Saturday, 31 March 2018

Cancer not Incurable, go EMS InBho: 31.03.2018 "International Bhojpuri"

Cancer not Incurable, go EMS 
InBho: 31.03.2018
   "International Bhojpuri"
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar: 
In India CBSE: 'Central Board of Secondary Examination' conducts examinations of 10th Standard and 
12th or Sr Secondary Examination.
This year the 'Question Papers 12th Economics and 10th Mathematics have been leaked (1st  Failure of CBSE) about a day before the respective Examinations.
Even when the same came to be noticed by CBSE at least a day before, the examinations were not postponed by the Board (2nd Failure of CBSE) , and the examinations were allowed to be conducted.  
Now on 31st March 2018: The Education Minister twitted: 
The 12th Board Economics Exam is cancelled, and the Examinees have to re-appear in the Economics 12th Exam on 25th April 2018.
The 10th Mathematics Exam may be conducted again only in Delhi and Haryana in July 2018. 
>> Now the question arises:
[1] As said by the students, why they be penalised and asked to appear again in the Examination for no fault of theirs?
The source of leak of the Q. Paper may start from CBSE themselves, or any other agency in the chain till the Q are distributed to the students. 
The Chief of CBSE was reported to be busy in some personal work while Annual Examinations were in Progress (3rd Neglegiance of CBSE).  
In case Goverment of India is serious about the matter (recall 'Vyapam Kaand'' etc), the goverment shoud take the following action:
1. No fresh ehamination for any class or student, since hardly 0.1 % might have used the posts on Whatsup. Why should 999 be penalised for reapeated mistakes / neglegience of CBSE itself. > Students are already continueously demonstrating against re-examination.
2. All Coaching Institutes, even those for IAS be banned which are the potencial sourses of such avoidable deeds.
3. PM Narendra Modi BJP GOI has very rightly decided to skip written tests and interviews for all Class IV and III posts.
4. What is desirable: Government should provide equal opportunities to all those who pass 8th Standard without distinguishing on the basis of cast, cread, religion; only ladies be provided some leaverage.
Govt. promotion of 'Skill Development' is praiseworthy.
5. ... such other actions, which are required to cut the corruption generating competative examinations promoted mainly by "Organised Coaching Institutes".
The matter is very serious, and it should be addressed seriously; instead of penalising students of a few selected states which is discrminatory, paricularly when 'Social Media' is open for all throughoout the country and abroad.    

Ke paD*elaa “InBho” Dharati pa:
SRA, Bhaarat, Portugaal, Rus, InDonesiyaa, Fraansa, Paakistaan, Yukren, Jarmani, Bartaaniyaa, Banglaadesh, Misra, Spe~n, Lithuaaniyaa, Filipaain, Paakistaan, aadi.
USA, India, Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, UK, Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania, Philippines, Pakistan, etc

Kaensar aa AHA: Cancer and AHA: 
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Allopathy.

'Allopathi ke drisTikon' holaa: '0 digri'.
'The Angle of Attack' of Allopathy or MMS: 
Modern Medical Science is '0 degree'.

'Homoeopathi ke drisTikon' holaa: '120 digri'.
'The Angle of Attach' of Homoeopathy:
 is 120 degree.

'Aayurveda ke drisTikon' holaa: '360 digri'. alag alag satah pa.
'The Angle of Attack' of Ayurveda
 is 360 degree, that too in different planes.

Ee jaane ke caahee` ki: Kawano paethi apane me` pooraa naikhe, Aayurvedo naa, eh se logan ke hardam "Sarvottam Aayu Upakram D", 
"EklekTik MeDikal Sistam D" apanaave ke caahee`. 

> One must know: "No pathy is complete, not even Ayurveda", thus one should adopt:
"Eclectic Medical System D" 

>> Kaensar hokhe ke asal kaaran ha 'Kabjeeat'.
>> The root cause of Cancer is 'constipation'.

>>> Baakir, paribhaase se: "Kaensar banal baa MMS se".
Kaahe ki, "Jab kawano kharaab koshikaa ke aniyantrit baD*aaw hokhe laagelaa, ta MMS log kahele ki ab Kaensar ho gail baa".

>>>> Baakir, sab ke jaane ke caahee` ki: "Jab kawano kharaab aa faalatu koshikaa ke aniyantrit baD*aaw hokhe laagelaa" MMS se, ekar ee maane naa hokhe ki dusaro paethi, caahe upcaar se okar niyantran naa ho sake.
> Khoon ke 'kaensar' ke Aayurved me` neeman upcaar baa.
> Dusar kaensaran ke Homoeopathi me` 50-so upcaar baaRe sa.

>>> However,  by definition itself: "Cancer is the creation of MMS". 
Since, "When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable, an MMS says: It is a cancer."

>>>> However, one must know: When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable by MMS, then it does not mean the same will be uncontrollable by Homeopathy, Ayurveda or any other curative practice as well. 
> This must be noted by all.
> Blood Cancer is controllable by Ayurveda.
> There are about dozens of ramedies of Cancer in Homoeopathy.

** Aaj har 8-vaa` aadami Bhojpuriyaa: Bhaarat me`. 
Bhaarat Sarkaar ke 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' ke maanyataa debe ke baa.
Today every 8th Person: A Bhojpuria in India. Government of India iis yet to recognise 
'Bhojpuri Language'

2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW
=> 27 %o log Bhojpuri bolele Sansaar me`.

** "Prasanna, Svastha, Anandadaayak deergha-jeevan" khaatir: "Eclectic Medical System-D" apanaayee`.
For "Happy, Healthy, Enjoyable LongLife": 
adopt "Eclectic Medical System-D" and

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri, aa Bhaarat me` 12% se jaadaa. 
2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri in the World and 
in India over 12%. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe, jabaki eehaa` 12% se jaadaa log "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" bolele. Ab BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 
InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9118 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2018: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. 
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
30.03.2018 InBho

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Cancer not Incurable, go EMS InBho: 28.03.2018 "International Bhojpuri" अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

Cancer not Incurable, go EMS 
InBho: 28.03.2018
   "International Bhojpuri"
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar: 
Ke paD*elaa “InBho” Dharati pa:
SRA, Bhaarat, Portugaal, Rus, InDonesiyaa, Fraansa, Paakistaan, Yukren, Jarmani, Bartaaniyaa, Banglaadesh, Misra, Spe~n, Lithuaaniyaa aadi.
USA, India, Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, UK, Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania etc

Cancer and AHA: 
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Allopathy.
'The Angle of Attach' of Allopathy or MMS: Modern Medical Science is '0 degree'.
'The Angle of Attach' of Homoeopathy is 120 degree.
'The Angle of Attack' of Ayurveda is 360 degree, that too in different planes.
> One must know: No pathy is complete, not even Ayurveda, thus one should adopt:
"Eclectic Medical System D" 

>> The root cause of Cancer is 'constipation'.

>>> By definition: "Cancer is the creation of MMS". Since, "When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable", an MMS says: It is a cancer."

>>>> However, one must know: When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable by MMS, then it does not mean the same will be uncontrollable by Homeopathy, Ayurveda or any other Medical practice as well. 
> This must be noted by all.
> Blood Cancer is controllable by Ayurveda.
> There about dozens of ramedies of Cancer in Homoeopathy.

** Aaj har 8-vaa` aadami Bhojpuriyaa: Bhaarat me`. 
Bhaarat Sarkaar ke 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' ke maanyataa debe ke baa.
Today every 8th Person: A Bhojpuria in India. Government of India iis yet to recognise 
'Bhojpuri Language'

2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW
=> 27 %o log Bhojpuri bolele Sansaar me`.

** "Prasanna, Svastha, Anandadaayak deergha-jeevan" khaatir: "Eclectic Medical System-D" apanaayee`.
For "Happy, Healthy, Enjoyable LongLife": 
adopt "Eclectic Medical System-D" and

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri, aa Bhaarat me` 12% se jaadaa. 
2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri in the World and 
in India over 12%. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe, jabaki eehaa` 12% se jaadaa log "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" bolele. Ab BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 
InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9118 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2018: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. 
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
28.03.2018 InBho

Cancer not Incurable, go EMS InBho: 27.03.2018 "International Bhojpuri" अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी:

Cancer not Incurable, go EMS 
InBho: 27.03.2018
   "International Bhojpuri"
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar: 
Ke paD*elaa “InBho” Dharati pa:
SRA, Bhaarat, Portugaal, Rus, InDonesiyaa, Fraansa, Paakistaan, Yukren, Jarmani, Bartaaniyaa, Banglaadesh, Misra, Spe~n, Lithuaaniyaa aadi.
USA, India, Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, UK, Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania etc

Cancer and AHA: 
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Allopathy.
'The Angle of Attach' of Allopathy or MMS: Modern Medical Science is '0 degree'.
'The Angle of Attach' of Homoeopathy is 120 degree.
'The Angle of Attack' of Ayurveda is 360 degree, that too in different planes.
> One must know: No pathy is complete, not even Ayurveda, thus one should adopt:
"Eclectic Medical System D" 

>> The root cause of Cancer is 'constipation'.

>>> By definition: "Cancer is the creation of MMS". Since, "When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable", an MMS says: It is a cancer."

>>>> However, one must know: When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable by MMS, then it does not mean the same will be uncontrollable by Homeopathy, Ayurveda or any other Medical practice as well. 
> This must be noted by all.
> Blood Cancer is controllable by Ayurveda.
> There about dozens of ramedies of Cancer in Homoeopathy.

** Aaj har 8-vaa` aadami Bhojpuriyaa: Bhaarat me`. 
Bhaarat Sarkaar ke 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' ke maanyataa debe ke baa.
Today every 8th Person: A Bhojpuria in India. Government of India iis yet to recognise 
'Bhojpuri Language'

2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW
=> 27 %o log Bhojpuri bolele Sansaar me`.

** "Prasanna, Svastha, Anandadaayak deergha-jeevan" khaatir: "Eclectic Medical System-D" apanaayee`.
For "Happy, Healthy, Enjoyable LongLife": 
adopt "Eclectic Medical System-D" and

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri, aa Bhaarat me` 12% se jaadaa. 
2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri in the World and 
in India over 12%. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe, jabaki eehaa` 12% se jaadaa log "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" bolele. Ab BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 
InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9118 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2018: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. 
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
27.03.2018 InBho

Monday, 26 March 2018

Shri Raam's 1 684 285th Birth Day Celebrated Yesterday... InBho: 26.03.2018 "International Bhojpuri" अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी:

Shri Raam's 1 684 285th Birth Day Celebrated Yesterday...
InBho: 26.03.2018
   "International Bhojpuri"
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar: 
Ke paD*elaa “InBho” Dharati pa:
SRA, Bhaarat, Portugaal, Rus, InDonesiyaa, Fraansa, Paakistaan, Yukren, Jarmani, Bartaaniyaa, Banglaadesh, Misra, Spe~n, Lithuaaniyaa aadi.
USA, India, Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, UK, Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania etc

Cancer and AHA: 
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Allopathy.
'The Angle of Attach' of Allopathy or MMS: Modern Medical Science is '0 degree'.
'The Angle of Attach' of Homoeopathy is 120 degree.
'The Angle of Attach' of Ayurveda is 360 degree, that too in different planes.
> One must know: No pathy is complete, not even Ayurveda, thus one should adopt:
"Eclectic Medical System D" 

>> The root cause of Cancer is 'constipation'.

>>> By definition: "Cancer is the creation of MMS", since "When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable, an MMS says: It is cancer."

>>>> However, one must know: When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable by MMS, then it does not mean the same will be uncontrollable by Homeopathy, Ayurveda or any other Medical practice as well. > This must be noted by all.

** Aaj har 8-vaa` aadami Bhojpuriyaa: Bhaarat me`. 
Bhaarat Sarkaar ke 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' ke maanyataa debe ke baa.
Today every 8th Person: A Bhojpuria in India. Government of India iis yet to recognise 
'Bhojpuri Language'

2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW
=> 27 %o log Bhojpuri bolele Sansaar me`.

** "Prasanna, Svastha, Anandadaayak deergha-jeevan" khaatir: "Eclectic Medical System-D" apanaayee`.
For "Happy, Healthy, Enjoyable LongLife": 
adopt "Eclectic Medical System-D" and

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri, aa Bhaarat me` 12% se jaadaa. 
2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri in the World and 
in India over 12%. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe, jabaki eehaa` 12% se jaadaa log "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" bolele. Ab BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 
InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9118 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2018: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. 
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
25.03.2018 InBho

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Celebrate Shri Raam's 1 684 285th Birth Day Tomorrow. InBho: 24.03.2018 "International Bhojpuri" अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी:

Celebrate Shri Raam's  1 684 285th Birth Day Tomorrow.
InBho: 24.03.2018
   "International Bhojpuri"
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar: 
Ke paD*elaa “InBho” Dharati pa:
SRA, Bhaarat, Portugaal, Rus, InDonesiyaa, Fraansa, Paakistaan, Yukren, Jarmani, Bartaaniyaa, Banglaadesh, Misra, Spe~n, Lithuaaniyaa aadi.
USA, India, Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, UK, Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania etc

Cancer and AHA: 
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Allopathy.
'The Angle of Attach' of Allopathy or MMS: Modern Medical Science is '0 degree'.
'The Angle of Attach' of Homoeopathy is 120 degree.
'The Angle of Attach' of Ayurveda is 360 degree, that too in different planes.
> One must know: No pathy is complete, not even Ayurveda, thus one should adopt:
"Eclectic Medical System D" 
>> The root cause of Cancer is 'constipation'.
>>> By definition: "Cancer is the creation of MMS", since "When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable, an MMS says: It is cancer."
>>>> However, one must know: When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable by MMS, then it does not mean the same will be uncontrollable by Homeopathy, Ayurveda or any other Medical System as well. > This must be noted by all.

** Aaj har 8-vaa` aadami Bhojpuriyaa: Bhaarat me`. 
Bhaarat Sarkaar ke 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' ke maanyataa debe ke baa.
Today every 8th Person: A Bhojpuria in India. Government of India iis yet to recognise 
'Bhojpuri Language'

2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW
=> 27 %o log Bhojpuri bolele Sansaar me`.

** "Prasanna, Svastha, Anandadaayak deergha-jeevan" khaatir: "Eclectic Medical System-D" apanaayee`.
For "Happy, Healthy, Enjoyable LongLife": 
adopt "Eclectic Medical System-D" and

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri, aa Bhaarat me` 12% se jaadaa. 
2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri in the World and 
in India over 12%. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe, jabaki eehaa` 12% se jaadaa log "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" bolele. Ab BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9118 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2018: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. 
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
23.03.2018 InBho

Cancer and AHA InBho: 23.03.2018 "International Bhojpuri" अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

Cancer and AHA
InBho: 23.03.2018
   "International Bhojpuri"
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar: 
Ke paD*elaa “InBho” Dharati pa:
SRA, Bhaarat, Portugaal, Rus, InDonesiyaa, Fraansa, Paakistaan, Yukren, Jarmani, Bartaaniyaa, Banglaadesh, Misra, Spe~n, Lithuaaniyaa aadi.
USA, India, Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, UK, Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania etc

Cancer and AHA: 
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Allopathy.
'The Angle of Attach' of Allopathy or MMS: Modern Medical Science is '0 degree'.
'The Angle of Attach' of Homoeopathy is 120 degree.
'The Angle of Attach' of Ayurveda is 360 degree, that too in different planes.
> One must know: No pathy is complete, not even Ayurveda, thus one should adopt:
"Eclectic Medical System D" 
>> The root cause of Cancer is 'constipation'.
>>> By definition: "Cancer is the creation of MMS", since "When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable, an MMS says: It is cancer."
>>>> However, one must know: When the growth of unwanted cells becomes uncontrollable by MMS, then it does not mean the same will be uncontrollable by Homeopathy, Ayurveda or any other Medical System as well. > This must be noted by all.

** Aaj har 8-vaa` aadami Bhojpuriyaa: Bhaarat me`. 
Bhaarat Sarkaar ke 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' ke maanyataa debe ke baa.
Today every 8th Person: A Bhojpuria in India. Government of India iis yet to recognise 
'Bhojpuri Language'

2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW
=> 27 %o log Bhojpuri bolele Sansaar me`.

** "Prasanna, Svastha, Anandadaayak deergha-jeevan" khaatir: "Eclectic Medical System-D" apanaayee`.
For "Happy, Healthy, Enjoyable LongLife": 
adopt "Eclectic Medical System-D" and

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri, aa Bhaarat me` 12% se jaadaa. 
2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri in the World and 
in India over 12%. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe, jabaki eehaa` 12% se jaadaa log "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" bolele. Ab BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9118 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2018: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. 
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
22.03.2018 InBho

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Vladimir Putin Winner. InBho: 20.03.2018 "International Bhojpuri"

Vladimir Putin Winner.
InBho: 20.03.2018
   "International Bhojpuri"
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी:
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar:
Ke paD*elaa “InBho” Dharati pa:
SRA, Bhaarat, Portugaal, Rus, InDonesiyaa, Fraansa, Paakistaan, Yukren, Jarmani, Bartaaniyaa, Banglaadesh, Misra, Spe~n, Lithuaaniyaa aadi.
USA, India, Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, UK, Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania etc

**  Rus ke Vlaadimir Putin feru 6 Baris khaatir RaasTrapati cunailan Sri: 17.01.9118 ke ba~R jeet se.

** Aaj har 8-vaa` aadami Bhojpuriyaa: Bhaarat me`. Bhaarat Sarkaar ke 'Bhojpuri Bhaashaa' ke maanyataa debe ke baa.
Today every 8th Person: A Bhojpuria in India. Government of India iis yet to recognise
'Bhojpuri Language'

2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW
=> 27 %o log Bhojpuri bolele Sansaar me`.

** "Prasanna, Svastha, Anandadaayak deergha-jeevan" khaatir: "Eclectic Medical System-D" apanaayee`.
For "Happy, Healthy, Enjoyable LongLife":
adopt "Eclectic Medical System-D"

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri, aa Bhaarat me` 12% se jaadaa.
2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri in the World and
in India over 12%.
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe, jabaki eehaa` 12% se jaadaa log "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" bolele. Ab BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa.
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done
which is long awaited.

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.]

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa.
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.]

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9118 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan. 
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2018: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri.
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.]

Auru baa [continued]
20.03.2018 InBho

Monday, 19 March 2018

InBho: 19.03.2018 "International Bhojpuri" अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

InBho: 19.03.2018
   "International Bhojpuri"
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar: 
Ke paD*elaa “InBho” Dharati pa:
SRA, Bhaarat, Portugaal, Rus, InDonesiyaa, Fraansa, Paakistaan, Yukren, Jarmani, Bartaaniyaa, Banglaadesh, Misra, Spe~n, Lithuaaniyaa aadi.
USA, India, Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, UK, Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania etc

** Aaj har 8-vaa` aadami Bhojpuriyaa: Bhaarat me`.
Today every 8th Person: A Bhojpuria in India. 

2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW
=> 27 %o log Bhojpuri bolele Sansaar me`.

** "Prasanna, Svastha, Anandadaayak deergha-jeevan" khaatir: "Eclectic Medical System-D" apanaayee`.
For "Happy, Healthy, Enjoyable LongLife": 
adopt "Eclectic Medical System-D" and

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri, aa Bhaarat me` 12% se jaadaa. 
2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri in the World and 
in India over 12%. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe, jabaki eehaa` 12% se jaadaa log "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" bolele. Ab BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9118 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2018: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. 
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
19.03.2018 InBho

Indian Railway Ministry to act. InBho: 18.03.2018 "International Bhojpuri" अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpu

Indian Railway Ministry to act.
InBho: 18.03.2018
   "International Bhojpuri"
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar: 
Ke paD*elaa “InBho” Dharati pa:
SRA, Bhaarat, Portugaal, Rus, InDonesiyaa, Fraansa, Paakistaan, Yukren, Jarmani, Bartaaniyaa, Banglaadesh, Misra, Spe~n, Lithuaaniyaa aadi.
USA, India, Portugal, Russia, Indonesia, France, Pakistan, Ukraine, Germany, UK, Bangladesh, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania etc

Aaj har 8-vaa` aadami Bhojpuriyaa: Bhaarat me`.
Today every 8th Person: A Bhojpuria in India. 

2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri WW
=> 27 %o log Bhojpuri bolele Sansaar me`.

** Ego Vicitra Yaatraa Modafalpuram Bihaar to Aanand Vihaar Dilli 'Sapta Kraanti Express' se Sayan Yaan S1 me` Sri: 15.01.9118 ke, Tikat Sa. 0271 8113:

A Strange Journey From Muzaffarpur Bihar to 
Anand Vihar Delhi by 'Sapta Kranti Express' in S1 Sleeper Ticket No. 0271 8113 on 16.03.2018:   
1. The bogie was very old with dangerous type Window Shutters seen by me after 30 - 40 year. How could Indian Railway allow such bogie operative!!! 
> Railway Ministry to look into, so that such bogie are made inoperative. 
2. "A Sleeper Coach" is not a 'Sleeper'  but Indian Railway  charges for Sleeper-Class; since the Railway allows any body with  or without a general 2nd Class Ticket holder to travel  in it after paying a fine of R 400 inaddition to the ticket. The number of such travellers were such that there was not even 100 mm gap to go to toilet or wash basin, garbage bucket NA.
> Such practice of allowing ticketless travellers ia also dangerous for security of genuin travellers. 
 Railway Ministry should stop such practices. Only wait list Tichet holers be allowed in the Sleepers.
3. The short distance travellers pached near the entry gates and infront of the toilets and wash basin do not allow any body  to approch there, what a travelling by a Sleeper: 
No Toilet, No wash-basin, no garbege box, but  the 19h scheduled or 21h real travelling > This is all what Railway and Railway Ministry has provided to genuine long distance travellers of Sleeper class.

** "Prasanna, Svastha, Anandadaayak deergha-jeevan" khaatir: "Eclectic Medical System-D" apanaayee`.
For "Happy, Healthy, Enjoyable LongLife": 
adopt "Eclectic Medical System-D" and

** Sansaar me` 2.7 % log bole le Bhojpuri, aa Bhaarat me` 12% se jaadaa. 
2.7 % people speak Bhojpuri in the World and 
in India over 12%. 
Baakir Bhaarate me` aaj tak "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa naikhe, jabaki eehaa` 12% se jaadaa log "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" bolele. Ab BJP ke netaa log kahataaran ki "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Samvidhaan ke 8m Anusuci me` saamil ka ke ekaraa ke desh me` maanyataa del jaai.
Dekhi` "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke Bhaarat me` kab maanyataa milataa. 
 Recognition of "Bhojpuri Language" by Government of India is yet to be done 
which is long awaited. 

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. 
[WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9118 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2018: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. 
InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
18.03.2018 InBho