Saturday, 5 December 2015

0.9.9115 InBho: 5.12.2015: South Africa at 1st Rank among Most Democratic 40 Countries,

10.9.9115 InBho: 5.12.2015: South Africa at 1st Rank among 
Most Democratic 40 Countries, 

InBho = "International Bhojpuri",
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी, 
"AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri",

[The Great American Democrat 
Abraham Lincoln said: 
"Democracy is the Government by the people, for the people and of the people". 
This is the shortest and possibly the best definition of Democracy.

Mr Lincoln never said: Democracy means 'Capitalism' as now many Westerns think including many US people.

Democracy may be Communistic, Socialistic, Gaandhian but rarely Capitalisic and in Monarcy.]

d.Afrikaa, Vietnaam aa Rus Prithvi ke 30 sab se jaadaa janasankhya deshan me` kram se 
1m, 2-sar aa 3-sar Raenk pa baa.
[South Africa, Vietnam and Russia stood at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ranka respectly among 30 Most Populated Countries 
Top democratic Countries of the Earth.] 

Ab Paakistaani pahilaa Jarnail aa Adhyax Parvez Musarraf 29.7.9115 ke kahlan: Osamaa aa Jawaahari ta~ unkar Heero hawan, aa uu log Sansaar ke dusar Aatankiano ke Tren kailan; taalibaani ke Tren kailan Afgaanistaan se 
USSR ke bhagaawe khaatir.
[Now past Pres. of Pakistan, Parvez Musarraf says: Osama and Jawahari are their Heros; and they trained terrorists and Talibans to drive out Soviets from Afghanistan.]

Baakir, Pichlaa 4 Baris se SRA Siriaa pa naahak logan ke muaawataa, aa 1 baris se uupar se aag barsaawataa, je se laakho log Siriaa choR ke Yurop me` bhaagataaran. Khaali Turkie me` 22 laakh log sharanaarthi ban ke Siriaa se bhagal baaRan. 
[But, since last 4 years USA is bombarding Syria from air unauthorized and killing people, due to which millions of people are leaving Syria. Only in Turkey 2.2 M people from Syria are leaving as refugees.] 

Ee Yuddh SRA surukailas rasaayanik aayudh ke naav le ke; laagataa Theek osahee` jaise Saddaam ke Iraak ke sarbanaas kare khaatir WMD ke naav pa pooraa Iraak ke tabaah kailas, je se ISIL / IS ke janam bhail. 
[This war was started by USA against the use of Chemical weapons by Syrian Forces, the same as WMD presence said in Iraq, ruining Iraq and giving the birth of IS / ISIL.]

SRA kahalas: "Assad must go", baakir SRA saal bhar pahile   kekaraa kahlaa se Siriaa me` upar se bam giraawelagalan, 
kaa SRS ke? 
[USA said: "Assad must go", but a year ago USA started  Air Bombing Syria, had UNO asked Us for bombing Syria? 
No one know this.]
 Baakir ab ee maalum hokhe ke caahee` sabhani ke ki ab 
"Ekadhrubeey Sansaar" khatam!!!
[But all should know that now gone are the days of 
"Unipolar World"!!! ]

Ab Rus  Sansaar ke sab Patrakaaran ke saamane SaTelaiT foTo se ee dikhaa delas ki kaise Siriyaa ke IS xetra se tel ke SaikaRo Taenkar Turki jaataare sa. 
Eh se IS aa Turki ke sambandh saaf dikhataa, 
khaas ka ke vyaaparik sambandh. 
[From this the relation between IS / ISIL and Turkey is clear, particularly business ralations.]

Ewaj me` Turki 'IS' ke Ashtra Shastra delaa aa Turkie ke raastaa se Atanki sab Siriyaa aa Iraako me` jaale sa.
[In liu of which Turkey supplies arms and amunitions to IS, as well as passages to terrorists from various countries.]

Ehi se laagataa Turki Rus ke Yuddhak JeT ke maralas, je eh Taenkar pa bam calaawat rahe, je se ego Rusi PailoT mu gailan..
[Possibly due to this bombing of the Tankers taking oil to Turkey from IS controlled areas of Syria by Russian Jets, Turkey fired on Russian Jet Fighter killing one of the pilots.]

8.9.9115 se  Bartaaniaa Siryaa pa Hawaai Hamalaa aa bomb calaawe ke suru ka delas.
[From today 3.12.2015 UK also started bombarding Syria.]

Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 190 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris puraan "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa":  jekaraa ke Kongres Sarkaar Aajaadieke samay se har tarah se  dabawale baa, PM Narendra Modi se jaldi se jaldi  Maanyataa debe ke anurodh karataa. [WW over 190 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1800 year old: suppressed by the previous Congress Government since Independence of India, requests earliest recognition by PM Narendra Modi lead Govt of India by including it in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution of India. ] _________________________________________
Aaj 9115 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke darjano deshan ke 190 M log bolelan. 
[Today in 2015 over 190 M people of dozens of countries speak Bhojpuri.] 

5.12.2015 InBho.




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