Sunday, 20 August 2017

Bhojpuri Samaj Assiciation, Society InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 20.08.2017

Bhojpuri Samaj Assiciation, Society
InBho: "International Bhojpuri" 20.08.2017
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri" 13.06.9117:

ख़ास खबर Special News Khaas Khabar:
** Sansaar me` 2.7 % speak Bhojpuri: 2.7 % people WW.

** Raaur Inbho:  AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri ab 3-sar baris me` aa gail baa, rauaa logan ke calate.
Your Inbho: International Bhojpuri has entered in the  3rd Year of its publication with your co-oparation.

Bhojpuri Bolanihaar speakers in:
SRA, Bhaarat, Fraans, Portugaal, Rus, Paakistaan, Jarmani, Yukren, Bartaaniyaa, InDonesiyaa, Trinidaad aa Tubaigo, Keniyaa, Braazil, ...
USA, India, France, Portugal, Russia, Pakistan, Germani, Ukraine, UK, Indonesia, Trinidad & Tobago, Kenya, Brazil....

** Sansaar ke Bhojpuri Samaaj Association: 
Neece Sansaar ke Bhojpuri Samaajan ke naav aa detail del jaataa. Inbho  'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri' Sansaar ke sab samaajan se anurodh karataa ki uu aapan leTesT detail ke email pa debe ke kiripaa kare.  
Bhojpuri Samaajan ke Suci List of Bhojpuri Associations, groups:
 BHAI: Bhojpuri Association of India: is not included in this list as for BHAI 'Bhojpuri language' is not a language bu merely a dialect of Hindi.
1. Bhojpuri Samaj, Bhojpuri Society, Bhopal, india www.patrika,com>Home>Bhopal>Bhojpuri Society People.
2. BANA: Bhojpuri Association of North America: and
3. Bhojpuriparivar
4. Bhojpuri UK SAMAJ - Yahoo Groups:
* Bhojpuri Samaj, UK
5. Bhojpuria Samaj:
6. Purabia Bhojpuri Samaj, Bhopal>Home>Madhya Pradesh>Bhopal
7. Bhojpuri Addhyayan Kendra
8. Chattisgarh Bhojpuri Parisad, President Prabhunath BaiTha
9. Bhojpuri Mahfil, Film Sameexaa Khaatir, Mumbai
10.  Netherlands India Association 
11. Organisation of people of Indian origin some Duch but essentially bhojpuri 
12. Bhojpuri Samaj, Birganj, Nepal>The Kathmandu Post
13. Nepal Bhojpuri Sahitya Kala Parishad, Birganj, Nepal
14. Bhojpuri Association of Uganda

* Inbho: International Bhojpuri:
... auru baa Continued

Ab laagataa Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi Saasan "Bhojpui Bhaashaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir kaam suru kaile baa.
Bhojpuri is spoken in about 30 countries of the World, spread over 4 to 5 Continants with over 2.7 % of the World population. 
Now after last 60 - 70 years of politics of Congress and UPA Govts., "Bhojpuri Language" is about to be recognized by the PM Narendra Modi's NDA Government of India.
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris se calataa "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. [WW over 200 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1700 -1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.] 

InBho: 3-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.

Aaj 9117 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M se jaadaa log bolelan.  
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.

Today in 2017: over 200 M people of over 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool". 
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.] 

Auru baa [continued]

20.08.2017 InBho

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