In India Election ends on 8.3.2017 in 5 provinces.
06.03.2017 India MLAs' Elections 2017-18:
Bhaarat Vidhaan Shabhaa Cunaaw 9116
=> Must Vote for your CM's Party.
=> Citizens must Vote for their CM's Party to make CM of their choice.
Do not neglect your choice of voting for your CM.
Ladies should Vote for that party whose
'Chief Minister' will establish Law and Order
in UP again.
Kaalhu Sri: 22.12.9116 ke UP ke Poorvaancal ke 49 SeeTan pa aa Manipur ke 38 seeTan pa Cunaaw hoi. Feru eh kram ke antim Cunaaw 26.12.9116 ke hoi UP aa Manipurio me`.
SP-Akhiles aa Kongres ke gaThabandhan ke baad banal 'Akra' => Ak + ra; jekar CM Pratyaasi banale 'Akhilesh Yaadav'.
In Uttar Pradesh CM candidate of 'Akra' is 'Akhilesh Yadav' to fight with the CM candidate of BSP: Ku Mayawati.
After the compromise between SP and Congress, it can be termed as 'Akra' => Ak + ra.
** BJP >> 20 KaroR ke UP me` eko CM pratyaasi naa milal.
> eh se CM naa, log kahataa.
BJP >> In UP of 200 M BJP could not produce 1 CM candidate
> no CM Candidates means no CM, people say.
** BSP >> Ego Vyakti ke dal, jekar Saasan me`
kaanoon ke raaj rahe aa
Shixaa pa jo~r rahe.
CM Pratyaasi Bahan ji > Hamaar CM.
< Eehe ha UP ke logan vicaar >
>> A person's party, in whose Governance
law & Order was nice and
education was good > my CM.
< This is now 'Vox Populi' >
Baakir CuTki bhar 'Janatantra' khaatir:
>>> Log aapan CM apane cunee`.
(Bhaarat ke Nehrubian Sambidhaan ke anusaar naa, jekaraa ke log badal ke rahee.)
Kaahe kawano aadmi PM aa CM ban jaaya,
binaa janata ke Cunnale?
Ee, sab ke dekhe ke caahee`.
Why should any Unelected person become PM or CM?
All should think on this.
For a bit of 'Janatantra' or 'Lincolnian Democracy',
people like to know their ‘CM candidate’ before voting.
(Not according to Nehrubian Constitution of India, which has to be modified by the people.)
22.10.9116 ke Bhaarat ke Nirvaacan Aayog 5 Praantan me` Cunaaw ke din ke ghosanaa ka~ delas:
[On 04.01.2017, the Election Commission of India declared the days of Election in 5 States are anounced as follows:
SeeT Praanta: Cunaav din NoTis din Nomin Withdrawal
117 Punjab: 04.02.2017, 11 Jan 18 Jan 21 Jan
49 Goa: 04.02.2017, 11 Jan 18 Jan 21 Jan
73 UP: 11.02.2017, 17 jan 24 Jan 27 Jan
67 UP: 15.02.2017, 20 Jan 27Jan 30 Jan
69 Utt'khnd 15.02.2017, 20 Jan 27Jan 30 Jan
69 UP: 19.02.2017, 25 Jan 31 Jan 4 Feb
53 UP: 23.02.2017, 30 Jan 2 Feb 9 Feb
62 UP: 27.02.2017, 2 Feb 9 Feb 13 Feb
49 UP: 04.03.2017, 8 Feb 15 Feb 18 Feb
38 Manipur: 04.03.2017, 8 Feb 15 Feb 18 Feb
22 Manipur: 08.03.2017, 11 Feb 18 Feb 22 Feb
Baaki UP: 08.03.2017,
Vo~T ke ginati aa Fal sab 5 Praantan ke Cunaaw ke: 29.12.9116
[Counting of Votes and Results of Election of all 5 States: On 11.03.2017]
'AacaaraSanhitaa' laag gail eh 5 Praantan me`. [The 'Code of Conduct' has started in these states.]
>> For details of actual declaration, go to the declaration made by the "Election Commission of India".
1. Panjaab MLA Cunaaw 9117: 117 SeeT
[Punjab MLAs Election 2017: 117 seats]
Ø Panjaab me` 23.11.9116 ke MLA ke Cunaaw pooraa bhail.
[In Punjab on 4.02.2017 CE election for MLAs were held.]
A special study by InBho: 2016 July 3rd Week, and OtT, OtH Oct 1st week: Magic N. 59]:
Party 2012 InBho2 Other1 Ot2 Ot3 OtV OtT OtH OtI
NDA 68, 19, 16, 16, 9, 6, 11, 9, 20+
AAP -, 87, 86, 85, 96, 93. 87, 96, 38,
Congress 46, 6, 15, 14, 11. 15, 18, 11, 57,
Others 3, 5. 0-3, 2, 1, 3. 1, 1, 2
Total : 117, 117, -, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, ?
2. Uttar Pradesh, MLA Cunaaw 9117: SeeT 403
[UP MLAs' Election 2017: seats 403]:
After SP 298 + Congress 105 Alliance = Akra
Aaj 01.12.9116 ke UP me` Cunaaw suru bhail Pacchimi UP se. Sab le ke 7 Caran me` UP me` Cunaaw baa.
BJP > No CM Pratyaasi => No CM
(Citizens like to elect their CM).
Asal LaRaai ta Akra <> BSP
[Real fight between Akra <> BSP.
Akra >> Akhilesh Yadav, CM Pratyaasi
BSP >> Mayawati ji, CM Pratyaasi.]
A special study by InBho: 2017 Jan 1st Week: Magic N. 202]:
9/2016 9/2016 10/2016 10/2016
Party 2012 InBho3* Othr-i Otr-ab FE
SP+Cng 224+, 66, 102, 146, 99,
BSP 80, 212, 82, 108, 120,
BJP 47, 120, 211, 132, 176,
Ind. Otrs 67, 5, 8, 7, 8,
Total : 403, 403, 403 403, 403, 2017 Result: BSP, BJP. Hung.SP Hung.BJP
>>> Only BSP is likely to get Absolute Majority. SP or BJP may be largest single party.
>>> Khaali BSP ke pakkaa bahumat mili InBho ke anusaar.
MLA ke Cunaaw me` BSP ke spasT bahumat mili aa UP me` Sarkaar banaai apane butaa pa.
[InBho est. shows: BSP is going to form a Govt. in UP.]
3. Goaa MLA Cunaaw: 9117: Seet: 40
[Goa MLA Election 2017: seats: 40]
Jaadui N. 21 Magik No. 21
Ø Goaa me` 23.11.9116 ke MLA ke Cunaaw bhail.
[Goa on 4.02.2017 election for MLAs was held.]
A special Est. by InBho studies: 2016 1st Week Oct. 16:
Party 2012 InBho-*1 Otr1K Otr-2T Otr-2T
BJP 17, 11. 19. 17,
AAP 13, 14, 2, 5,
Congress 2, 7, 14, 14,
MGP 5, 6, 3, 3,
Ind. others 2, 2, 2, 1,
Total: 40, 40, 40, 40,
4. UttaraakhanD MLA Cunaaw 9117: 71 SeeT
[Uttarakhand MLA's Election 2017: seats 71]:
Cunaaw: 05.12.9116 ke Election on 15.02.2017
Mukhya dal: [Main Parties]:
4.1 Kongres: Aaj ke MM: Harish Raawat.
4.2 BJP: Kawano CM Pratyaasi naa.
4.3 BSP
4.4. AAP
4.5 UKD
Jaadui Sa. 36 [Magic No. 36]
A special Est. by InBho studies: 2016 4th Week Oct 16:
Party 2012 InBho*1 Otr-1 Otr2 Otr-2
Co`gres: 32, 36, 7, 36, 29,
BJP: 31, 30, 63, 22, 38,
BSP: 3, 3, 0, 8, 2.
Ind+otr: 4, 1, 0, 4, 1,
Total: 70, 70, 70, 70, 70,
* None of the parties' have declared the name of their CM candidate, which may affect the above figures.
5. Manipur MLA Cunaaw 9117: 60
[Manipur MLAs' Election:Seats: 60]
Manipur ke 38 SeeTan pa aaj 22.12.9116 ke Cunaaw bhail. Ab feru 8.3.2017 ke hoi.
Mukhya dal: [Main parties]:
5.1 Ko`gres. [Congress]:
Present CM: Okram Ibobi Singh for 14 yrs.
5.2 BJP:
Bhaarat me` Janatantra kahaa`?
Khaali 'ParTi-tantra' baa.
Where is 'Lincolnian Democracy' or
'Janatantra' in India?
In India: It is 'Party-tantra'.
6. Gujraat MLA Cunaaw 9118: Seet 182
[Gujrat MLAs Election 2018: seats 182]
Mukhya dal: [Main parties]: 182 Seats
6.1 BJP: (116)
BJP will contest on all seats in Gujrat.
6.2 AAP: (0)
AAP will contest on all seats in Gujrat.
6.3 Ko`gres: [Congress]: ()
[Who Wins: See yourself]:
Ke jeeti: Apane dekhee`:
A special Est. by InBho studies:
Party 2012 InBho*1 Other-1
Baakir Bhaarat me` ‘Janatantra’ naa,
adhikaa`s Praantan me` 'x-Tantra' baa :
"Sarkaar 'x' se, 'x' khaatir aa 'x'-e ke":
where x = 'PaarTi', 'PaarTi-Samooh', 'Parivaar' caahe
'ego Vyakti'.
Kaa eehe kahle rahan Sanatanaarya Abraaham Linkan?
However, in India there is no Janatantra, but:
“Government by 'x', for 'x', and of 'x'”:
where 'x' = 'Party', 'Group of Parties', 'a Family' or 'a Person',
had Sanatanarya Abraham Lincoln said this?
Why to bother about People or the Country,
when the Party or a person is every thing.
When will Janatantra come in India?]
Bhaarat me` Janatantra kab aai?
06.03.2017 MLA Election 9117:
Punjab, Goa, Manipur, Uttarakhand, UP, Gujrat:
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