any Remedy even for common cold” so far, what to talk of nCorona. 

Mark that we are not talking about finding a vaccine, we are particularly talking about the "Remedy for Covid-19 to cure a sufferer".


We from InBho challenge having the ‘remedy of common cold’, when taken the ‘Biochemic Remedy within 2h’ of symptoms like sniging, nose-ueasiness, sore throat, tirdness etc, 

> the symptoms gone within 2h, and complete cure within 5h with 1 more dose after 3h;

> when taken within 4h, symptom gone within 4h, and complete cure within 7h with 1 more dose ater 3h; ’

> when taken within 8h, symptom gone within 8h, and complete cure within 12h with 3 more doses @ 3h each;

and when the 1st dose taken within 12h, complete cure within 3d but with much redused symptom while keep on taking 1 dose every 3h except sleep.

Is there a medicine in Allopathy for common cure like this?

In fact no pathy is complete in itself, not even Ayurveda. 

>>> Thus Dr DD Sharma, a Human Machine advocates for practicing 

“Eclectic Medical System-D”.

For remedy of nCorona or Wuhan-virus started by China from Wuhan. There is a concrete remedy for Covid-19, we are talking about 'Remedy' not merely vaccine,  

For Remedy of Covid-19 Governments to visit: 

Governments of each country is requested to visit ]

** Covid-19 Me ripeeT aafter kyore: 

Navaadaa SRA ke ego 25 saal ke jawaan ke Koronaa ke dusar aakraman bhail. Aisan shaayade holaa. ThoR me`:

* 25.3.20: galaa-kharaas, kaf, shirdard,  okaayi, peT-jhaRi. 

* 18.4.20: TesT +iv 

* 9, 26.5.20: TesT -iv du ber TesT.

* 28.5.20: bukhaar, shardard, cakkar, kaf, okaayi, peTjhaRi

* 5.6.20: TesT +iv dosar ber. >> BBC ke saujanya se.

Dr ke anusaar ee dubaaraa sankraman rahe, naa ki pahilaa ke awashesh.

.>>> Asal Prashna: Kaa MMS COVID-19 ke choRaave me` asafal baa, ki kavano dawaaiye naikhe eh bemaari ke?

>>>> Eh haal me` dekhee`


** SRA: YSA: [USA]:

Ee unnat desh aaj 3-3 bhayankar maar ke jhel rahal baa: Dis DevelaopD Nesan iz fesing 3 sTraong straakings:

1. Cin ke Wuhaan-Vaairas-Mahaamaari [The use of the word ‘Pandemic’ for ‘Epidemic’ is disgrace for people whose surnam is ‘Pande’] se 20 Laakh se jaadaa log Maralan, aa muate jaataaran.

Diu Tu Wuhaan-Vaairas-EpiDemik aof Caainaa, ovar 2 Million pipul lost deyar laaivs, aend iT iz inkreezing...

2. Cin ke Wuhaan-Vaairas-Mahaamaari ‘Vishaal Aarthik Maar’ delas. Diu Tu Wuhaan-Vaairas-EpiDemik aof Caainaa, YSA fesing laarj eknaomik losses.

3. Cin ke eh Mahaamaari se jana-jeevan barbaad ho ke rah gail baa. YSA iz ruinD Diu Tu dis Wuhaan-EpiDemik.

>> Baakir Donaald Tramp ‘Koronaa Mahaamaari’ ke haraa ke ab meeTing me` juT gailan Floridaa me`.

** पूर्ण वुहान-विषाणु-Vyaadhi वार्ता: 

Pooraa Wuhaan-Veezaanu Vaat: [Comprehensive Wuhan COVID-19 info.]:

Kamprihensiv Wuhaan KOVID-19 info:

Caainaa Tu Pe 1104 bUSD Tili YesTarDe: 

[China to Pay 1104 bUSD Compensation: 

to the kith & kin of the Dead in the World till yesterday, due to spreading nCoronavirus from Wuhan.

This amount does not include economic and other losses of the countries due to spreading Covid-19 in the World. 

** Vishwe Wuhaan-VeezaaNu [COVID-19]:

[Wuhanvirus killed over 1 Billiooon People]

Cina: prasaarita: Wuhaan-VeezaaNu Vishwe, yena yatra nyonatamam 1 Maran / 10K abhavat Sri: 28.07a.9120 paryantam te deshaa: santi neemne.

MosT saffaring kanTrees aof da WarlD with COVID-19 minimam 1 Deth / 10K aez aon 15.10.2020 KE:

Kr Sa. Sanskrite Inglish [English] Maran /10K. Deth/10K: 

1. सान मारिनो Saan Marino [San Marino] 12

2. पेरू:         Peru 10

3. बेल्जियम: Beljiam  [Belgium]  

4. ब्राज़ील:   Braazil  [Brazil] 7

5. बोलिविया Boliviaa [Bolivia] 7

6. स्पेन: Spe~n    [Spain]  7   

7. चिली      Cili [Chile] 7

8. अंडोरा Andoraa [Andora] 7

9. बर्तानिया Bartaaniyaa [UK]       

10. एक़ुआडोर: Ekuwaador [Ecuador] 6

11. सं. रा. अमेरिका YSA [USA] 6  

12. मैक्सिको Mexiko [Mexico] 6

13.  इटली ITali    [Italy]     

14. स्वीडन: Swiden [Sweden]

15.. पनामा Panaamaa [Panama] 5

16. सिंत मार्टिन: SintMaarten [Sint Marten] 5

17. कोलंबिया Kolombiaa   [Colombia] 5

18. फ्रांस: Fraans [France]    5

19.   अर्जेंटिना   ArjenTinaa [Argentina]    5


20. बोलिभिया Boliviaa [Bilivia] 4

21. उत्तरीदेश: Nadarlaend  [Netherland]

22. आयरदेश: Aayarlaend [Ireland] 3

23. आर्मेनिया Aarmeniaa   [Armenia] 3

24. उ.मकडोनियाN.MekDoniaa [N.Macadonia] 3

25. ईरान: Iraan [Iran] 3

26. मोंटेनिग्रो Montenigro 3

27. दक्षिण अफ्रिका daxin Afrikaa [South Africa] 3

28. अरुबा Arubaa [Aruba] 3

29. माल्दोवा Maldovaa [Maldova] 3

30. स्विटजरदेश: SwiTzarlaend [Switzerland] 2

31. कनाडा Kanaadaa  [Canada]  2

32. मोंटेसेराट: Monteserraat [Montesrrat] 2

33, चैनेल द्धीप: Caenel dweep  [Chanal Is] 2

34. मैन के द्धीप: Maen ke dweep [Is. of Man] 2

35. किर्गिजिस्तान: Kyrgyzstaan [Kyrgyjistan] 2

36. फ्रेंच गुइना Fr. Guinaa [Fr. Guinaa] 2

37. हॉण्डुराज Honduraaz [Honduras] 2

38. रोमानिया Romaaniaa [Romania] 2

39. बष्निया हरगोबिना Bosniaa Harzagobinaa 2

40. ईराक Iraak [Iraq] 2

41. सिंत मार्टिन Sint MaarTin [Sint Martin]    2

42. लक्सेम्बर्ग Laxembarg [Luxemburg] 2  

43. कोस्टा रिका KosTaa rikaa [Costa Rica] 2

44. पोर्तुगाल Portugaal [Portugaal]

45. इजराएल Israael [Israel] 2

46. डोमिनिकनरिपDominikanRip [DominicanRep] 2

47. ओमान Omaan [Oman] 2

48. Arubaa [Aruba] 2

49. गुआदेलोपे Guaadeloupe [Guadeloupe] 2

50. बहमा Bahamaas [Bahamas] 2

51. Caenel Aailaend [Chanel Is] 2

52. जर्मनी Jarmani [Germany] 1  

53. डेनमार्क Denmaark [Denmark] 1

54. ऑस्ट्रिया AsTriaa [Austria] 1

55. कुवैत Kuwait 1

56. मायोटे Maayotte [Mayotte] 1

57. बरमूडा Barmudaa [Bermuda] 1

58. मोनाको Monaako [Monaco] 1

59. रूस Rus Rassiaa [Russia]     1

0.   विश्व  Vishwa  Warld [World]      1

60. मायोटे Mayotte 1

61. गुअतेमला Guatemaalaa [Guatemala]      1

62. बहराइन Bahraain [Bahrain] 1

63,. सऊदी अरबिया SaudiArabiaa [Saudi Arabia] 1

64. अल सल्वाडोर El. Salvaador [Salvador] 1

65. किर्गिजस्तान Kirgijstaan [Kyrgyzstan] 1

66. तुर्की Tarki [Turkey] 1

67. अल्बानिया Albaaniyaa [Albania] 1

68. तुर्की आ केको Tarks-Kaiko [Turks & Caics] 1

69. बुल्गारिया Bulgaariaa [Bulgaria] 1

70. परागुए Paaraague [Paraguay] 1

71. कबो वर्दे  Kaabo Varde [Cabo Verde] 1

72. गुयना Guyanaa [Guyana] 1

73. युक्रेन Yukren [Eukraine] 1

74. हङ्गरी Hangari [Hungary] 1

75. Sjeciaa [Czechia] 1

76. Maaltaa [Malta] 1

77. Belije [Belize] 1

78. Surinaame [Suriname] 1

79. Barmudaa [Bermuda] 1

Pooraa Sansaar me` Cin Wuhaan-VeezaaNu-rogpar failawalas je se uupar ke deshan me` 100 log divangat bhailan.

In da ebav kanTreez minimam 100 parsans/M haev losT deyar laaif Diu Tu da 'WuhaanVaairas' spreD fraom Caainaa thruaauT da WarlD. . 

Dukhadaayakam: MaeTTar aof Greef: 

:Jeevan aa Maran: nKarunaat: 

Adhikatam Maran 6964/d abhavt Vishwe 17 April 2020 divase, 7-din saamaanyeekrite, 

Da peek 6964 Deths /d waaz aon 17 April 2020 @7-Dez ranning avarej. 

Poorna Navikaranam ucc 10 deshaanaam pratidin, 

Anye Navikaranam Ravivaaraat Sanivaara paryantam. 

Deli apDeTing faor Taop 10 KanTreez. Full apDeTng everi SanDe aez aon SaeTarD/

Idam na mahatvapoorNam yat kati janaa: Wuhaan-Mahaamaari [COVID-19] sankramitaa, vyaadi aagacchati- gamizyati saamaanyatayaa.. 

Parantu asahaneeya dukha tadaa bhavati, yadaa etat Mahaamaarinaa 'marati'. 

dis iz immeterial haau meni pipul aar poziTiv with COVID-19, sins aafTar geTTing kyorD, pipul forgeT aol, baT when a parsan daaiz with COVID-19, iT iz da rial greef!!! 

Sl no. desh Kantri Deths    Deth/M Populesan M PeekDe.Deth

0. Sansaar WarlD 1103057, 142. 7800, 6985 max. >17.4.2020.

Deth suru: De > Peek deth: De: slop D. Min.deth De: Slop D: 

27: 30.1.20. 1>113: 22.2.20: 5-6D. > 82: 6.3.20: 5-7D

2> 6985: 17.4.20: 85D > 4190: 30.5.20: 60D.

3> 5908: 11.8.20: 45D.

1. सं.रा.अ YSA [USA] 222717, 672, 331, 6958 > 19.4.20.

Deth suru: De 1>Max. deth: De:slop D > Min.deth De:lop D. 

2: 22.1.20    2> 123: 20.2.20.   4-5 D. > 69: 4.3.20: 2-3 D.

3> 6958: 19.4.20: 85 D. > 4277: 29.5.20: 60 D

4> 5859: 14.8.20: 45 D. > 5087: 8.9.20.

2. ब्राजील: Braazil [Brazil 152513, 716, 146, 1055 >23.7. 20.

Deth suru: De > Max. deth: De: slop D > Min.deth De:lop D. 

1: 19.3.20. 1> 1055: 23.7.20: 80 D.

3. भारत: Bhaarat Indiaa 112161, 81, 1380, 1166: 15-19.9.20.

Deth suru: De D > Max. deth: De: slop D > Min.deth De:lop D. 

14: 2.4.20 40D 1> 1166: 15-19.9.20: 40D. > 30D

4. मैक्सिको Mexkiko [Mexico] 85285, 659, 142, 800 >28.6.20

5. बर्तानिआ YK [UK] 43293, 637, 68, 942 >13.4. 20.

Deth suru: De > Max. deth: De: slop D > Min.deth De:lop D. 

2. 8.3.20. 1> 916: 12.4.20. 85D. > 8: 5.9.20: 65D.

6. इटली ITali [Italy] 36372, 602, 60, 801 >31.3.20.

7. पेरू:  Peru 33577, 1014, 33, 246 > 21.6.20

8. फ्रांस: Fraansa [France] 33125, 507, 65, 976 >8.4. 20.

Deth suru: De > Max. deth: De: slop D > Min.deth De:lop D. 

1: 4.3.20. 1> 976: 8.4.20. 85-86D > 8: 27.7.20.

9. स्पेन: Spen [Spain] 33553, 718, 87, 866 > 03.4.20

Deth suru: De > Max. deth: De: slop D > Min.deth De:lop D. 

13. 9.3.20. 1> 866:   3.4.20 85-88D. > 2: 5. 

10. ईरान:  Iraan [Iran] 29605, 351. 84,  141 > 6.4.20 

Deth suru: De > Max. deth: De: slop D > Min.deth De:lop D. 

2: 25.2.20. 1> 141: 6.4.20. 85-86D   > 53:

2> 216: 28.7.20. 65-75D   > 111: 2.9.20.

Upar ke sab 10 desh aapan CoTi pa pahu`cal baa Maran / d ke aadhaar pa, 7-dinan ke ausat se. dekhee` antim 2 Stambha

Aol da ebav 10 kanTrees haev reecD deyar peek aon da besis aof Deth/d with 7-dez aevarej, aez shown in laasT 2 kalyums.

** Eehe Cin desh nKoronaavizaaNu ke Wuhaan se saaraa sansaare me` faelaa ke KaroRo logan ke jaan lelas, aa Aarthik haani ke kaa kahal jaay!!! 

[China iz the country which spead nCoronavirus from Wuhan killing Millions of people, and cousing enormous economic losses to ovar  200 countries of the world. For such loss of life of persons, China must compensate minimum @ 1M USD / DeTh. i.e in total 1104 bUSD as on be paid by China to the nearest relative of the persons died due to COVID-19. spread from Wuhan, China.] 

Ee bhail COVID-19 se Taop 10 deshan ke lisT, je me` 100 logan se jaadaa ke 'Maran' bhail baa, 

Sri: 28.07a.9120 le. 

dis iz da lisT aof Taop 10 kantreez wheyar ovar 100 Deths in ToTal akkarD baail COVID-19 Till 15.10.2020.

> Khaali uupar ke 10 deshan ke roj navin kail jaai. Onli ebav Taop 10 kantTreez aar apDeTeD Deli.

11. Kolombiaa [Colombia] 27495, 539, 51, 326 >27.8.20 ?

12. Arjentinaa [Argentina] 23255, 513, 45, 222 >24.8.20

13. Rus Rassiaa [Russia] 22257, 152, 146, 177 >04.6.20

14. d.Afrikaa [S.Africa] 17547, 295, 59, 67 >16.6.20 

15.  Cili [Chile] 13220, 672, 19, 203 >12.6.20

16. Ekuaador [Ecuador] 12175, 687, 18, 129 >04.05.20

17. Indnesiyaa [Indonesia] 11677, 43, 273,  101 > 24.7.20

18. Beljiam [Belgium] 10151, 875, 12, 333 >16.4.20

19. Iraak [Iraq] 9735, 241, 40, 104 > 6.7.20

20. Jarmani [Germany] 9687, 116, 84, 231 >19.4.20

21. Kanaadaa [Canada ] 9585, 253, 38, 169 >08.5.20. 

22. Tarki [Turkey] 8325, 98, 84, 118 > 24.4.20

23. Boliviaa Boliviyaa [Bolivia] 8242, 705, 12, 85 > 5.8.20  

24. Paakistaan [Pakistan] 6558, 30, 221, 124 >21.6.20

25.   Uttaridesh [Natherland]. 6544, 382, 17, 151 > 07.04.20

26. Filippaains [Philippines]. 6152, 56, 109, 23 >16.4.20

27. Misra Ejipt [Egypt] 6027 59, 102, 89 >20.6.20

28. Sweden 5894, 583, 10, 105 > 22.4.20

29.  Banglaadesh [Bangladesh] 5477, 33, 165, 45 > 9.7.20

30. Romaaniaa [Romania} 5299, 276, 19, 25 >17.5.20

31. Saudi Arabiaa [Saudi Arabia] 4996, 143, 35, 42 > 21.6.20

32. Yukren [Ukraine] 4779, 109, 44, 18 >19.5.20

33.  Cin Caainaa [China] ** 4634. 3, 1439, 127 >18.2.20,185> 


34. Guatemaalaa [Guatemala] 3356, 186, 18, 44 >17.7.20

35. Poldesh Polaend [Poland] 2919, 77, 38, 28 >28.4.20

36. Morokko [Morocco] 2530, 68, 37, 8 >09.4.20

37.   Honduraas [Honduras] 2492, 251, 10, 40, > 1.8.20

38.   Panaamaa [Panama] 2474, 571, 4.3, 29 > 21.7.20

39. DominikanRip. [DominicanRep] 2165, 199, 11,

40. Switzarlaend [Switzerland] 2088, 241, 9, 58 >08.04.20

41. Portugaal [Portugal] 2062, 202, 10, 31 > 16.4.20

42. Izraael [Israel] 1886, 205, 9, 10 > 19.4.20

43.   Aayarlaend [Ireland[ 1821, 368, 4.9, 71 >25.4.20

44. Aljeriaa [Algewria] 1789, 41, 44, 20 >12.4.20  

45. Kazaakhstaan [Kazakstan] 1746, 93, 19, 38 > 2.8.20

46. Jaapaan [Japan] 1616, 13, 127, 21 >07.5.20 

47. Afgaanistaan   [Azerbaijan]  1472, 38,   39, 25 > 20.7.20

48. Maldovaa [Maldova] 1442, 368, 4, 10 >18.6.20

49. Ethiopiaa [Ethiopiya] 1271, 11, 115, 21 > 21.8.20 ?

50. Naaijeriaa [Nigeria] 1113, 5, 206, 15 >22.6.20

51, Kyrgyzstaan [Kyrgystan] 1077, 164, 6.5, 50 > 24.7.20

52. Kostaarikaa [Costa Rica] 1055, 207, 5.1, 11 >12.8.20?

53. Paraaguye [Parague] 1045. 146, 7.1, 19 > 7.9.20 ?

54. Aarmeniaa [Armenia] 1010,  341, 3, 13 > 27.6.20

55. Omaan           [Oman] 1009, 196, 5.1, 11 >5.8.20

56. Bosniaa Harz. [Harzgovina] 926, 283, 3.3, 6 >12.5.20

57. Hangari [Hungary] 913, 95, 10,  13 >21.4.20

58.   Szeciaa [Czechia] 905, 84, 11, 11 14.4.20

59. Austreliaa [Austrelia] 897, 35, 25, 4 >07.4.20

60. Bulgaariaa [Bulgaria] 887, 128, 6.9, 9 > 3.8.20

61. Belaarus [Belarus] 885, 94, 9, 6 >13.6.20

62, El Salwaador [El. Salvador] 881, 136, 6.5,  13 >10.8.20

63. Austriaa [Austria] 842, 35, 93, 22 >10.4.20

64.   Sudaan [Sudan] 836, 19, 44, 19 >01.6.20

65. N.Mekedoniaa [N. Macadonia] 781, 375, 2.1, 8 >22.6.20

66. Sarbiaa [Sarbia] 761, 87, 8.7, 6 >06.4.20

67. Kenyaa [Kenya] 755, 14, 13, 13 > 2.8.20

68, Venezuelaa [Venezuela] 684, 24, 54,    9 >14.8.20?

69. Denmaark [Denmark] 665, 115, 6, 16 > 09.4.20

70. Kuwait 649, 151, 4.3, 9 > 16.5.20

71. Libiyaa Libiaa [Libya] 621, 90, 6.9, 3 > 17.7.20

72. Azarbaejaan [Azerbaijan] 605, 60, 10.1, 8 > 24.7.20

73. Nepaal [Nepal] 600. 20, 29, 11 >4.9.20 ?

74. Yaman [Yemen] 593, 20, 30, 16 >19.6.20

75. Myamaar [Myanmar] 566, 10, 54

76. Uzbeistaan [Uzbekistan] 498. 15, 34,   7 > 27.8.20 ?

77. Lebnon 450, 66, 6.8,

78. UAE Sanyukta Arab Emaret 442, 45, 10, 10 > 09.5.20 

79. Grees [Greece] 431, 41, 10, 5 >07.4.20

80. S. Koriaa [South Korea] 430, 8, 51, 7 >29.3.20

81. Kaemaroon [Camaroon] 423, 19, 11, 13 > 21.6.20

82, Albaaniyaa  [Albania] 413, 144, 2.9 5 > 28.7.20

83. Tyunisia [Tunisia] 409, 35, 11.9

84. Palestaain [Palestine] 367, 71, 5.1,

85. Finlaend [Finland] 346, 62, 5.5 14 >27.4.20

86. Madaagaaskar [Madagaskar] 337, 9, 28. 5 > 30.7.20

87. Zaambia [Zambia] 336, 18, 18, 9 > 18.7.20

88, Senegal 313, 19, 17, 4 > 5.7-9.8.20

89. Kroesiaa [Croesia] 313, 76, 4.1, 4 > 3.5.20

90. Ghaanaa [Ghana] 306, 10, 31, 6 >20.6.20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

91, DR Kaongo [DRC] 276, 3, 89, 5 > 2.7.20

92, Naorwe [Norway] 275, 51, 5.4, 8 >09.4.20

93, Bahraain [Bahrain] 271, 158, 1.7, 4 > 3.7.20

94. Haiti 230, 20, 11, 4 >17.6.20

95. Zimbaabwe [Zimbabwe] 229, 15, 14.9, 6 > 5.8.20  

96. Kataar [Qatar] 219, 78, 2.8,  4 > 21.6.20

97.  Siriyaa [Syria] 218, 12, 18,

98.  Angolaa [Angola] 212, 6, 33,

99, Montenigro [Montenegro] 194. 309, 0.63

100. Malaawi [Malawi]    180, 9, 19, 6 > 28.7.20.

101. Jodaan [Jordan] 166, 16, 27,

102 Sloveniaa [Slovenia] 165, 79, 2.1, 4 >08.4.20

103. Mauretaaniaa [Mauretania] 163, 35, 4.6 5 >13.6.20

104. Niaaraaguaa [Nicaragua] 153, 23, 19, 3 > 28.5.20

105. Malaysiaa [Malaysia] 152, 5, 32, 5 > 4.4.20

106. Jamaikaa [Jamica] 132, 45, 3

107. Maali [Mali] 131, 6, 20, 2. >19.5.20

108. Laxembarg [Luxemburg] 130, 207, 0.63, 5 >11.4.20

109. Naamibiaa [Namibia] 127, 50, 2.55

110, Kyubaa [Cuba] 123, 11, 11.3

111. Ivori KosT [Ivori Coast] 120, 5, 26.

112. Gaambiaa [Gambia] 117, 48, 2.4

113. Eswaatini [Eswatini] 113, 97, 1.16

114, Surinaam [Suriname] 106, 180, 0.59

115. Hong Kong 105, 14, 7.5

115. Lithuaaniyaa [Lithuania] 103, 38, 2.7

116, Kongo [Congo] 102, 18, 5.54

116. Bahamaa [Bahamas] 102, 259, 0.39

118. Guyanaa [Guyana] 100. 127, 0.79

Upar ke 114 deshan me` kam se kam 100 log Maral baa nKoronaa [Covid-19] ke calate. 

In ebav lisT aof 114 kantreez aeT leesT 100 parsans haev DieD Diu Tu nKoronaa Vaairas. [COVID-19].

** Bhaarat Indiaa [India]:

* Ab Bhaarat me` Anlaok-V suru 1.10.2020 se, je me`:

> Malls, salons, restaurants, Gims with restrictioon may resume,  

>> More economic activities with distancing. >>> Schools, colleges to work on-line. Primary classes 0- 8th to remain closed.]


> Ek Praant se dusar praant me` aawe jaaye me` kawano EkaantVaas jaroori naikhe.

> Kaolej khulihansa sasart. 

>>>Dilli Metro calal 7.9.2020 se sasart.

* Bhaarat ke Praant aa UT me` nKoronaa se Maran 09.10.2020 le: Sab se kharaab haal baa:

1. Puduceri 399 Ma/M  

2. MahaaraasTra 323 Ma/M (Mumbai 460 Ma/M)

3. Delhi 237 Ma/M 


Bhaarat ke Praantan aa UT-ian ke haal 

Sri: 15.07a.9120:

STeTas aof STeTs & UT aof Indiaa: 02.10.2020: 

Kr.Sa State [Previas] Maran >JanSa M > Maran/M

1. A & N [PaasT] [53] 55 > 0.42 > 131 Ma/M

2. Aandhra Pradesh    [5869] 6159 > 54 > 114 Maran/M

3. Arunaacal Pradesh [16] 23 > 1.6 > 14 Ma/M

4. Assaam [715] 802  > 36 > 22 Ma/M 

5. Bihaar  [904] 934 > 125 > 7 Ma/M

6. Candigadh  [ ] 188 > 1.2 > 137 Ma/M 

7. Chattisgadh  [986]  1196 > 29 > 41 Ma/M

8. D & DH     [2] [2] 2 > 0.62 > 3 Ma/M 

9. Delhi  [4538] [4715] [4907]  [5147] [5401] 5693 > 24 > 237 Ma/M

10. Goaa [440] 491 > 16 > 31 Ma/M

11. Gujraat [3460] 3547 > 64 > 55 Ma/M 

12. Haryaanaa [1402] 1562  > 28  > 56 Ma/M 

13. HP [195] 245 > 7.5 > 33 Ma/M 

14. J & K [1198] 1306 > 14 > 93 Ma/M 

15. JhaaRkhand [721] 781 > 39 > 20 Ma/M

16, Kerala [771] 955 > 36 > 27 Ma/M

17. KarnaaTak    [8994] 9789 > 64  >153 Ma/M 

18. Ladaakh [61] 63 > 0.29 > 217 Ma/M 

19. Laxadweep 0 0 > 0.073 > 0   

120. MP [2181] [2336] 2574 > 83 > 31 M/M 

21. MahaaraasTra [26627] [29115] 31791] 35191] [37056] 39732

>123 > 323 Ma/M [2]

(BMC: Mumbai [6090] [6751] [7000] [7268] [7985] [8505] [9005] 450Ma/M 9296 >20 >465 Ma/M) 

(NTR: 13.9.2020: Mumbai 8067, Bangluru 2392, Chennai 2956??? (not upto date) 

22. Manipur [68] 86 > 3.1 > 28 Ma/M

23. Meghaalaya [51] 61 > 3.4 > 18 Ma/M.

24. Mizoram 0 0 > 1.2 > 0

25. Naagaalaend [17] 17 > 2.2 > 8 Ma/M

26. Orisha [859] 991 > 46 > 22 M/M 

27. PuDucerri  [437] 500] [525] 558 > 1.4 > 399 Ma/M [1] 

28. Panjaab  [3451] 3773 > 30 > 126 Ma/M 

29. Raajasthaan  [1500] 1621 > 81  > 20 M/M 

30. Sikkim [31] [39] 53 > 0.69 > 77 M/M 

32. TN  [7751] [9586] 10120 > 78 > 130 Ma/M 

32. Telanganaa [1145] 1217 > 39 > 21 M/M 

33. Tripuraa [286] 313 > 4.2 > 75 Ma/M 

34. UP [3843] [4869] [5517] [5864] 6293 >238  > 26 Ma/M 

35. Uttaraakhand [625] 716 > 11 > 65 Ma/M 

36. Pa.Ba. WB  [4721] [5017] 5501 >100 > 55 Ma/M 

Sab ToTal Bhaarat [50084] [55794] [62550] [71063] [78586] [85525]  [94534] 106490 > 1380 > 77 Ma/M

Bhaarat ke 36 Praantan aa UT me` se 10 me` 100 Maran / Million 

=> 1 Maran / Laakh caahe eh se jaadaa bhail baa 02.10.2020 le; jabki sab Maran: haraahari 72 Ma/M = 7 maran / Laakh bhail baa.

Auru dekhee`: Pleez haev a look.


InBho: "AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri" 6म बरीस 6m Baris: sins: 19.07.2015 KE > 17.04.9115 से शुरुआत se suruaat.

आज  9119 में भोजपुरी संसार के 50-सो देशन के 200 M से जादा लोग बोलेलन. 

InBho, "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" के आधार प काम करेला ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.  

Today in 2019: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri.

InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool" and requests the Governments of these countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language".]

प्रकाशक: Prakaashak: [Publisher]:

सर्वाधिकार प्रकाशक के पास सुरक्षित Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit: 12.7.9119.

Aul raaiTs rizarvD with da Pablishar: [All rights reserved with the Publisher]: 11.10.2019.

[Please donate to Dr Deo Dutta Sharma / InBho Rupee 100 / USD: 1 through ICICI Bank Account No. 025501002121].  

अउरु Auru baa kanTiniuD [continued


16.10.2020 InBho इन-भो 




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