Games Closing Ceremony
:मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय
भोजपुरी दैनिक:
Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily
International Bhojpuri Dainik सृ. 16.02.9118 सोमार
अंक Ank: 051.02.9118 Edition.
खास बात Khaas Baat: Special Talk:
'Common Wealth Games 2018 Astreliyaa' Sri: 15.04.9118 ke sampanna ho gail. 'Common
Wealth Games 2018' is complete on 15.04.2018 CE in
at 'Gold Coast City'.
** PaaThak log:
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय
भोजपुरी दैनिक:
SRA, Bhaarata:, Jarmani, Fraansa:, Rusa:, InDonesiyaa, ITali, Yukrena:,
Turki, Cina:, AaerlaenDa:, Spe~na:, Uttaridesha:, Ghaanaa, Keniyaa, ArjenTinaa,
... aadi.
Who reads:
Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily:
USA, India,
Germany, France, Russia, Indonesia, Italy, Ukraine, Turkey, China, Ireland,
Spain, Netherland, Ghana, Kenya, Argentina, ... etc
*** SRA, UK and Fraans, Saneecar ke Sri: 14.02.9118 ke
feru Siriyaa pa aakraman ka delas, 3 jagah raajdhaani Damisk ke niyare, je
ekadam anaitik, aa gairkaanooni baa. Raasaayanik bam, virodhiyan sab calavale
hoihan sa, naa ki Assad Saasan kahlas Rus.
Rus ta ee sab saaf saaf kahale baa 1 Maheenaa pahilahee`.
> Ee sab ego SRA aa Pacchimee deshan ke so`cal
samajhal raajneeti laagataa je me` Bartaaniyaa aa Fraanso saamil laagataa;
uddesh rahe ego SRA ke bahaanaa, je se uu Siriyaa me` banal rahas.
> Ehee se ab DonaalDa Trampji 'Sanaatanaarya' ke Upaadhi
se bancit ho gailan.
On Saturday
14.04.2018, USA. UK and France attacked at 3 places on Syria using lethal bombs;
which is completely illegal and inhumen. About a month ago, as said by Russia,
chemical attacked was possible in Syria.
In case we
believe on Russia, all these using chemical weapon in Syria appear to be
pre-planned by the Wests; the same as the planted a Western resigm in Libya
using even UNO, with an aim of ruining Syria like Libya and staying there
** Cin: China: A
Janatantra, LD Grade-B,. DCU = 100 % (Kram-10
* Cin "EDD Calat Janataantrik Raenking" pa 4-Th
Sthaan pa aa gail baa Vietnaam, Bhaarat aa Rus ke baad, Sansaar ke sab se
jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 50 deshan me`.
has come at 4th Rank, only after Vietnam, India and Russia at "EDD Dynamic
Democratic Ranking" among most populated 40 countries of the World.
** भारत: India: "संसदीय
जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD
Grade: A , DCU 108%. (Kram-10 Series-10).
* Kram-10
me` Bhaarat "EDD Calat Janataantrik Raenking" pa
2-sar Sthaan pa aa gail baa Sansaar ke sab se jaadaa
janasankhyaa waalaa 50 deshan me`.
India has come at 2nd Rank at "EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking" among
most populated 50 countries of the World.
* Bhaarat:
Cait 9118: Sarvaangeen Upalabdhi 52.1 % Sri: 9117-18 me`.
PM Modi ke naak projekT “SmaarT SiTi” ke 3 saal ke
ta ~ 9% se neece baa.
March 2018: Annualized Overall Performance in India is 52.1% in 2017-18.
performance of PM Modi’s Flag Ship Projects of “Smart Cities” is hardly worth ~9%
** About
6 years ago in India, there was a Nirbhaya Rape KanDa inIndia, which shook the
whole nation. New stringent rules were made to curb the menaces.
PM Modi’s BJP and NDA Government looks completely failing to check the crime
against ladies, even after raising the slogan of “Beti Padao, Beti Bachao”.
pitiable part of BJP is that: Such crimes are happening in BJP Ruled States
where even BJP’s MLA and Ministers are directly alleged to be involved or are
protecting the alleged rapists as in Unnav case of UP and Kathua case of Jammu
& Kashmir.
** SRA USA: President,
'rrp' elected by the citizens, an 'Initial Janatantra' 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation', DCU: -184%
(Kram-10 Series-10).
** Ego Rusi Raajanitigya Tramp ke kahalan: “Adolf HiTlar
No.2”. Russian politician calls Trump “Adolf Hitler No.2”.
** SRA, Bartaaniyaa aa Fraansa ke Siriyaa pa
Aakraman ke baad Rus aa Iraan kahalan, “Eh sab ke jabaabdehi WashingTone ke
USA, UK and France striking Syria, Russia and Iran warn USA as, “All the responsibility
for these consequences will fall on Wasjington.”
** इंडोनेसिया InDonesiyaa: Indonesia: A Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp'
elected by the citizens. > is an 'Initial Janatantra'. LDG: Grade C, DCU =
82%. (Kram-10 Series-10)
* Mat-mataantar ke beec sadbhaav aa saha-astitva ke
InDonesiyaa ego misaal baa. Religeous
harmony and tolerance in Indonesia is exemplanari.
* 9118 Asiad 2018:
AasaaD*a 9118 tak InDonesiyaa
aa Palembang: By June 2018, Indonesia is to complete
preparation of “Asian Games”.
InDonesiyaa's GDP 5.19 % ke dar pa Baris me` baD*al.
GDP grew 5.19% yr to yr in 4th Qtr ending Dec.2017.
Siriyaa Syria: Brazil: Presidential System, Federal Republic.
'rrp' elected by citizens >
Karib 1 Maheena pahile Rus kahale rahe ki, "viswaasi sutra' se pataa calal
ki Militant log raasaayanik bam calaai. About a month ago, "Russia had a
"reliable information" about militants preparing a heavy chemical
attach in Syria.
jhooTh caahe saa`c, Fraans ke Adhyax Maekron ji kahalan ki unkaa paas Assad ke
raasaayanik astra calawalaa ke saboot baa.
President Macron: They have evidence "Assad used chemical weapons in
Syria." > Right! even machine gun is a chemical weapon!!!
ke Adhyax Tramp kahalan: SRA ke "Siriyaa pa aakraman turate hoi, caahe
naahio ..."
Adhyax DonaalDa Tramp Tweet kaile ki Siriyaa me` Klorin Gaes choRalaa se kam se
kam 80 log mualan, je Rus, Iraan aa Assad ke calate bhail.
Kaa ee sab kawano Saasan virodhiyan ke kaam naa ho sake?
aa Iraan ta pahilahee` eh sab ke nakaar dele baa.
Adhyax Tramp kahale ki uu turate Siriyaa se haTihe`.
Preesident Trump instructed military officials to prepare to withdraw US
Troops from Syria.
Trump promised to come out of Syria soon.
** ब्राज़ील Braazil: Brazil: Presidential
System, Federal Republic. 'rrp' elected by citizens > But Brazil's 1st Lady
President was removed by a 'Parliamentarian Coup' as believed by many
Brazilians. LD G: '' Grade-B, DCU 84 %. (Kram-10 Series-10)
* Braazilke poorva Adhyax Lulaa ke Jel ho gailaa ke baado
jadi cunaaw me` khaRaa hokhe dyaai, ta uu jeetiye jaihe`,
former president is facing a corruption chare: Said the Top Court. In case Lula
is allowed tocontest, he may win even now.
* Braazil ke Uccatam Nyaayaalay ke Pahilaa Kariyaa
sadasya, pichalaa Mukhya Nyaayaadheesh Joaakwim Barbosaa 'Braazil Samaajvaadi
dal' me` gailan, je RaasTraadhyax ke egopratyaasi ho sake le.
1st Blach Member of Brazil's Supreme Court, the past CJ Joaquim Barbosa is to
join the 'Brazil Socialist Party', PSB who may be a Presidential Candidate.
** Paakistaan Pakistan "संसदीय
जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD Grade:
'aJanataantrik', DCU - 229 %, je se ee Terroristaan nhail laagataa. (Kram-10
A 28 year young prignant singer, Sameera Sindhu has been shot dead while
celebrating a family function.
** Naaijeriyaa Adhyax Nigeria President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens, an 'Initial Janatantra', LD Grade: C, 'Democratic Capacity
DCU: 80%. (Kram-10 Series-10).
“AsTreliyaa RaasTramanDal Khel” me` Naaigeriyaa
9 Sonaa, 9 Caa`di aa 6 Jastaa padak paa ke 9m Sthaanb pa aail > badhaai.
Nigeria on coming at 9th Place on the ‘Commonwealth Games 2018:
Australia’ with 9 Gold and 9 Silver Medals, as well as 6 Bronze Medals; also
getting 9th at BE-Rank.
** Banglaadesh
Bangladesh "संसदीय
जनतंत्र": PM, CMs, 'rrp', 'असली शासक' के जनता से चुनाव ना होखे. LD Grade: D'', DCU: 62 %. (Kram-10 Series-10)
** Mexiko: Mexico: Presidential Republic. President, 'rrp'
elected by the citizens. > an
"Initial Janatantra", LD Grade: B '', DCU 84%. (Kram-10
** रूस Rus:
Russia: Presidential
Republic. President, 'rrp' elected by the citizens. > an "Initial Janatantra", LD Grade: A, DCU: 85%. (Kram-10 Series-10).
Rus teesar Raenk pa baa “EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking” Series –10 pa, 40 sab
se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa deshan me`,
Russia on 3rd Rank at “EDD Dynamic Democratic
Ranking” Series–10, among 40 most populated countries of the World starting
from March. 2018.
^ The above are 10 countries with max. population.
sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa 10 desh baaRe sa.
Malayesiyaa: Malysia:
IBFA 2018, "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri Film Purashkaar" hoi Malayesiyaa
me` Shaavan me`.
next IBFA, "International Bhojpuri Film Awards" 2018 is to be held in Malysia in July 2018.
Tanzaaniyaa: Tanzania:
9123 tak Sakarakand ke baazaar: Global Sweet-potato Market by 2023:
Baazaar hoi: Naaijeriyaa, Ethiopiyaa, Angolaa. Vietnaam, MaDaagaaskar, Bhaarat,
SRA, Tanzaaniyaa, UganDaa aa Cin.
Market players: Nigeria, Ethiopia, Angola. Indonesia, Vietnam, Madagaskar,
India, USA, Tanzania, Udanda and China.
Baris, शुरुआत Suruaat Sri: 14.09.9113 [Publication since: 02.12.2013 AD]
‘Roman', 'देवनागरी लिपि' में ‘Devanaagari’
Lipi me`. [May use ‘Roman’ or
‘Devanagari’ script.]
** 'Mitram
global Bhojpuri eDainik', 'AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool' ke Uddes aa Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa. Ee`haa
je kuchuo likhal baa okar anek jariaa baaRan sa, eh se ee sab katanaa sahi hoi,
ee paaThak log apane samajhihe`
['Mitram global Bhojpuri
eDainik' is based on the Aim of 'International Bhojpuri eSkool'. Whatever is
written here, have various sources which may or may not be reliable, the
authenticity of the same have to be seen by the readers themslves.]
ओरा गइल
Oraa gail [The End]
Global Bhojpuri 16.02.9118 ग्लोबल भोजपुरी
dinan ke naav: Name of the days in Bhojpuri:
एतवार सोमार
मंगर बुध बियफे
शुक शनीचर
Somaar Ma`gar Beeyafe Shuk Shaneecar
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
mahinan ke naav: Names of Months in Bhojpuri:
चैत बैशाख
जेठ आसाढ़ सावन भादो आशिन कातिक अगहन पुष माघ फागुन.
Vaishaakh Jeth AasaaD*a Saavan Bhaado Aashin Kaatik Agahan Pus Maagh Faagun.
April May June July August September Octuber November December January February
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