Let India be a 'Janatantra' > Not a Party-tantra.
मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्
18.06.2018 CE Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam
सृ. 20.03.9118. Somavaara: सोमवार:
International daily eNews Paper'.
दैनिक-समाचारपत्रम् .
विशेषवार्ता: VishezaVaartaa: [Special News]:
**Adya JyezThaMaasShuklaPax`
अत्र यत्किंचिदलिखितमस्ति तत् "सरलीकृतसंस्कृतम्"
** अद्य ज्येष्ठ, Adya JyezTha, 9118
सृ. 20.03.9118, > 18.06.2018 CE
... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...
सृ. 30.03.9118, > 28.06.2018 CE
सृ. 01.04.9118, > 29.06.2018 CE
सृ. 02.04.9118, > 30.06.2018 CE
सृ. 03.04.9118, > 01.07.2018 CE
Aparam ca:-
** के पठन्ति:- आंग्ल-संस्कृतअंतर्राष्ट्रीय दैनिक-समाचारपत्रम्:-
सं. रा. अमेरिका SRA, भारत: Bhaarata:, फ्रांस:
Fraansa:, रुस: Rusa:, जर्मनी Jarmani, पोलैंड: Poladesha:, बर्तानिया
Bartaaniyaa, ब्राज़ीलः Braazila:, चिनः Cina:, यूक्रेनः Yukrena:, होंडुरा
HonDuraa, नेपालः Nepaala:, तुर्कीTurki, आर्मेनिया Aarmeniyaa, उत्तरिदेशाः
Uttaridesha:, घना Ghaanaa, रोमानिया Romaaniyaa, विएतनामः Vietnaama:, कनाडा
KanaaDaa, कोलोम्बिया Kolombiyaa, इक्वाडोर EkvaDor, गाम्बिया Gaambia, ... प्रभृति:
Who reads 'Mitram Daily": 'USA, India, France, Russia, Germany,
Poland, UK, Brazil, China, Ukraine, Honduras, Nepal, Turkey, Armenia, Netherland,
Ghana, Romania, Vietnam, Canada, Colombia, Equador, Gambia, ... etc.
** Bhaarata:
'Hanatantram' bhavet > Na tu ParTi-tantram:
Let India be a 'Janatantra' > Not a Party-tantra:
Etat 'Sundaram-raajanaitik-Upakramam' 'Democrasi' kathitwaa Bhaarateeyopari
yat maatra
'Pradarshan-tantram' (Kathayati OxforDa:).
Ataeva Sanaatanaarya
Abraaham Linkana: udvignaBhootvaa navaroope Paribhaazita: 'Demokraisi' athavaa
yat sarve PaaThayanti vidyaalayezu, parantu maatra 10, 12 deshesu
"Janatantram" ashi Vishwe adya.
Such a 'nice political system' was thrust upon the people
of India in the name of Democracy = 'Demonstration-Cracy' (according to
Sanatanarya Abraham Lincoln got fedup with such a
'Democracy', thus he had to redefine the word 'Democracy' as:
"Democracy is the
government by the people, for the people, and of the people"
[there is no synonim for 'Janatantra' in English
> Most
schools teach this, but hardly 10-12 countries of the World follow this
"Lincolnian Democracy", LD = Janatantra.
However, Dr Pranab Mukherjee sings the songs of the same
person due to which India got divided, losing her 2 Parts and still suffering
due to the aJanataantrik = Anti-Janatantrik 'Political System, called "Parliamentary Democry' or
'Loktantra' thrust upon Indians which is far from "Janatantra = LD",
but most Indian schools wrongly teach that the present political System of
India since 1950 CE is Janatantraik or LD: 'Lincolian Democracy'.
Let India be a 'Janatantra'.
As said above, the present Indian System of Nehrubian
Governance, is a ‘Party-tantra’ all know:
1. The 'rrp': 'really ruling person' is not
elected for the post of PM CMs even by a single citizen of India.
=> Top Ruler India, 'Prime Minister' is
"not elected by the people of India."
=> Thus "India is not a Janatantra or
LD" presently.
2. The "unelected PM of India" firstly
works for the Party for her/ his existance, but need not work for the people.
Thus his /her rule is firstly for the Party or
'the Group
of parties', not for the people.
3. Any one
can become the
"Leader of the Majority Party" or
the "group of parties' by made by hook and by
... and acquires the post of PM or CM not of the people.
=> Thus clearly the Government of India
is 'not Janatantrik'
=> All other "Parliamentary Democratic
countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Germany, Italy, ... ... are
not-Janatantra or LD.
Paakistaana:, Banglaadesha:, Ethiopiyaa, Jarmani, ITali, ... tathaa sarve
'Sansadeeya Loktantraa:', Janatantraa: na santi,
na ca
'Linkanee Lokatantra' .
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Germany, Italy, ... ... and all the countries
with 'Parliamentary Democracy' are not Janatantra or LD:
** Kadaa Bhaarate
Janatantra: athavaa LD aagamizyati?
When will India be a
Janatantra i.e LD:
'Lincolnian Democratic' country?
** SaralikritaSanskritam, SaralikritaSanskrite >>
फलितज्योतिषमानवमष्तिकप्रदूषितम् करोति.
(2 shabde, maatra 1 Shabdaroopam)
(Falita, Jyotis, maanava, mastizka etaan 4 shabdaroopaa: lopamabhavat.)
Saamaanyam Sanskritam, Saamaanye Sanskrite
> फलितम् ज्योतिषम् मानवस्य मष्तिकम् प्रदूषितम् करोति.
(atra 6 shabdaani, aneka- shabdaroopaani noona` gyaatavyam).
प्रदूषितमने यत्किंचिद्भवति तत, प्रदूषितमेव.
इति सर्वेषां ज्ञातव्यं.
Whatever is done
by polluted mind, gets itself polluted
All the days made by the God are auspisious.
मानवमष^तिष्कं वृहद्जटिलसंगणकं, अतः मानवः ध्यानपूर्वकं यदकिंचिदिच्छति, तदैव भवति.
इति ज्ञान-ध्यानमहत्वं, सर्वेषां ज्ञातव्यं.
Maanavamaztizkam vrihadJaTila` SangaNakam,
Ata: manasaa-dhyaanapoorvakam Yatkicidicchati,
tadaiva bhavati.
Iti gyaana-dhyaanaMahatvam sarbezaam gyaatavyam.
Human brain is as a very complex computer.
Thus, whatever a person whole heartedly thinks, that happens.
This is the importance of meditation, all should know.
** भारतनेतृत्वे पूर्वार्जितज्ञानं AK (प्राप्तज्ञानं),
DK (प्रायोगिकज्ञानम्), EK (शाश्वतज्ञानं )
UK (संपूर्णज्ञानम्) यत् 'वेद' इति उच्यते.
On the other hand, the knowledge acquired
by the East, lead by India is based on
AK (Acquired Knowledge),
DK (Derived Knowledge), and
EK (Eternal Knowledge) =>
UK (Ultimate Knowledge) of Vedas.
EK, शाश्वतज्ञानं ऋषिजनै: प्राप्तवन्तः, न अन्य कोपि. अधिकम् ज्ञातुं गम्यताम्:-
"Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" Author Dr Deo Dutta Sharma www.scribd.com स्थले.
EK was and is
found by Rishis only, the ‘technique’ of which is not known to 'Einsteinians
AK (Acquired
Knowledge), DK (Derived Knowledge), and EK (Eternal Knowledge) => UK
(Ultimate Knowledge).
For more go
to “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” at www.scribd.com.
> PaThyataam "सरलीकृतसंस्कृतम्" गम्यताम्
'सरलीकृतसंस्कृतम्' सुंदरम्.
'SaralikritSanskritam' sundaram.
Atra yatkincidLikhitamasti, tat 'SaralikritaSanskritam'.
RomanaLipyaam ca sundaraSuddhaSanskritalekhitum, tathaa
taani shuddha-roope paThitum sambhavam, tathaapi DevanaagariLipiSanskritaaya
Gamyataam > www.saralikritasanskrita.blogspot.com
SanskritaSanskritam Saralam.
It is possible to write Sanskrit correctly nicely, and
again read it back correctly, even then it is better to write Sanskrit in
'Devanaagari Script'. Goto www.saralikritasanskrita.blogspot.com
'SaralikritaSanskritam' is simple. See yourself >>
** विश्वे सृ. 9117 वर्षे 581 लक्ष जनाः संस्कृतं ज्ञायन्ते.
** Saamaanyam
Sanskritam, Saamaanye Sanskrite
> फलितम् ज्योतिषम् मानवस्य मष्तिकम् प्रदूषितम् करोति.
(atra 6 shabdaani, aneka- shabdaroopaani noonam gyaatavyam).
> SaralikritaSanskritam, SaralikritaSanskrite >>
फलितज्योतिषमानवमष्तिकप्रदूषितम् करोति. (2 shabde, maatra 1 Shabdaroopam) (Falita, Jyotis,
maanava, mastizka 4 shabdaroopaa: lopamabhavat.)
"सामुद्रिक शास्त्रस्य वैज्ञानिकरूपप्रतिपादनम्" गम्यतां:-
"Saamudrik Shaastrasya Vaigyaanik-roope
Pratipaadanaay": gamyataam : "Palmistry as Science and
Technology", naamni pustake.
For "The Scientific Theory of Palmistry": go to
the book entitled: "Palmistry as Science and Technology", Author: Dr
Deo Dutta Sharma at www.lulu.com
and www.earthsanskriti.blogspot.com
(aparam ca, continued.)
"Aadhunikam Sanskritam” gyaatum: gamyataam sthaane www.saralikritsanskritam.blogspot.com
[For more on Sanskrit…
go to the above link]
** "Mitram Sanskrita Dainikam"
SanskritaBhaazaayaa: prathamam dainikam Vishwe,
Prakaashanam gata 99 Varzaat bhavati.
["Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam" is the 1st Sanskrit
daily newspaper of the World, published since last 99 years.]
Apara` ca. [more...]
'Mitram': Praaceenatamam Sanskrita Dainikam Vishwe.
'Mitram': The oldest Sanskrit Daily News Paper of the
अत्र Atra ‘Devanaagari’ athavaa ‘Roman’ lipi-prayogam`
[One may use either Devanagari or Roman Script here.]
Sanskritam ‘Roman’ lipyam lekhitu` poorva-Prakaashanaan
paThaneeyam, tathaa www.saralikritsanskritam.blogspot.com
sthaane ca.[For reading and writing Sanskrit in Roman script and again reading
back the same correctly, one may go to the above link.]
>>> Atra yatkincidlikhitamasti tasya anekaa:
sootraa:, ata: paaThakaa: swayameva tezaa` satyata` vidheyam.[Whatever is
written here that has various sources, therefore the readers may themselves
consider the authenticity of the same.
'Mitram': Vishwe Prathamam` Sanskrit dainikam,
Prakaashanam: Gata 99 वर्षात् .
Aacaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, आचार्य पण्डित अम्बिकादत्त
शर्मा, Muzaffarpuram,
SrizTyaabda:1 972 949 019 Varzaat, nyoone Sri: 9019 वर्षात्
Aadi Prakaashaka: Aacaarya Pandit Ambika Datta Sharma,
Gannipur, Muzaffarpur, India, Earth, Brahmaan0IDasya IHALOK bhaage
i.e. in the Universe, na tu ITARLOK bhaage.
['Mitram': The oldest Sanskrit Daily Newspaper of the
World, since: 1919 CE, originally Edited & Published by Acharya Pt Ambika
Datta Sharma from Muzaffarpur, India, The Earth, IHALOC part of Brahmand
made of matters, not in ITARLOC part of Brahmand made of anti-matters.]
इति Iti [The end]
18.06.2018 Mitram Sanskrit Dainikam सृ. 20.03.9118
मत्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्:
अपरं च Apara` ca. [more...
Sanskritadivasaa: names of 7 days in Sanskrit and
>> Pronunciation in English > संस्कृते उच्चारणम् > [English] >>
Vaara: वार: [day],
Ravivaara: रविवार: [Sunday], Somavaara: सोमवार: [Monday],
MangalaVaara: मंगलवार: [Tuesday], Budha बुधवार: [Wednesday].
Brihaspati, बृहस्पतिवार: [Thursday], Guru गुरूवार: [Thursday]
Shukra शुक्रवार: [Friday], ShaniVaara: शनिवार: [Saturday]
अधुना JyezTha Maasam <> [May], सृष्ट्याब्द: 1 972 949 118,
न्यूने सृ. 03.9118.
... ... ...
मित्रम् संस्कृत दैनिकम्
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