Wednesday, 31 January 2018

20 disqualified Delhi MLAs > Case Under Review by Delhi HC InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 31.01.2018 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी:

20 disqualified Delhi MLAs > Case Under Review by Delhi HC
InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 31.01.2018
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri" 

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar:
** 20 AAP MLA ke, eke ber me` Ayogya:
20 AAP working MLAa Disqualified in 1 stroke:
Dilli High Court 20 AAP MLA ke kes ke 
'division Bench'. Kes ke sunawaai caalu baa.
Delhi High Court transferred the case of disqualification to 'division Bench', and the case is under review.
* Pichalaa din 'Dilli Ucca Nyaayaalaya', 'Nirvaacan Aayog' ke kahalan ki uu Dilli MLA logan ke upChunaaw ke din mat kahas.
Delhi High Court said to the Election Commisssion of India, that they should not declare date of bi-election in Delhi, till they decide on disqualified Delhi Lawmakers. 
* 20 AAP working MLAs Disqualified in India by the Election Commission and accepted by the President of India; although they say they didn't take any extra remuneration and facilities as stated by them and as stipulated in Delhi Govt Law; 
However, they worked and worked for the people for which they were disqualified > >
Since in India "no elected representative like MPs and MLAs is supposed to work in the interest of the people" 
once they become MPs and MLAs; 
 they have to carry on 'only legislative business and nothing else', but in Delhi the 20 MLAs worked as Secretary.
>> Except for the sesson of Parliament and Assembly, MPs and MLAs have to simply take their salaries and remuneration; and 
must not work for the people or country 
in any other manner, lest they get disqualified.
>>> This is India. 

** Recognition of 'Bhojpuri language': Bhaarat me`
Kongres Saasan Sri: 9052 se "Bhojpuri baasaa" ke khlaaf kaam karataa.
Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi sab ke kahalan: 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' Bhaarat ke bhaashaa hoi.
Sab Bhojpuria log aash lagavale baaRe uu dinwaa ke jab 'Bhojpuri bhaashaa ke Bhaarat Saasan se maanyataa mili okaraa ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan ke 8-vee` me` saamil kail jaai.
Indian PM Narendra Modi has ensured Indians: "Bhojpuri  Language will be India'a Language".
Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh says; it is a matter of procedural time, 'Bhojpuri language' will be recognised.
All the Bhojpuri speakers eagerly awaiting to se 'Bhojpuri Language' is included included in the VIII Schedule.

** 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa',  'Bhojpuri Language':  
Karib 12.5% Bhaarat ke log aa 2.7% Sansaar me` Bhojpuri bolele. 
Baakir Bhaarat Sarkaar ke abahi`o “Bhojpuri Bhaasaa” ke maanyataa debahee` ke baa.
 About 12.5% Indians and 2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW. 
However, Govt. of India has yet to recognize Bhojpuri.
>>> Bhaarat ke BJP ke Modio Shaasan ke 3 baris ho gail, baakir aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan 
ke AshTam Anucuci me` naa saamil kail gail. Kaa karas becaaroo, voTe laRe se chuTTee naikhe.
Baakir eh pa baat khoob hotaa.
Ee baRaa dukh ke baat baa.
Laagataa "Bhojpuri Bhaashaa ke kawano maai-baap 
naikhe Bhaarat me`".
Atane naaa kuch log aapan swaarth bas, eh bhaasaa se dusmanio karele. 
Now BJP Modi Government of India has completed 3 years, but so far "Bhojpuri Language" is not yet included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
This is pitiable. 
Possibly, in India no body is there to take care of "Bhojpuri Language". On the other hand, due to the vested interests, 
some people are againt 'Bhojpuri Language'.

*** Kawano desh pa aakraman aa unadhikrit hawaai bam giraawal aa aakraman kail, sab ke ghinaai kare laayak holaa.
Attacking any country or unauthorised air-bombing or on any ground is condemnable by all. 

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri. 
2.7 % people speak WW. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe. Baakir BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9117 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2017: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]

31.01.2018 InBho

Monday, 29 January 2018

Delhi High Coart to Decide on 20 disqualified Delhi MLAs InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 29.01.2018 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी:

Delhi High Coart to Decide on 20 disqualified Delhi MLAs
InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 29.01.2018
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri" 

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar:
** 20 AAP MLA ke, eke ber me` Ayogya:
20 AAP working MLAa Disqualified in 1 stroke:
Dilli High Court 20 AAP MLA ke kes ke 
'division Bench' ke de dele.
Delhi High Court transferred the case of disqualification to 'division Bench'.
* Pichalaa din  'Dilli Ucca Nyaayaalaya',  'Nirvaacan Aayog' ke kahalan ki uu Dilli MLA logan ke upChunaaw ke din mat kahas.
Delhi High Court  said to the Election Commisssion of India, that they should not decllare date of election of bi-election in Delhi, till they decide on disqualified Delhi Lawmakers. 
* 20 AAP working MLAs Disqualified in India by the Election Commission and accepted by the President of India; although they say they didn't take any extra remuneration and facilities as stated by them and as stipulated in Delhi Govt Law; 
However, they worked and worked for the people for which they were disqualified > >
Since in India "no elected representative like MPs and MLAs is supposed to work in the interest of the people" 
once they become MPs and MLAs; 
 they have to carry on 'only legislative business and nothing else', but in Delhi the 20 MLAs worked as Secretary.
>> Except for the sesson of Parliament and Assembly, MPs and MLAs have to simply take their salaries and remuneration; and 
must not work for the people or country 
in any other manner, lest they get disqualified.
>>> This is India.

** Sanaatanaarya: Sanatanaryas:
***  Pt Ambika Datta Sharma said: "Sanatanaryas" 
in all Religions, varrying from 95% to 20%.
Sanatanarya Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma >> Social Reformist, 
 Sanatannarya Vladimir Ilych Lenin >> 
Practical Communism. 
 Sanatanarya Mahatma Gandhi >> 
Satya Ahimsa

Sri: 9000-9100 ke 3 mahaan purusan me` samaanataa: 
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi, Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Acaarya Pt Ambika Datta Sharmaa. 
1. Teeno Sanaatanaarya hawan, "Je sab bhootan ke neeman caahele, sajeev aa nirjeev":
Sanaatanaarya Mahaatma Gaandhi, 
Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Sanaatanaarya Acaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa.
All the 3 are Sanatanaryas: "Who look good to all beings, living and non-living":
Sanatanarya Mahatma Gandhi, 
Sanatanarya Vladimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Sanatanarya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma.

2. Teeno ke Janam Sri: 9000 me` bhail rahe:
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi ke janam bhail Sri: 8969 me`,
Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin ke janam bhail Sri: 8970 me`,
Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa ke janam bhail Sri: 8996 me`,
All the 3 were born in 19 th Century CE:
YOB of Mahatma Gandhi: 1869 CE,
YOB of VI Lenin: 1870 CE, 
YOB of AD Sharma: 1896 CE.
3. VI Lenin diwangat bhailan Sri: 9024 me`, jabaki duno Mahaatmaa Gaandhi aa Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa diwangat bhailan 9048 me`.
VI Lenin expired in 1924 CE, where as both Mahatma Gandhi and Pt Ambika Datta Sharma expired in 1948 CE. 
4. Teeno Kraantikaari rahan: 
All the 3 Persons were revolutionaries:
> Mahaatmaa Gaandhi Sansaar me` pahile pahile 
"Satya-Ahinshaa" ke astra se oh Bartaaniyaa ke Bhaarat choRawawalan jekaraa sattaa me` Sooryaaste naa hot rahe Prithvi pa.
Mahatma Gandhi adopted weapon of 'Satya-Ahinsha' first time in the World, with which could made British to leave India in whose reign the Sun was not setting on the Earth.

>>> VI Lenin 'Volsevik Kraanti' ke netaa 
"Soviet Sangha Ganatantra", USSR banawalan Saamyavaad ke aadhaar pa.
VI Lenin lead 'Volshevik Revolution' to form 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republic': USSR in Russia and neighboring countries based on the Doctrine of 'Communism', equalities of mankind as whole, 
the 1st step of 'Sanatanarya' Doctrine”.
>>> Aacarya Pt. Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, Bhaarateeya Samaaj ke karib 500 Jaatian ke, khaali 4 jaatiyan me` samaahrit kailan, 
aa darjano Mat-mataantaran me` "Sanaatanaarya" khojalan. 
 Acharya Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma revolutionized the Society assimilating 100s of casts into just 4 casts, and found  "Sanatanaryas" cutting across the demarketing lines of the religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, ...etc. 

** Recognition of 'Bhojpuri language': Bhaarat me`
Kongres Saasan Sri: 9052 se "Bhojpuri baasaa" ke khlaaf kaam karataa.
Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi sab ke kahalan: 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' Bhaarat ke bhaashaa hoi.
Sab Bhojpuria log aash lagavale baaRe uu dinwaa ke jab 'Bhojpuri bhaashaa ke Bhaarat Saasan se maanyataa mili okaraa ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan ke 8-vee` me` saamil kail jaai.
Indian PM Narendra Modi has ensured Indians: "Bhojpuri  Language will be India'a Language".
Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh says; it is a matter of procedural time, 'Bhojpuri language' will be recognised.
All the Bhojpuri speakers eagerly awaiting to se 'Bhojpuri Language' is included included in the VIII Schedule.

** 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa',  'Bhojpuri Language':  
Karib 12.5% Bhaarat ke log aa 2.7% Sansaar me` Bhojpuri bolele. 
Baakir Bhaarat Sarkaar ke abahi`o “Bhojpuri Bhaasaa” ke maanyataa debahee` ke baa.
 About 12.5% Indians and 2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW. 
However, Govt. of India has yet to recognize Bhojpuri.
>>> Bhaarat ke BJP ke Modio Shaasan ke 3 baris ho gail, baakir aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan 
ke AshTam Anucuci me` naa saamil kail gail. Kaa karas becaaroo, voTe laRe se chuTTee naikhe.
Baakir eh pa baat khoob hotaa.
Ee baRaa dukh ke baat baa.
Laagataa "Bhojpuri Bhaashaa ke kawano maai-baap 
naikhe Bhaarat me`".
Atane naaa kuch log aapan swaarth bas, eh bhaasaa se dusmanio karele. 
Now BJP Modi Government of India has completed 3 years, but so far "Bhojpuri Language" is not yet included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
This is pitiable. 
Possibly, in India no body is there to take care of "Bhojpuri Language". On the other hand, due to the vested interests, 
some people are againt 'Bhojpuri Language'.

*** Kawano desh pa aakraman aa unadhikrit hawaai bam giraawal aa aakraman kail, sab ke ghinaai kare laayak holaa.
Attacking any country or unauthorised air-bombing or on any ground is condemnable by all. 

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri. 
2.7 % people speak WW. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe. Baakir BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9117 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2017: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]

29.01.2018 InBho

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Sanaatanaarya: Sanatanaryas: InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 28.01.2018 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी:

Sanaatanaarya: Sanatanaryas:
InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 28.01.2018
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri" 

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar:

** Sanaatanaarya: Sanatanaryas:
***  Pt Ambika Datta Sharma said: "Sanatanaryas" 
in all Religions, varrying from 95% to 20%.
Sanatanarya Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma >> Social Reformist, 
 Sanatannarya Vladimir Ilych Lenin >> 
Practical Communism. 
 Sanatanarya Mahatma Gandhi >> 
Satya Ahimsa

Sri: 9000-9100 ke 3 mahaan purusan me` samaanataa: 
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi, Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Acaarya Pt Ambika Datta Sharmaa. 
1. Teeno Sanaatanaarya hawan, "Je sab bhootan ke neeman caahele, sajeev aa nirjeev":
Sanaatanaarya Mahaatma Gaandhi, 
Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Sanaatanaarya Acaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa.
All the 3 are Sanatanaryas: "Who look good to all beings, living and non-living":
Sanatanarya Mahatma Gandhi, 
Sanatanarya Vladimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Sanatanarya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma.

2. Teeno ke Janam Sri: 9000 me` bhail rahe:
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi ke janam bhail Sri: 8969 me`,
Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin ke janam bhail Sri: 8970 me`,
Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa ke janam bhail Sri: 8996 me`,
All the 3 were born in 19 th Century CE:
YOB of Mahatma Gandhi: 1869 CE,
YOB of VI Lenin: 1870 CE, 
YOB of AD Sharma: 1896 CE.
3. VI Lenin diwangat bhailan Sri: 9024 me`, jabaki duno Mahaatmaa Gaandhi aa Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa diwangat bhailan 9048 me`.
VI Lenin expired in 1924 CE, where as both Mahatma Gandhi and Pt Ambika Datta Sharma expired in 1948 CE. 
4. Teeno Kraantikaari rahan: 
All the 3 Persons were revolutionaries:
> Mahaatmaa Gaandhi Sansaar me` pahile pahile 
"Satya-Ahinshaa" ke astra se oh Bartaaniyaa ke Bhaarat choRawawalan jekaraa sattaa me` Sooryaaste naa hot rahe Prithvi pa.
Mahatma Gandhi adopted weapon of 'Satya-Ahinsha' first time in the World, with which could made British to leave India in whose reign the Sun was not setting on the Earth.

>>> VI Lenin 'Volsevik Kraanti' ke netaa 
"Soviet Sangha Ganatantra", USSR banawalan Saamyavaad ke aadhaar pa.
VI Lenin lead 'Volshevik Revolution' to form 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republic': USSR in Russia and neighboring countries based on the Doctrine of 'Communism', equalities of mankind as whole, 
the 1st step of 'Sanatanarya' Doctrine”.
>>> Aacarya Pt. Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, Bhaarateeya Samaaj ke karib 500 Jaatian ke, khaali 4 jaatiyan me` samaahrit kailan, 
aa darjano Mat-mataantaran me` "Sanaatanaarya" khojalan. 
 Acharya Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma revolutionized the Society assimilating 100s of casts into just 4 casts, and found  "Sanatanaryas" cutting across the demarketing lines of the religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, ...etc. 

** Recognition of 'Bhojpuri language': Bhaarat me`
Kongres Saasan Sri: 9052 se "Bhojpuri baasaa" ke khlaaf kaam karataa.
Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi sab ke kahalan: 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' Bhaarat ke bhaashaa hoi.
Sab Bhojpuria log aash lagavale baaRe uu dinwaa ke jab 'Bhojpuri bhaashaa ke Bhaarat Saasan se maanyataa mili okaraa ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan ke 8-vee` me` saamil kail jaai.
Indian PM Narendra Modi has ensured Indians: "Bhojpuri  Language will be India'a Language".
Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh says; it is a matter of procedural time, 'Bhojpuri language' will be recognised.
All the Bhojpuri speakers eagerly awaiting to se 'Bhojpuri Language' is included included in the VIII Schedule.

** 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa',  'Bhojpuri Language':  
Karib 12.5% Bhaarat ke log aa 2.7% Sansaar me` Bhojpuri bolele. 
Baakir Bhaarat Sarkaar ke abahi`o “Bhojpuri Bhaasaa” ke maanyataa debahee` ke baa.
 About 12.5% Indians and 2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW. 
However, Govt. of India has yet to recognize Bhojpuri.
>>> Bhaarat ke BJP ke Modio Shaasan ke 3 baris ho gail, baakir aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan 
ke AshTam Anucuci me` naa saamil kail gail. Kaa karas becaaroo, voTe laRe se chuTTee naikhe.
Baakir eh pa baat khoob hotaa.
Ee baRaa dukh ke baat baa.
Laagataa "Bhojpuri Bhaashaa ke kawano maai-baap 
naikhe Bhaarat me`".
Atane naaa kuch log aapan swaarth bas, eh bhaasaa se dusmanio karele. 
Now BJP Modi Government of India has completed 3 years, but so far "Bhojpuri Language" is not yet included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
This is pitiable. 
Possibly, in India no body is there to take care of "Bhojpuri Language". On the other hand, due to the vested interests, 
some people are againt 'Bhojpuri Language'.

*** Kawano desh pa aakraman aa unadhikrit hawaai bam giraawal aa aakraman kail, sab ke ghinaai kare laayak holaa.
Attacking any country or unauthorised air-bombing or on any ground is condemnable by all. 

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri. 
2.7 % people speak WW. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe. Baakir BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9117 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2017: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]

28.01.2018 InBho

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Delhi High Coart to Decide on 20 disqualified Delhi MLAs InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 27.01.2018 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी:

Delhi High Coart to Decide on 20 disqualified Delhi MLAs
InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 27.01.2018
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri" 

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar:
** ASEAN: Top 10 Leaders in Delhi: 
10 ASEAN Netaa Dilli me`:
'ASEAN 25-m Kheyaali Meet' Sri: 24.11.9117 Dilli me`.
'Samundar Saath aa Suraxaa', visay pa bhail.

'ASEAN 25th Commemorative Submit' held in Delhi on 25.01.2018.
'Meritime Cooperation and Security', the Theme.
PM Nguyen Fuk, Vietnaam. PMs Cambodiyaa, Singaapur, ThaailaenD, Malysia, and Laaos. Filippaain ke Adhyax .  Varmaa Kaunsilar Aung San Suu Kyi. Brunei Darussalam le Sultaan. Indonesiyaa ke Adhyax Joko Widodo.
ASEAN - Bhaarat Ucca Milaap.
PM Nguyen Phuk, Vietnam. PMs Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, Malysia, and Laos.
The President of Philippines. Myanmar State Councillar Aung San Suu Kyi. Sultan of Brunei Darussalam. Indonesian President Joko Widodo.
ASEAN - India Summit inaguratedby PM Modi  and 
this year's ASEAN Chair, Singapore PM Lee Husien Loong. 
26.01.2018 ke  Bhaarat Ganatantra Divas

26.01.2018 ke Bhaarat ke Ganatantra divas ke Pared pa, ee log Saamil Mukhya Atithi banalan,
On 26.01.2018, at the Republic Day of India 
they were the Joint Chief Guests at the parade.

** 20 AAP MLA ke, eke ber me` Ayogya:
20 AAP working MLAa Disqualified in 1 stroke:
* Pichalaa din  'Dilli Ucca Nyaayaalaya',  'Nirvaacan Aayog' ke kahalan ki uu Dilli MLA logan ke upChunaaw ke din mat kahas.
Delhi High Court  said to the Election Commisssion of India, that they should not decllare date of election of bi-election in Delhi, till they decide on disqualified Delhi Lawmakers. 
* 20 AAP working MLAs Disqualified in India by the Election Commission and accepted by the President of India; although they say they didn't take any extra remuneration and facilities as stated by them and as stipulated in Delhi Govt Law; 
However, they worked and worked for the people for which they were disqualified > >
Since in India "no elected representative like MPs and MLAs is supposed to work in the interest of the people" 
once they become MPs and MLAs; 
 they have to carry on 'only legislative business and nothing else', but in Delhi the 20 MLAs worked as Secretary.
>> Except for the sesson of Parliament and Assembly, MPs and MLAs have to simply take their salaries and remuneration; and 
must not work for the people or country 
in any other manner, lest they get disqualified.
>>> This is India.

** Sanaatanaarya: Sanatanaryas:
***  Pt Ambika Datta Sharma said: "Sanatanaryas" 
in all Religions, varrying from 95% to 20%.
Sanatanarya Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma >> Social Reformist, 
 Sanatannarya Vladimir Ilych Lenin >> 
Practical Communism. 
 Sanatanarya Mahatma Gandhi >> 
Satya Ahimsa

Sri: 9000-9100 ke 3 mahaan purusan me` samaanataa: 
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi, Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Acaarya Pt Ambika Datta Sharmaa. 
1. Teeno Sanaatanaarya hawan, "Je sab bhootan ke neeman caahele, sajeev aa nirjeev":
Sanaatanaarya Mahaatma Gaandhi, 
Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Sanaatanaarya Acaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa.
All the 3 are Sanatanaryas: "Who look good to all beings, living and non-living":
Sanatanarya Mahatma Gandhi, 
Sanatanarya Vladimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Sanatanarya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma.

2. Teeno ke Janam Sri: 9000 me` bhail rahe:
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi ke janam bhail Sri: 8969 me`,
Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin ke janam bhail Sri: 8970 me`,
Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa ke janam bhail Sri: 8996 me`,
All the 3 were born in 19 th Century CE:
YOB of Mahatma Gandhi: 1869 CE,
YOB of VI Lenin: 1870 CE, 
YOB of AD Sharma: 1896 CE.
3. VI Lenin diwangat bhailan Sri: 9024 me`, jabaki duno Mahaatmaa Gaandhi aa Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa diwangat bhailan 9048 me`.
VI Lenin expired in 1924 CE, where as both Mahatma Gandhi and Pt Ambika Datta Sharma expired in 1948 CE. 
4. Teeno Kraantikaari rahan: 
All the 3 Persons were revolutionaries:
> Mahaatmaa Gaandhi Sansaar me` pahile pahile 
"Satya-Ahinshaa" ke astra se oh Bartaaniyaa ke Bhaarat choRawawalan jekaraa sattaa me` Sooryaaste naa hot rahe Prithvi pa.
Mahatma Gandhi adopted weapon of 'Satya-Ahinsha' first time in the World, with which could made British to leave India in whose reign the Sun was not setting on the Earth.

>>> VI Lenin 'Volsevik Kraanti' ke netaa 
"Soviet Sangha Ganatantra", USSR banawalan Saamyavaad ke aadhaar pa.
VI Lenin lead 'Volshevik Revolution' to form 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republic': USSR in Russia and neighboring countries based on the Doctrine of 'Communism', equalities of mankind as whole, 
the 1st step of 'Sanatanarya' Doctrine”.
>>> Aacarya Pt. Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, Bhaarateeya Samaaj ke karib 500 Jaatian ke, khaali 4 jaatiyan me` samaahrit kailan, 
aa darjano Mat-mataantaran me` "Sanaatanaarya" khojalan. 
 Acharya Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma revolutionized the Society assimilating 100s of casts into just 4 casts, and found  "Sanatanaryas" cutting across the demarketing lines of the religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, ...etc. 

** Recognition of 'Bhojpuri language': Bhaarat me`
Kongres Saasan Sri: 9052 se "Bhojpuri baasaa" ke khlaaf kaam karataa.
Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi sab ke kahalan: 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' Bhaarat ke bhaashaa hoi.
Sab Bhojpuria log aash lagavale baaRe uu dinwaa ke jab 'Bhojpuri bhaashaa ke Bhaarat Saasan se maanyataa mili okaraa ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan ke 8-vee` me` saamil kail jaai.
Indian PM Narendra Modi has ensured Indians: "Bhojpuri  Language will be India'a Language".
Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh says; it is a matter of procedural time, 'Bhojpuri language' will be recognised.
All the Bhojpuri speakers eagerly awaiting to se 'Bhojpuri Language' is included included in the VIII Schedule.

** 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa',  'Bhojpuri Language':  
Karib 12.5% Bhaarat ke log aa 2.7% Sansaar me` Bhojpuri bolele. 
Baakir Bhaarat Sarkaar ke abahi`o “Bhojpuri Bhaasaa” ke maanyataa debahee` ke baa.
 About 12.5% Indians and 2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW. 
However, Govt. of India has yet to recognize Bhojpuri.
>>> Bhaarat ke BJP ke Modio Shaasan ke 3 baris ho gail, baakir aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan 
ke AshTam Anucuci me` naa saamil kail gail. Kaa karas becaaroo, voTe laRe se chuTTee naikhe.
Baakir eh pa baat khoob hotaa.
Ee baRaa dukh ke baat baa.
Laagataa "Bhojpuri Bhaashaa ke kawano maai-baap 
naikhe Bhaarat me`".
Atane naaa kuch log aapan swaarth bas, eh bhaasaa se dusmanio karele. 
Now BJP Modi Government of India has completed 3 years, but so far "Bhojpuri Language" is not yet included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
This is pitiable. 
Possibly, in India no body is there to take care of "Bhojpuri Language". On the other hand, due to the vested interests, 
some people are againt 'Bhojpuri Language'.

*** Kawano desh pa aakraman aa unadhikrit hawaai bam giraawal aa aakraman kail, sab ke ghinaai kare laayak holaa.
Attacking any country or unauthorised air-bombing or on any ground is condemnable by all. 

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri. 
2.7 % people speak WW. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe. Baakir BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9117 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2017: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]

27.01.2018 InBho

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

20 AAP working MLAa Disqualified in India in 1 stroke InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 24.01.2018

20 AAP working MLAa Disqualified in India in 1 stroke
InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 24.01.2018
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri" 

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar:
** 20 AAP working MLAa Disqualified in India by the Election Commission and accepted by the President of India; although they say they didn't take any extra remuneration and facilities as stated by them and as stipulated in the Delhi Govt Law; 
However, they worked and worked for the people for which they were disqualified > >
Since in India no elected representative like MPs and MLAs is supposed to work in the interest of the people; 
once they become MPs and MLAs; 
of cource the have to carry on legislative business and nothing else, as they did as Secretary.
>> Except for the sesson of Parliament and Assembly, MPs and MLAs have to simply take their salaries and remuneration; and 
must not work for the people or country 
in any other manner.
>>> This is India.

** Vishwa Aarthik Manc 9117, 
World Economic Forum 2018

** Sanaatanaarya: Sanatanaryas:
***  Pt Ambika Datta Sharma said: "Sanatanaryas" 
in all Religions, varrying from 95% to 20%.

Sanatanarya Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma >> Social Reformist, 

 Sanatannarya Vladimir Ilych Lenin >> 
Practical Communism. 

 Sanatanarya Mahatma Gandhi >> 
Satya Ahimsa

Sri: 9000-9100 ke 3 mahaan purusan me` samaanataa: 
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi, Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Acaarya Pt Ambika Datta Sharmaa.

1. Teeno Sanaatanaarya hawan, "Je sab bhootan ke neeman caahele, sajeev aa nirjeev":
Sanaatanaarya Mahaatma Gaandhi, 
Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Sanaatanaarya Acaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa.
All the 3 are Sanatanaryas: "Who look good to all beings, living and non-living":
Sanatanarya Mahatma Gandhi, 
Sanatanarya Vladimir Ilyic Lenin, 
Sanatanarya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma.

2. Teeno ke Janam Sri: 9000 me` bhail rahe:
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi ke janam bhail Sri: 8969 me`,
Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin ke janam bhail Sri: 8970 me`,
Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa ke janam bhail Sri: 8996 me`,
All the 3 were born in 19 th Century CE:
YOB of Mahatma Gandhi: 1869 CE,
YOB of VI Lenin: 1870 CE, 
YOB of AD Sharma: 1896 CE.

3. VI Lenin diwangat bhailan Sri: 9024 me`, jabaki duno Mahaatmaa Gaandhi aa Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa diwangat bhailan 9048 me`.
VI Lenin expired in 1924 CE, where as both Mahatma Gandhi and Pt Ambika Datta Sharma expired in 1948 CE. 

4. Teeno Kraantikaari rahan: 
All the 3 Persons were revolutionaries:
> Mahaatmaa Gaandhi Sansaar me` pahile pahile 
"Satya-Ahinshaa" ke astra se oh Bartaaniyaa ke Bhaarat choRawawalan jekaraa sattaa me` Sooryaaste naa hot rahe Prithvi pa.
Mahatma Gandhi adopted weapon of 'Satya-Ahinsha' first time in the World, with which could made British to leave India in whose reign the Sun was not setting on the Earth.

>>> VI Lenin 'Volsevik Kraanti' ke netaa 
"Soviet Sangha Ganatantra", USSR banawalan Saamyavaad ke aadhaar pa.
VI Lenin lead 'Volshevik Revolution' to form 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republic': USSR in Russia and neighboring countries based on the Doctrine of 'Communism', equalities of mankind as whole, 
the 1st step of 'Sanatanarya' Doctrine”.

>>> Aacarya Pt. Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, Bhaarateeya Samaaj ke karib 500 Jaatian ke, khaali 4 jaatiyan me` samaahrit kailan, 
aa darjano Mat-mataantaran me` "Sanaatanaarya" khojalan. 
 Acharya Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma revolutionized the Society assimilating 100s of casts into just 4 casts, and found  "Sanatanaryas" cutting across the demarketing lines of the religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, ...etc. 

** Recognition of 'Bhojpuri language': Bhaarat me`
Kongres Saasan Sri: 9052 se "Bhojpuri baasaa" ke khlaaf kaam karataa.
Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi sab ke kahalan: 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' Bhaarat ke bhaashaa hoi.
Sab Bhojpuria log aash lagavale baaRe uu dinwaa ke jab 'Bhojpuri bhaashaa ke Bhaarat Saasan se maanyataa mili okaraa ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan ke 8-vee` me` saamil kail jaai.
Indian PM Narendra Modi has ensured Indians: "Bhojpuri  Language will be India'a Language".
Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh says; it is a matter of procedural time, 'Bhojpuri language' will be recognised.
All the Bhojpuri speakers eagerly awaiting to se 'Bhojpuri Language' is included included in the VIII Schedule.

** 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa',  'Bhojpuri Language':  
Karib 12.5% Bhaarat ke log aa 2.7% Sansaar me` Bhojpuri bolele. 
Baakir Bhaarat Sarkaar ke abahi`o “Bhojpuri Bhaasaa” ke maanyataa debahee` ke baa.
 About 12.5% Indians and 2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW. 
However, Govt. of India has yet to recognize Bhojpuri.
>>> Bhaarat ke BJP ke Modio Shaasan ke 3 baris ho gail, baakir aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat ke Samvidhaan 
ke AshTam Anucuci me` naa saamil kail gail. Kaa karas becaaroo, voTe laRe se chuTTee naikhe.
Baakir eh pa baat khoob hotaa.
Ee baRaa dukh ke baat baa.
Laagataa "Bhojpuri Bhaashaa ke kawano maai-baap 
naikhe Bhaarat me`".
Atane naaa kuch log aapan swaarth bas, eh bhaasaa se dusmanio karele. 
Now BJP Modi Government of India has completed 3 years, but so far "Bhojpuri Language" is not yet included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
This is pitiable. 
Possibly, in India no body is there to take care of "Bhojpuri Language". On the other hand, due to the vested interests, 
some people are againt 'Bhojpuri Language'.

*** Kawano desh pa aakraman aa unadhikrit hawaai bam giraawal aa aakraman kail, sab ke ghinaai kare laayak holaa.
Attacking any country or unauthorised air-bombing or on any ground is condemnable by all. 

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri. 
2.7 % people speak WW. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe. Baakir BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9117 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2017: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]

24.01.2018 InBho

Sunday, 21 January 2018

भोजपुरी जरनल Bhojpuri Journal सृ. Maagh 9117 January 2018 CE

भोजपुरी जरनल  Bhojpuri Journal
सृ. Maagh 9117  January 2018 CE

भोजपुरी जरनल > एगो  ग्लोबल  मासिक  जरनल: 
जे "अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी इस्कूल" के उद्देश प काम करेला, जे नीचे देल गइल बा.
जे संसार के सब भोजपुरिआ लोगन आ भोजपुरी प्रेमीयन से निहोरा करता कि एह उद्देस  के आधार प
 रउआ आपन "भोजपुरी कृती, रचना"  
'भोजपुरी जरनल' सम्पादक के पास भेज दीं;
जदी ई कृति, रचना एह जरनल के उद्देस के अनुसार होइ त,
ऒकरा के जरनल में खुसी खुसी स्थान देल जाइ, बिना कवनो मुआवजा के.  

Request to one and all:
“Bhojpuri Journal” > is a Global Monthly Journal which works on the basis of  "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" as given below:
And requests all speakers and lovers of Bhojpuri Language and Culture to send their ‘work’ to the publisher for publication in this journal, which when found in accordance with the aims of "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool", will be published in the Journal.

“Bhojpuri Journal” > Ego Global Maasik Jarnal ha
je "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke aadhaar pa kaam karelaa
je neece del gail baa:
Je Sansaar ke sab Bhojpuria logan aa Bhojpuri premian se nihoraa karataa ki eh uddes ke aadhaar pa, rauaa aapan "Bhojpuri Kriti, racanaa"
Bhojpuri Journal ke Sampaadak ke paas bhej dee`,
jadi ee Kriti eh jarnal ke uddes ke anusaar hoi, ta okaraa ke eh jarnal me` khusi khusi sthaan del jaai, binaa kawano muaavajaa ke.

सम्पादक: "भोजपुरी जरनल":
डा पंडित देवदत्त  शर्मा : ईमेल: Mob. +918826601985

Editer: "Bhojpuri Journal":
: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma. Email: Mob. +918826601985

"भोजपुरी जरनल" के उद्देस: Aims of "Bhojpuri Journal" ke Uddes:

"अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी इस्कूल", 'Inbho', 'भोजपुरी जरनल'  के उद्देस:
'AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, 'InBho', 'Bhojpuri Journal' ke uddes:
'अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी इस्कूल ' संसार के ऊ लोगन के एगो इस्कूल ह, जे भोजपुरी भाषा , कला , साहित्य, आ संस्कृति से प्रेम करेलन आ एह  सभन  के औरु जादा  सीखे  आ बढ़ावे के चाहेलन.  
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’, Sansaar ke uu logan ke ego ‘eSkool’ ha~, je Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Saahitya aa Sanskriti se prem karelan, aa eh sabhan ke auru jaadaa seekhe aa baD*aawe ke caahelan.

भोजपुरी भाषा के जरिए ई लोग विज्ञान, कला,  मेडिअ , तकनिकी, मैनेजमेंट, पत्रकारिता,
खेती, व्यापार, आ दूसर धंधा में
"संसार में लीक से हट  के ज्ञानवर्धनो करे के उद्देस रखेलन,
बिना कवनो जाती, रेलिजन, के भेद भाव के,
सब के कल्यान खातिर."        
Bhojpuri bhaasaa ke jarie ee log Vigyaan, Kalaa, MeDiaa, Taknaki, ManejmenT, Patrakaaritaa,
Kheti, Vyaapaar aa dusar dhandhaa me`
“Sansaar me` leek se haT ke Gyaanvardhano kare ke uddes rakhelan
binaa kawano jaati, relijan ke bhed bhaav ke,
sab ke Kalyaan khaatir”.
[Aim of International Bhojpuri eSkool, InBho, Bhojpuri Journal:
‘International Bhojpuri eSkool’, is a school for those persons who love Bhojpuri language, art, 
literature, culture and wish to learn and develop the same.
The enhancement of Science, Art, Media, Technology, Management, Journalism, Agriculture, Business
and other Professions also aiming for
“Enhancing the knowledge without sticking to the conventional methodologies for the good of all:
irrespective of tribes, ethnicity, religions, country or planet of origin".

Hamni ke 'Global Bhojpuri', InBho, 'Bhojpuri Journal' ke ‘Roman’ caahe ‘Devanaagari’ lipi me` likh sakile "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke anusaar.
We may use either Roman or Devanagari script for writing 'Global Bhojpuri', InBho and 'Bhojpuri Journal'
according to the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".  

**  25.10.2017  Demand to include Bhojpuri in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India
Credit: Journal of multi - Disciplinary Research ISSN: 2348 - 2052, Vol.1, Issue 6
"A Brief Study of the Language Specified into Schedule VIII of the Indian Constitution."
By Dr MD Sohel Rana, Asstt. Prof., English Language, Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
> This Study paper is worth seeing.

** 'Bhojpuri ke Suruaat' 
Dher log kuchuo kuchuo likhale baaRe
'Bhojpuri ke Suruaat' pa, baakir hamaraa ee naikhe samajh me` aail ki kaa 'Bhojpuri ke Suruaat' ke Raajaa Bhoj se kuchuo lebe debe ke baa ki naa?
Ehee se Da Pt Deva Datta Sharmaa ke
 "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Suruaat pa ego Khoj"
neece del jaataa:

भोजपुरी भाषा के इतिहास भूगोल 
Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Itihaas Bhoogol
History Geography of Bhojpuri Language

(द्विभाषी Dwibhaasi Bilingual: भोजपुरी Bhojpuri bho, English en)

संसकरण - Sanskaan: 2sar. "Bhojpuri Jarnal" 18.06.9117 2nd Edition in "Bhojpuri Journal" 25.08.2017 CE
            "International Bhojpuri eSkool" InBho: Sri: 26.12.9113, 13.03.2014 AD > 1st Edition

लेखक: डा पंडित देवदत्त शर्मा  Lekhak: Da Pt Deva Datta Sharmaa
By Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharama

सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित: लेखक प्रकाशक भोजपुरी जरनल' के पास.
बाकिर एकर कवनो भाग के उपयोग कइल जा सकेला, सही  उद्धरण के साथ 
Sarvaadhikaar Suraxit: Lekhak, aa Prakaashak 'Bhojpuri Jarnal' ke paas.
Baakir ekar kawano bhaag ke upayog kail jaa sakelaa, sahee uddharan ke saath.

            All Rights reserved with: The Author, and Publisher: 'Bhojpuri Journal'.
                However, any part of this Book can be reproduced with proper reference, except for the commecial uses.

ॐ श्री गणेशाय नमः 
Om Shri Ganeshaaya nama:
Bowing to Lord Ganesh

भोजपुरी भाषा के इतिहास भूगोल 
Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Itihaas Bhoogol
History Geography of Bhojpuri Language

  Today on 25.08.2017 CE => आज सृ. Aaj Sri 18.06.9117
=> विक्रमाब्द: भादो अँजोरीया चउठ 2074 गणेशोत्सव, श्री गणेश चतुर्थी.  
Vikramaabda: Bhaado A`joriyaa CauTha 2074 Ganeshotsav,
Shri Ganesh Caturthi.

विषय सूचि  Content

0.  शुरुआती Suruaati Introduction
1.  2-सर संसकरण  सृ 18.06.9117, श्री गणेश चतुर्थी  2-sar Sanskaran Sri: 18.06.9117, Shri Ganesh Caturthi.
[History Geography of Bhojpuri: 1st Edition 13.03.2014, 2nd Edition:
1.1 प्रादुर्भाव काल: Praadurbhaav Kaal: [Developmental Era]: 25.08.2017 (For detail: Go to posts of previous days)]
          1.2  उद्भव स्थल Udbhav Sthal: [Place of Origin]

2.  भोजपुरी भाषा के संकेत उपभाषा  Bhojpuri Bhashaa ke Sanket aa Upabhaashaa [Lanuagge Code of Bhojpuri and its Dialects]

3. संसार के 15 भाषा में भोजपुरी के स्थान  Sansaar ke 15 Bhaashaa me` Bhojpuri ke Sthaan [Position of Bhojpuri among 15 most spoken Languages.]

4. संसार में भोजपुरी के लोकप्रियता Sansaar me` Bhojpuri ke Lokapriyataa [Popularity of Bhojpuri in the World]

          5. भोजपुरी साहित्य Bhojpuri Saahitya [Bhojpuri Literature.]

6. भोजपुरी साहित्य एकेडमी मध्य प्रदेश,  भारतBhojpuri Saahitya AkaDemi, Madhya Pradesh [Bhojpuri Liturature Academy]
          7. भोजपुरी एकेडमी Bhojpuri Academies [Bhojpuri AkeDami]

8. प्रसिद्ध भोजपुरिया लोग Prasiddha Bhojpuriyaa Log [Famous Bhojpuri Persons

0.  शुरुआती Suruaati Introduction

0.1 "सृ. 9117” के पूरा रूप: "Sri: 9117" ke pooraa roop:
"सृष्ट्याब्द 1 972 949 117” ha, जे ऋग्वेद (संगीतमय ज्ञान के धरोहर) के अनुसार, ई बतावेला कि आज से पक्का अतने बारिस पहिले
"धरती प पहिला जीवधारी के जनम भइल" 

"SrizTyaabda 1 972 949 117" je Rigveda (Sangeetmay Gyaan ke dharohar) ke anusaar ee bataawelaa ki atane baris pahile
"Dharati pa pahilaa Jeevadhaari ke janam bhail."

Sristyabda Sri: 9117” in its full form means:
“Sristyabda: 1 972 949 117”, which according to Rigveda (The Singing Treasure of             Knowledge) shows that ‘The Year of Sristi = Birth of ‘the First Living Being’ on the        Earth occurred exactly: 1 972 949 117 years ago from now, (2017 CE).

0.2 भोजपुरी आज संसार के 15 सब से ज्यादा बोले जाए वाला भाषा सब  में 7म                           स्थान प बा (नीचे देखीं). 
बाकिर भारते में एकरा के सृ 9047 से 9114 तक निकम्मा दुराव करे वाला कांग्रेस आ UPA सरकार मान्यता ना देलस. 

Bhojpuri aaj Sansaar ke 15 sab se jaadaa bole jaaye waalaa bhaasaa sab me` 7m sthaan pa baa (neece dekhi`).
Baakir Bhaarate me` ekaraa ke Sri: 9047 se 9114 tak nikamma duraaw karewaalaa UPA Sarkaar Maanyataa naa delas.

अब भारत के प्रगतिशील NDA सरकार "भोजपुरी भाषा" के सँविधान के 8 म अनुसूची शामिल करे प काम करता, आशा बा कि जल्दीए एकरा के मान्यता मिली. 
Ab Bhaarat ke pragatisheel NDA Sarkaar "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke                        Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil kare pa kaam karataa, aashaa baa ki  jaldiye ekaraa ke maanyataa mili.

                Now Bhojpuri is the 7th among the 50 most common languages of the   World (see below details).
            However, Bhojpuri was not recognized by the non-working discriminatory UPA Government of India from 1947 CE to 2014 CE, but now the new progressive NDA Government of india has taken actions for inclusion of "Bhojpuri Language" under Article-8 of the Constitution, there by recognizing the same.

भोजपुरी  इतिहास भूगोल: 1म संस्करण 26.12.9113. (विस्तार खातिर पहिले के पोस्ट देखीं Vistaar khaatir pahile ke post dekhi` rauaa).
Bhojpuri ke Itihaas Bhoogol: 1m Sanskaran: 26.12.9113. (Vistaar khaatir  pahile ke kuch din ke post dekhi` rauaa).

 History Geography of Bhojpuri: 1st Edition 13.03.2014.
1.   2-सर संसकरण  सृ 18.06.9117, श्री गणेश चतुर्थी  2sar Sanskaran Sri: 18.06.9117, Shri Ganesh Caturthi.
[History Geography of Bhojpuri: 1st Edition 13.03.2014, 2nd Edition, 25.08.2017 (For detail: Go to posts of previous days)]:

1.1    प्रादुर्भाव काल: Praadurbhaav Kaal: [Development Era]:   
आज  विक्रमाब्द 2074 => आज से पक्का 2074 बरिस पहिले  श्री विक्रमादित्य के राजगद्दी भइल रहे उज्जैन, भारत में, जे सब भारतीय गिनत आवतारे, बाकिर पच्छिमी इतिहासकार के ई सब  मालुमे नइखे.           
Aaj Vikramaabda 2074 => Aaj se pakkaa 2074 baris pahile Shri Vikramaaditya ke Raajagaddi bhail rahe Ujjain, Bhaarat me` je sab Bhaarateeya ginat aawataare, baakir Pacchimi Itihaaskaar ke ee sab maalume naikhe*1.

             भारतीय लोगन के अनुसार श्री राजा भोज, श्री विक्रमादित्य पीढ़ी में 6, 7 पुस्त बाद भईल रहे. एह से जदी 1 पुस्त में 30 बारिस बीतत रहे, त भोज राजा श्री विक्रमादित्य के 180 से 210 बरिस बाद भइलन.
एह से राजा भोज के शासन काल भइल विक्रमाब्द 180 से 210 = ~ 200  => आज से 2074 - 200 = 1874 बरिस पहिले. 
     Bhaarateeya logan ke anusaar Shri Raajaa Bhoj, Shri Vikramaaditya ke peeD*ee me` 6, 7 pust baad bhail rahan. Eh se jadee 1 pust me` 30 baris beetat rahe, ta~ Bhoj Raajaa Shri vikramaaditya ke 180 se 210 baris baad bhaile.
             Eh se Raajaa Bhoj ke Saasan kaal bhail Vikramaabda 180 se 210
             = ~ 200 => Aaj se 2074 - 200 = 1874 Baris pahile.

             जदि 60 - 70 बरिस 'भोजपुरी भाषा' के उद्वव के संक्रमण काल मानल जाय त, 'भोजपुरी भाषा' के जनम भइल ~ 210 CE, चाहे विक्रमाब्द ~ 267 में. 
Caahe KhrisTyaabda 2017 - 1874 = 143 CE.
             Jadi 60 se 70 baris 'Bhojpuri Bhaasaa' ke udbhav ke sankraman  kaal maanee jaa, ta
             Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke Janam kaal bhail ~ 210 CE, caahe  Vikramaabda ~ 267 me`. 

Raja Bhoj had been in KhrisTyaabda: 257 CE

***      Bhojpuri Sri: ~7300 - 7400 me` suru bhail.
=>   सृष्टयाब्द SrizTyaabda: 1 972 947 367 or  सृ Sri: 7367 छोट में choT me`.
=>   भोजपुरी आज 1700 - 1800 बरिस के भइल Bhojpuri aaj 1700 - 1800 baris          ke bhail.
        Bhojpuri is 1700 - 1800 year old today.
        Bhojpuri Started in the 3rd and 4th Centuri CE.

1.2  उद्भव स्थल Udbhav Sthal: Place of Origin:

1.2.1    "आरा, छपरा, आ बल्लिया  के त्रिपुण्ड” जेकर केंद्र बा ‘ज्ञानपुर’ "Knowledge Park"; जे में से पहिलका दुनो भोजपुर आ सारण जिला बिहार में बा, आ बल्लिया उत्तर प्रदेश  में, जहवा` से भोजपुरी के विस्तार शुरू भइल.         
"Aaraa, Chapraa aa Balliaa Jilan ke tripunDa" se Bhojpuri ke vistaar suru bhail, jekar kendra "Gyanpuram*2: Knowledge Park" me` baa; je me` pahilkaa duno Bihaar me` baa, jabki antim baa Uttar Pradesh me`.

Bhojpuri started developing from "The triangle of Ara, Chapra and Ballia" whose center is village 'Gyanpuram: Knowledge Park’; and of which the former two lie in Bhojpur and Saaran districts of Bihar, whereas the latter one is a district of Uttar Pradesh.

भारत में उत्तर प्रदेश में बिहार से ज्यादा भोजपुरिआ लोग बाड़न. 
Bhaarat me` Uttar Pradesh me` Bihaar se jaadaa Bhojpuriaa           log baaRan.
            There are more Bhojpurias in Uttar Pradesh than in Bihar in India.

आज भारत के 6 प्रांतन में भोजपुरी बोलल जाला: बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश, झाड़खंड, मध्य प्रदेश, छत्तीसगढ़ आ दिल्ली में.
दूसर प्रांतन  के अनेक जिला में आ बड़ बड़ शहरन भोजपुरी बोलल जाला: आसनसोल, दुर्गापुर, विशाखापट्टनम, दुर्ग - भिलाई, मुंबई, राउरकेला आदि 
Aaj Bhaarat ke 6 praantan me` Bhojpuri bolal jaalaa: Bihaar, Uttar Pradesh, JhaaRakhanD, Madhya Pradesh, ChattisgaD*a, aa Dilli.
Dusar praantan ke anek jilaa me` aa baR baR shaharano me` Bhojpuri bolal jaalaa; jaise Aasansol, Durgaapur, VijagaapaTTanam, Durg-Bhilaai, Mumbai, Raaurkelaa, aadi me`. 
Today in 6 provinces Bhojpuri is in use, like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarha and Delhi.
Dusar praantan ke anek jilaa me` aa baR baR shaharano me` Bhojpuri bolal jaalaa; jaise Aasansol, Durgaapur, VijagaapaTTanam, Durg-Bhilaai, Mumbai, Raaurkelaa, aadi me`.
In many other provinces and large cities Bhojpuri is in use like in Asansol, Durgapur, Vishakhapattanam, Durg-Bhilai, Mumbai, Raurkela etc.

1.2.2 भाषा विज्ञान Bhaazaa Vigyaan: Linguistic Science:
Bhaazaa Vigyaan ke anusaar “Bhojpuri Bhaashaa" ke udgam: khaas           ka ke Sanskrit, Praakrit aa Paali bhaashaa sab se bhail baa je me`       dosaro bhaashaa ke sabda milal baaRe sa. Dekhi neece:
According to Linguistic Science Bhojpuri has developed from Sanskrit, Prakrit and Paali languages, borrowing many words and phrases from other local languages as well as fromPasto, Faarsee etc as shown below:
               0.  संस्कृत  Sanskrit
            >  1  स्तर 1m Star > प्राकृत पाली  Praakrit and Paali
            >>        2 -सर स्तर 2-sar Star >> Bhojpuri, Banglaa, Awadhi, Maithili, Magahi,                                   Raajasthaani, ChattisgaD*i, Bajjikaa, Angikaa ...
`          >>>     3-सर स्तर 3-sar Star >>> Hindi, Urdu, ...
                Tip.-1.  Upar se saaf baa ki Bhojpuri ta~ Hindi ke booaa ha, naa ki dialect jaisan ki Dher Hindi ke log                   kahelan, aa dekhaadekhi dosaro log kahelan. Saayad oh logan ke ‘Bhaashaa Vigyaan' ke                                            abcd-o naikhe maalum, aisan laagataa.
               0.   Sanskrit
            >    1st Level > Praakrit and Paali
            >>        2nd Level >> Bhojpuri, Banglaa, Awadhi, Maithili, Magahi,                              Raajasthaani,  ChattisgaD*i, Bajjikaa, Angikaa ...
`          >>>     3rd Level >>> Hindi, Urdu, ...
               Note-1:     Thus, Bhojpuri, Bangla, Awadhi, ... languages are the grand-daughters  of Sanskrit.
                                Hindi, Urdu are the Niece of Bhojpuri, Bangla, Awadhi, ...  languages.
                                Bhojpuri is not a dialect of Hindi as many 'Hindi Educationists, GOI officials etc say, due to the                                          vested interest or ignorance.

1.2.3 भोजपुरी साहित्य एगो "दृश्य -श्रव्यकाव्य” 
 Bhojpuri Sahitya: ego "drishya-Shravya-Kaavya":
                   Bhojpuri Literature: An AuDio-Visual-Art:
             “Bhojpuri” jekar janam ta~ Sri: 7300 - 7400 me` Madhya Bhaarat ke Bhopaal ke niyare Bhojpur me` bhail jahawaa Raajaa Bhoj*1 ke raaj rahe, uhe Raajaa Bhoj jeh pa "Kahaa` Raajaa Bhoj, aa kahaa` Bhojawaa teli" ke kahaaut pooraa Uttari bharat me` prasiddha baa;
             jekar raaj A se A (Anga-pradesh se Afgaanistaan) tak rahe.
             Ehee gharee 'Bhojpuri Bhaasaa' ke janam bhail, baakir ekar Saahitya aaj ke jamaanaa ke “drishya-Shravya- kaavya” ke roop me` jor sor se kooT kooT ke bharal baa, je TV, film, Cinemaa aa InTerneT ke 'MakaRjaal pa poore Sansaar me` caaro or pasral baa. 
                        Kaa ee jaroori baa ki kawano Saahitya ke bikaas khaali kaagaje                               aa kalame se hokhe?
                        Kaa hajaaro baris tak 'Saswar Veda PaaTh' se Sanskrit Sahitya                               ke bikaas naa bhail?
Kaagaj pa Veda sab pustakaalayan ke sobhaa बढ़ावता baD*aavataa, katanaa log okaraa ke paD*ataaran, baakir 'Lokmaanya Brhmacaryaashram', Muzaffarpur me` jab Aacarya Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma ke saath, Brahmacaari log Veda ke Saswar PaaTh karat rahan, ta सैकड़ो SaikaRo log okaraa ke khaali dekhate naa rahlan, baluk oh me` aapan beTaa, bhateejaa logano ke Brahmacaari bane khaatir bhejat rahan.
Aajo jab kuch log Veda PaaTh karelaagelan, ta Dher log sunanihar aa dekhanihaar jamaa ho jaalan. Ehe ha “drishya-Shravya- kaavya” ke prabhaav. Ehi tarah ke prabhaav Daans-Draamaa, Geet-Sangeet ke holaa, caahe uu 'reel pa hokhe ya rial', TV pa caahe Cinemaa me`, caahe NeT pa, naa ki kaagaj pa.
मोटा मोटी हम कह सकतानी कि “गइल कागज़ पोथी के साहित्य के तिलिस्म!” जइसे: मोबाइल के ज़माना में आज कागज़ के चिट्ठी  फुस्स. 
                        MoTaa moTee ham kah sakataani ki gail kaagaj- pothi ke                                          Sahitya ke tilism! Mobaail ke jamaanaa me` aaj kaagaj ke citThi                                    fuss!!
Although Bhojpuri originated between 300 CE to 400 CE during the reign of King Bhoj Raajaa, whose rule spread from 'A to A' Assam to Afghanistan  but now itself the literature of Bhojpuri is developing fast throughout the world in the form of ‘Audio-visual-Art’ on TV, film, Cinema, and www.
In early 20th Century when the Brahmachaaris used to do Oral Recital of Rigveda (The Singing Treasure of Knowledge) and other Vedas in Modafalpuram (present Muzaffarpur, India) with Acharya Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma, hundreds of people young and old, men and women, boys and girls used to watch and listened the same. Not only this, the rich and poor used to send their sons, nephews etc to Lokamanya Brahmacharyashram as Brahmacaari .
Such is the strength of "Audio Visual-Art"; adopted now by the "Bhojpuri Language".
Bhojpuri was born 1700 to 1800 years ago from now (2017 CE) when the use of Paper was rare. Bhojpuri People live in 'real scientific world', not in the World of imaginations full of lies and often based on lies written in the form of 'Stories and Novels' what is popularly called Literature or Sahitya.
1.3     पसराव आ विस्तार Pasaraav, Vistaar: [Spread]:
Aaj Bhojpuri Bhaasaa, Sansaar ke 5 Mahaadesan ke dasio desan me` 20 - 25 karoR bolewaalaa log baaRan*3. Ekar Saahitya “drishya-shravya-kaavya” ke roop me` hokhe ke kaaran, aaj Bhojpuri ke psaraav globali din dugunaa raat cargunaa horahal baa.
Today Bhojpuri Language is spoken by 200 to 250 million people in  dozens of countries spread over 5 Continents*3. Bhojpuri literature with its ‘AuDio-visual-art’ is growing by lips and bounds.
Ee baat puraanpanthi saahityakaar logan ke samajha ke baahar laagataa, je aajo kavitaa maane avaigyaanik ‘jhooTh ke moTari’-e samajhelan, upanyaas me` jhooTh-mooTh, alool jalool ke baat likhal rahelaa. Eehe haalat adhikaa`s kahaanio ke baa.
                        This is not understandable by the literary persons of old school for                                            whom by and large, literature means Stories and Novels full of                                      unscientific, un-natural write-ups packed with bundles of lies.
*1.                   History written by Western Historians is mum, not only on Raajaa Bhoj but also on his ancestor, Chakravarti Raajaa Vikramaaditya (of Mahaakavi Kaalidas fame with Raajdhaani at Ujjain, not Patna); the 'Vikramaabda' started about 57 years before the start of Khristyaabda: 0 AD or 0 CE.
Since Indians are reckoning, counting and celebrating the colorful day every year as 'Start of the New Year, known as 'Vikramaabda' or 'Vikram Samvat' after the end of Holikaa Dahan day on which almost all Indian festivals are celebrated; some Bhojpuria log simply laugh at the History written by Western Historians or by their followers.

*2.                   Jaha`waa se Mahaatmaa Gaandhi Sri: 9017 [09.04.1917 AD] ke din Pt. Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa ke ‘Gyaanpur’, district Bhojpur, Bihaar ke ghar se Bhaarat ke A`greji Saasan se Swatantrataa ke laRaai suru bhail.

*3.                   Vistaar: Bhojpuri ke vistaar hamani ke ‘Bhojpur' (Bhopaal ke najdeek, Madhya Pradesh), se le ke Bhojpur jilaa, Bihaar, aur feru Ara, Chapra, Ballia’ Bihaar aur Uttar Pradesh se nikal ke aaju ke Bhaarat ke UP, Dilli, Bihaar, JhaarkhanD, ChattisgaD*a, Madhya Pradesh, Pachimi Bangaal  (Aasansol, Raaniganj, Durgaapur, 24 Paragnaa, Haaoraa, Kolkaataa aadi me`), Assam; 9 Praantan me`; aur Mumbai, Raurkela, Vishaakhaapattam, Allahaabaad, Bangaluru, NCR Delhi, aadi saharan me`; auru Bhaarat se baahar Nepaal, Pakistaan, Maurisas, Guyanaa, Surinaam, Trinidaad, Singaapore, Fiji me`; fer thoR bahut Holland, Malaysiaa, UganDaa, USA, Germany
         (17 000), EnglainD, AusTraliaa, Banglaadesh,  jaisan beeso desan                       me` failal baa.

[Expansion: Starting from Bhojpur (near Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh) and from "The Triangle of Ara, Chapra and Ballia" in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, today in India Bhojpuri is used UP, Dilli, Bihar, Jhadkhand, Chattisgarh, MP, West Bengal, (Asansol, Raniganj, Durgapur, 24 Paragna, Haora, Kolkata etc.), Assam: in 9 Provinces; and Mumbai, Rourkela, Vishakhapattanam, Allahabad, Banglore, NCR Delhi, and outside India in Nepal, Pakistan, Mauritius, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad, Singapore, Fiji; and to some extent in over 20 countries like  Holand, Malaysia, Uganda, USA, Germany (17 000), England, Australia, Bangladesh.]

[The UPA Government of India has put hurdle in getting proper place of Bhojpuri among the languages of the World by not including Bhojpuri in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India and and depriving Bhojpuri her proper position right from the independence of India.]

!.4                    भोजपुरी के  विकास में  सिनेमा के स्थान
Bhojpuri ke Bikaas me` Sinemaa ke Sthaan:
[The Place of Cinema in the Development of Bhojpuri]:
Aise ta~ Bhojpuri Vikramaabd: 210 me`, Sri: 7367 me` janam bhail, baakir Sri: 9000 [Beesavi Sadi] se ekar bikaas je gati pakaRalas, ta~ ee ab ruke waalaa naikhe, aur aage calate jaai, baD*ate jaai.
Eh me` Bhojpuri Sinemaa ke bahut baRahan haa`th baa.
[As we know Bhojpuri started in 267 AD, but in the 1900 onwards (Twentieth Centuri AD) the way its growth started, it now grows and grows, In this the credit goes to Bhojpuri Nautanki & Cinema. Who is not aware of Nautankis of Bhikhaari Thaakur, Cinemas of Naazir Hussain, Kum Kum in 'Gangaa Maiyaa tohe Piyari CaD*aibo', 'Sasuraa BaRaa Paisaa Waalaa' aadi.]

Ab ta~ Bhojpuri sinemaa ke baaD*e aa gail baa. Dher daxin Bhaarateeya sinemaa ke Bhojpuri me` dhaRalle se Dab kail jaataa.
[Now Bhojpuri Cinema is flooded everywhere. Many South Indian films are being dubbed in Bhojpuri.]

Jah`waa log Bhojpuri kabahu` naa bolat rahan, uu`ha`uu ab log Bhojpuri sinemaa ke baRaa caaw se dekhelan, jaise Mithilaa ke Darbhangaa Jilla, Bajjikaa ke Mujaffarpur ab “Muzaffarpur, Bhopuri Film Citi” ban gail baa.
[Where nobody was speaking Bhojpuri, now there also people enjoy Bhojpuri Cinema such as in Darbhanga District of Mithila, Muzaffarpur of Bajjika region has now become Muzafaarpur, Bhojpuri Film City.]
2.  Bhojpuri Bhaasaa ke KoD aa Upbhaashaa:
            [Language Code of Bhojpuri and its Dialects]:

2.1       Bhojpuri ke Language KoD: ISO: 639-2: bho
[Language Code of Bhojpuri: ISO 639-3: bho – inclusive Code
                              : hns – Caribbean Hindustani

2.2   [Eleven Dialects of Bhojpuri are shown below:]
भोजपुरी के 11 उपभाषा Bhojpuri ke 11 Upbhaashaa neece dekhi`: Bhojpuri:

2.2.1    दक्षिणी मानक भोजपुरी Daxini Maanak Bhojpuri, [Southern Standard]:
Bhojpur, Rohtaas, Kaimur, Baxar (all 4 of Ara, Chapra, Ballia Triangle me`), Saaran, Siwaan, Gopaal Ganj (all 3 of Ara, Chapra, Ballia Triangle me`) in Bihaar, and Balliaa (of Ara, Chapra, Ballia Triangle), and Eastern Ghaazipur in Uttar Pradesh, Palaamu, Raanchi in JhaarkhanD, Sargujaa (Ambikaapur) in ChattisgarD*a.
2.2.2    उत्तरी मानक भोजपुरी Uttari Maanak Bhojpuri, [Northern Standard]:
[Deorea, Gorakhpur, and Basti in Uttar Pradesh, Champaran East and West in Bihar.]

2.2.3    पच्छिमी मानक भोजपुरी Pascimi Maanak Bhojpuri, [Western Standard]:
Vaaraanasi, AazamgaD*a, Mirzaapur, Ghaazipur Uttar Pradesh me`.

2.2.4     नागपुरिआ  Naagpuria:
Chotaanaagpur ke Palaamu Jilla je ab JhaarkhanD Praant me` baa, aur ChattisgaD*a ke Sargujaa (Ambikaapur) Jilla me` ekaraa ke bolal jaalaa.
(BaghelkhanDi ke roop me` ee Madhya pradesh me` bolal jaalaa, baakir ee log ekaraa ke Bhojpuri naa maane, eh se ekaraa ke ham eehaa` Bhojpuri me naikhi let.)

2.2.5    Nepaal me` Bhojpuri ke 4 roop, Upbhaazaa baa: 
     [4 dialects of Bhojpuri in Nepal]:
Thaaru Bhojpuri, Mdhesi, Domraa, Musahri
2.2.6    मौरिसिअन  भोजपुरी Maurisas me` Maurisian Bhojpuri  [Mauritian in Mauritius]:
2.2.7    फिजी में फीजियन  भोजपुरी Fiji me` Fijian [in Fiji 'Fijian Bhojpuri']:
2.2.8     कैरिबियन भोजपुरी गुयाना में  'Kaireebian Bhojpuri' Guyanaa me`
[Caribbean Hindustani in Guyana]:
2.2.9    सूरीनामी भोजपुरी  Surinaam me`: Surname [in Surinam: Surname]:

2.2.10  कैरिबियन त्रिनिडाडी भोजपुरी Kaireebbian Trinidaadi Bhojpuri'  Trinidaad aur Tobago me`:[in Trinidad &  Tobago: Caribbean Trinidadi Bhojpuri]:

2.2.11 “अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी” संसार में  ‘AntarrazTreey Global Bhojpuri’ poore Sansaar me`, SiTi sab me` jawan   Bhojpuri holaa, je me` dosar lokal bhasaa ke sabd aur kahaauto milal   rahelaa, jaisan eehaa` likhal baa:

['International global Bhojpuri' used all over the world and in many Metros written in Roman or Devanadari script using many local words and phrases.]
Jaisan ki “AntarraazTreey Bhojpuri eSkool” pa likhal baa, dekhi` Google Blogger pa [in all over the World either with Roman Script or Devanaagari Lipi me`, as shown in the book “Pracalit Bhojpuri” on and explained by “International Bhojpuri eSkool” on Blogger , and on the regular Publications of “भोजपुरी Mitram global Bhojpuri eDainik” on and elsewhere like the book entitled “Kaliyug me Satyug” in Bhojpuri and English on .]

3.         Bhojpuri ke sahi sthaan Sansaar ke 15 sabse Pracalit bhaazaa ke beec,  Sri:     9100 me` 6m baa, 'Bangaali aur Portugeez' ke beec.
            Source: Ethnologue.
            [The position of Bhojpuri among the 15 most common languages of the            world in 2000 AD is 6th between Bengaali and Portugese.]:   Language                  Speakers*, mln          Countries**
Kr.Sa` Bhaasaa                                 Bolelan                       Desh Sa`
1.         Mandarin, Cini Chinese       874,                              16
2.      Hindi, Bhaarat India           366,                                  17
3.      Angreji English              341,                           104
4.      Speni Spanish               327 se 358,                      43
5.      Bangaali, India, B'des   207,                            9
6a.     Bhojpuri,                        205,                           12
6.      Portugaali Portugese     176,                            33
7.      Rusi   Russian              167,                                          30
8.      Japaani Japanese            125,                           26
9.      Jarman German, Sd       100,                            40
10.     Koriaai Korian               78,                            31
11.     Fransisi French               77,                            53
12.    Wu Cini Chinese,              77,                                      1
13.    Javaani Javanese               75,                          4
14     Yue Cini Chinese              71,                          20
15.    Telagu, Bhaarat                69,                           7
Sa`ket: * Approximate numbers of native speakers.
            ** Number of countries with substantial speakers
          6a. Number of Bhojpuri speakers is based on various sources like 'Times of      India', IGNOU, New Delhi, The Hindu.

4.      Sansaar me` Bhojpuri ke Lokapriyataa:
         [Popularity of Bhojpuri in the World]:
         Ago भोजपुरी ke Blog: pa
‘AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool’ aur ‘Mitram global Bhojpuri’ ke kuch post ke dekhe waalaa logan me` sab se jaadaa log Garmani ke rahan, fer dosara sthaan pa Bharat ke log rahan, teesaraa sthaan pa USA rahe. Kawano din USA pahilaa sthaan pa holaa.
            Ekaraa baad ee postan ke dekhe waalaa logan me` UK, Malysia, Astralia, S.   Koria, S. Afrika, Ugaandaa, Sudaan aadi se rahe.
     Upar se Sansaar me` Bhojpuri ke lokapriyataa saaf pataa calataa. Eh se auru         kaa likhi`.

5.         Bhojpuri Saahitya: [Bhojpuri Literature]:
         Pahilahi` kahal gail baa ki Bhojpuria Log Saccai, Eemaandaari, 'Vasudhaiva kuTumbakam',  pa viswaas karelan, je se Bhojpuri Saahitya ke "Drishya-Shravya-Kaavya" me` holaa; na ki 'jhooTh ke MoTari' jekaraa ke log moTaa-moTi Saahitya kahelan je me` Katha, Kahaani, upanyaas, kavitaa ke naav pa jhooTh-foos ke baat  likhal jaalaa aur jekar Satya, Saccai, Vaigyaanik tathya se kawano samband naa hokhe.
     Aaj Sansaar me` katanaa log Satyavaadi baaRan? Lekhak ee  maanelan ki "Aaj ke Duniyaa me` aadmi Raam (Bhaarat ke Cakravarti raajaa Dasrath ke Putra) ban ke naa rah sake, aadmi ke Krisna (Vaasudeva, aur rajaa Ugrasen ke parnaati) bane ke paRi; naa ta unkaa ke '13 desan ke samooh Soviat Sangh, jahaa Satyugi log rahat rahan ehi Kaliyuge me`' jaisan khatam ka diaai. Dekhi`: "Kalyug me` Satyug" at Aisan haalat me` ham Bhojpuri Saahitya pa kaa kahi`, kaahe ki Bhojpuri Saahitya ta~ "Drishya-Shravya-Kaavya" ke roop me` baa.
    Eh se ham kahataani ki Bhojpuri Saahitya puraatan "Shruti Smriti" ke vistaar ka ke        "Drishya-Shrava-Kaavya" ke roop me` baa. Je 'dekhal jaai aur Sunal jaai uuhe kahal jaai caahe okare ke rekorD kail jaai.
     Eh me` kapolkalpanaa ke na ke baraabar staan baa, jaisan ki baaki Bhaasaa           sab ke Saahitya me` paawal jaalaa.
            Eh sab se Bhojpuri me` Saahitya ke bahut kami baa. Dekhi` Bhojpuri    Sahitya ke karnadhaar, aguaa ke baa:

   *1.    Mahaan Raajaa Bhoj: Vikramaabda: Sri: 7400 [3rd. Centuri AD]
         Inkare naav pa 'Bhojpuri Bhaasaa' ke naav paral baa:. [History written                    by West or their followers in India are mum on Bhoj Raajaa and his                                  ansester Cakravarti Raajaa Vikramaaditya whose Capital was Ujjain,                                Kalidas Poet]

          *2.    Sant Kabir das: Sri: 8397 [1297 AD]
                   Sant Kavir das ke Bhojpuri ke Pahilaa kavi aur Saahityakaar kahal                                    jaalaa.

       *3     Bhikhaari Thaakur: Bhojpuri ke Sekspiar.
             Ago inkar kiriti me` ham Chaparaa Shahar me` inkaa ke Shri                                    Raamcandra ji ke Raghubansh ke pahile ke 64 piD*i ke naav kah kah                               ke geet gawalan.

          *4     Bhojpuri Lok Geet: Anganit
                 'Bataniya tut lai...' Film: Bhojpuriaa Chokra
          *4.1  Bhajan: Anganit
               'Sakhi man mahal me` naa laage....' : Pawan Singh
                Bhojpuri Shiv Bhajan.
                'Mat jaa re jogi...' : Vishaal Sadbhaawanaa

          *4.2  Sandhya Paraati:
          *4.3  Jhoomar:
               Gaayikaa: Reetu, Soni Cauhaan, Sheelaa Raawal,
'Kekraa hi haa`the laal cad*i...' Gaayikaa: Reetu, Soni Cauhaan,     Sheelaa Raawal
              'Beli fulwaa fulelaa cameli...'

          *4.4  Badhaiyaa:
          *4.5  Shaadi ke Geet:
          *4.6  Birhaa:
          *4.7  ChaTh Geet:
               'Sange jaaib e balam ji Suraj ke rath...' T-Series
               'Kerawaa je farelaa ghawadh se...' :Sab log

          *4.8  Holi Geet:
          *4.9  Diwaali Geet:
          *4.10  Alhaa Udal:
          *4.11  Mausam Kavi:
                Kavi Ghaagh:
                Naa Maaghe jaaR, Naa meghe jaaR;
                Jab bahe bayaar, tab jaaRe jaaR.

          *4.12  Gaari Vyang:
          *4.13  Ha`so~R, Kaumik:
                'Balmaa ga`waar ...'
                'Kaha jhaRelaa....'

          *4.14   Kavit:
          *4.15   Aadhunik Bhojpuri Geet, Disk pa
                 'Bataniya tut lai...' Film: Bhojpuriaa Chokra

          *4.16   Dusar:
                 'SiTTi maarataa injanwaa.' Gawaniyaa: Kalpanaa
                 'Chalkaa da labh ke masine ...' : Kalpanaa
                  'Dilli ke Sarkaar babal jaai ...' :Kalpanaa
                  'Udham coliyaa me` macaawelaa ...' Kalpanaa

          *4.17     Kitaab:
                   "kaliyug me` Satyug" Lekhak: Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharma at                                          
'Bhojpuri Bhaasaa aur Saahitya' [Bhojpuri Bhasa aour   Sahitya] Lekhak: Udaynaraayan Tiwaari eBook.

                   Aur dher Dusar kitaab.
*4.18    Bhojpuri AuDio, VeDio Disk: 566 albums
                   'Basanti bayaar bahe.....' (Dher      kalaakaar log)   
                   'Hunkar Holi.....' (Dher          kalaakaar log)             
                   'Holi 2014 ke......' (Dher        kalaakaar log)             
          'Memorable Bhojpuri love songs....' (Dher kalaakaar log)                            
                   'Fonave ke Kadi.....' Vinit Kumaar
                   .......  aadi

*4.19 Bhojpuri AuDio, ViDeo Disk: 16 albams:
          Bhojpuri Film Songs
                   Kasam Vardi ke. Desh Pardesh. Pyaar Mohabbat
                   Jindaabaad .... aadi.

6.      Bhojpuri Saahitya Academy, Madhya Pradesh, Direktar: Sri           Nawal Shukla:

                There are about 1.6 million Bhojpuriaas in MP living in Bhopaal, Indor, Satnaa, Jabalpur, Gwaaliar, and            Gunaa: Bhojpuri Ektaa Manc ke Kunwar Prasad ke anusaar. Eh me` Baghel khanDi ke naikhe lel gail je                 baastaw me` 95% Bhojpurie ha.

7.      Bhojpuri Academies:  

7.1    Bhojpuri Saahitya Ekedemi, Madhya Pradesh
          [Bhojpuri Sahitya Academy, Director: Sri Nawal Shukla]

7.2    AntarrazTreeya Bhojpuri eSkool, NCR Dilli, Bhaarat
          [International Bhojpuri eSkool, Principal: Devadoot S.]
7.3    Bhojpuri Ekedemi Bihaar
          [Bhojpuri Academy Bihar, Chairman: Dr RK Dubey]
7.4    Maithili Bhojpuri Ekedemi
          [Maithili Bhojpuri Academy
7.5    Bhojputi Gaanaa Sansthaan, Saasaaraam
          [Bhojpuri Singing institute, Sasaram, Bihar.]

8.      Famous Bhojpuriaa Log: Bhojpuri = bho

 Bhojpuriaa                                                         Kaamkaaj [Profession] Birth  Year           Desh

Caa0Iakya, Kautilya Viznugupt,                                 Economist &
                                                                                Political Science Guru     370 BC                   Bhaarat

Ashok Maurya,                                                                 Pracaarak of Buddhism
                                                                                Poore Asia me`.                304 BC                   Bhaarat

Kabir Daas,                                                          Sant, bho                             1297                       Bhaarat

Tulsi Daas,                                                           Sant, Ramaayan, bho     1497                       Bhaarat

Baabu Ku`ar Singh,                                          1857 Angarejo` se
                                                                                LaRaai auru                         1777                       Bhaarat

Dr Raajendra Prasaad,                                   1 laa PresiDenT                                 1884                       Bhaarat

Bhikhaari Thaakur,                                           Bhojpuri NaaTakkaar       1887                      Bhaarat
                                                                Bhojpuri Dance, Nautanki Guru

Sivapoojan Sahaaya,                       Bhojpuri  vyakar0Ii, Lekhak          1893                       Bhaarat

Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma,            Sanaatanaarya, Samaaj
                                                                Sudharak Aacaarya, Guru            1896                       Bhaarat

Seevoosagur Ramgoolam,           Maurisas ke Pahilaa PM.               1900                       Mauritius

Jayprakaash Naaraayan,               Samaajvaadi, raajnitigya               1902                       Bhaarat

Haribans Raai Baccan,                                     Poet, writer                        1907                       Bhaarat

Sucitaa Kriplaani,                                              Purva CM,  UP                   1908                       Bhaarat

Kedaar Pandey,                                                Purva. CM, Bihaar            1913                       Bhaarat

Sampoornaanand,                                           Purva. CM, UP                   1914                       Bhaarat

Premcand,                                                          Lekhak                                  1016                       Bhaarat
Naazir Hussain,                                                 Cine Actor Hindi,
                                                                1st Bhojpuri Cinema in 1963          1922                       Bhaarat
                                                “Gangaa Maiyaa Tohe Piari Cad8aibo”
Dr Iswarduth Nundlall,                                   Music Guru                         1926                       Mauritius
Dr Ramkaran Sharmaa,                                  Sanaatanaarya
                                                                Sanskrit Scholar, Author,              1927                       Bhaarat

Pt Hari Prasaad,                                                icon Sanatandharma
                                                                                Swaha  International      1927                       Trinidad
Bindeswari Dubey,                                          Purva. CM, Bihaar            1927                       Bhaarat

Candrashekhar,                                                Purva Pradhaan Mantri 1927                       Bhaarat

Anirud Juganauth,                                           PresiDent, Maurisas       1930                       Mauritius

Dr Pt Deo Dutta Sharmaa,            Journalist, Scientist, inventor,
                                                                Technolgist, Author, Editor          1939                       Bhaarat
                                                                “eMitram” Sanskrit Dainikam                                                                                                                                      International Bho eDainik

Kumkum, Zaibunnisaa,                  Cine Actress hi, bho
                                                Acted in 115 & 1st Bho film:         1940?                    Bhaarat
                                                ‘Gangaa Maiaa Tohe Piari CaD*aibo’     

Sewpaul,                                             Dhamaakaa Group Music                 1941                   Mauritius         

Amitabh Baccan,                                              Cine Staar Hindi                1942                       Bhaarat

Bindeshwari Pathak,                                       Sulabh Saucalay,               1943                       Bhaarat

Dr Naveen Candra Ramgoolam,                                 PM.  Maurisas                   1947                       Mauritius

Laaloo Prasaad Yadav,                    Purva CM, ruend Bihar
                                                                for 15 yr                                               1948                       Bhaarat

Raajnaath Singh,                              Purva CM UP, Politician                 1951                       Bhaarat

Ms Kamla Persad Bessesser,                       Prime Minister                  1952                       Trinidad

Ms Ravari Devi,                                                                 Purva. CM, Bihaar            1956                       Bhaarat

Bhagat Jagdeo,                                                                 PresiDenT                           1964                       Guyanaa

Ravi Kisan,                                                           Cine Actor
                                                                Bhojpuri Films > 200 Film              1971                       Bhaarat

Manoj Tiwaari,                                                  Bhojputi Singer,
                                                                                Cine Actor                           1973                       Bhaarat

Kalpanaa Patowaary,                                      Bhojpuri Singer, icon      1978                       Bhaarat

Sambhaavanaa Seth,                                      Dancer, Bhoj Singer        1982                       Bhaarat

Antaraa Biswaas,                                              CineActress
                                                                                50 Bhojpuri Films              1982                       Bhaarat   


राउर सुझाव के स्वागत बा . Rauaa logan ke sujhaav aamantrit baa. Your suggesions are welcom
  ओरा गइल  Oraa gail. The End.


Bhojpuri Journal: 20.11.9117