नारदिक देश आ स्कन्द - नेविआ.
अतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपरी
InBho: International Bhojpuri:
खास बात Khaas Baat: Spesal Taak:
'21sT Sencuri Inglish': www.21stcenturyenglish.Inglish.blogspot.com with 50 LeTTar
** Pres. Putin ke 71 dinan ke Yukren Oparesan ke Fal:
Rushi RaazTraadhyax Putin ke 71 dinan ke Yukren [Ukraine] ke Oparesan ke Upalabdhi:
> Neecu PesiDenT Putin ke Farvari 2022 ke kathan:
InBho 24.02.2022 se:
" The whole world witnessed President Putin say:
1. The idials of Lenin are being destroyed.
2. We are ready to show the Truth of Communism to Ukraine.
3. Stalin propageted his own thought, not of Lenin's or of Communism and separeted Ukraine & Russia.
4. The ParliamenT of Russian Fed. has all rights. All the states of USSR have right to separate.
5, Russia helped Ukraine 1991-2013 paying over 250 M $ but people of Ukraine are insited against Russia. Till today Ukraine has no stable Govt. what they have they are agents of America, not an independent country and do not work for the people. Wests are controlling Ukraine.
6. Ukraine has Atom Bomb. Ukraine in NATO means danger for Russiaa.
7. Ukraine will not be allowed to be dangerous for Russia. Ukraine in NATO is dangerous for Russia, as the Army is controlled by NATO.
8. Danets & Luhansk were declared Independent Countries. Peace keeping Forces sent to to DPR & LPR.]"
Uupar Pres. Putin ke Feb. 2022 ke kathan ke khaas baaT:
1. Pres. Putin: Govt. of Yukren is an AgenT of Amerikaa, WesTs are controlling Yukren, thus Yukren in NATO means Danger for Russia. (Pt. 5, 6, & 7 above).
InBho > Proved correct in 71 days. Yukren in NATO looks faar away!!!
2. Danets & Luhansk were declared Independent Countries. (Pt. 8).
InBho > Fighting still going on, 85-95% achievment. Soviet flags unflurd at meny places in the East.
3. Demilitarisation of Ukraine. InBho > Looks impossible, since now it means "Demilitarisation of the Wests". Where is Ukraine?
Demilitarisation of Ukraine => ... of the Wests .
** Moritopol Pa Soviet Jhandaa.
Zaparojhia NPP ke Yukren calaavataa, baakir Moritopol ke NPP ke Ge~T pa Soviet Jhandaa 68m din se
** Naardik Desh aa Skandinevia me` Antar:
Hamani ke jaR me` jaaibjaa: Sri: 1 770 000 000.
Naardik desh uu hawesa jahawaa pahile pahile jeevadhaari, Manu putra: 'Maanav', (danu-putra: 'daanaw' janamalan daxin Golaardha me`.
Skandinevaa ke naav rakhaail baa Mahaadeva Shankar ke JyesTha putra 'Skand Kumaar' ke naav pa je ha: Naorwe, Sweden aa Denmaark,
[Difference between Nordic and Scandinewian Countree:
We go to the roots}: Sri: 1 770 000 000. /
Diffarensa biTween NaorDik aend SkaenDinevian Kantreez:
Wi go Tu da rooTs:
NorDik kantreez aar doz wheyar Aorganizma / Maanava > Manav > Man evaolvD 1sT: Norwe, sweden, Denmaark, GreenlaenD, AaislaenD, FinlaenD,
Saaiberiaa Alaaskaa Rushi KanTri aend sam IslaenDs aof da Aarkatik Sarkil.
Wheyar aez,
Skandineviyaa inklyuDs Naorwe, Sweden, Denmaark whic waas EsTaablishD baai Skanda Kumaar da ElDesT son aof LaorD ShivaShankara, Mahaadeva.
Faor mo~r go Tu da books
1. ["First Human Born in Himalayan & Arctic Circle" /
"FasT Hyumaen Baorn in Himaalaya & AarkaTik Sarkls"
Author: Dr Deo Dutta Sharma, 1st Edition: 28.01.2017.]
2. ["Arctic Home in Vedas",
Author: Prof. Bal Gangadhar Tilak. /
"AarkaTik Ho~m in Vedaas", Author: Prof. Baal Gangaadhar Tilak.]
** TransinTriyaa / Moldovaa:
Log TraansinTriyaa choR ke bhaagataare.
TraansinTriyaa ke Moldovaa apane maanelaa. baakir ohijaa Rushi log bharal baaRan.
** Soviet JhanDaa Moritopol Ge~T pa:
[Soviet Flag in Moritopol]
Soviet JhanDaa Moritopol Ge~T pa faharaawalas Soviet Senaa Yuddha 68m din ke jahawaa Japarojhiyaa AeTomik Paawar Plaant calaawataaran Yukreni log, baakir Moritopol pa Rushi Senaa ke kabjaa baa.
** Naau "Yukren: da BaeTTla FilD" aof da anDikliyarD Waar biTween: Amerikaa+NATO <> Rassiaa.
** Krivoi Rig / Krivoirog Rushi TaargeT,
da barth ples aof Zelenski.
> देखता ई सब, दुनिया
dekhataa ee sab, duniyaa,
ke ke, kaa kaa karataa.
[Aol deez aar seen baai da World, hu iz Duing whaaT!!!]
InBho: "International Bhojpuri", "AntarraasTreeya Bhojpuri" 7m Baris:
Sins: 19.07.2015 KE. 7म बरीस, शुरुआत 17.04.9115 से.
[InBho works with the aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool" and requests the Governments of the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language".]
प्रकाशक: Prakaashak & Sampaadak: [Publisher & Editer]: www.InBho.blogspot.com
सर्वाधिकार प्रकाशक aa Sampaadak ke पास सुरक्षित: 24.11.2020.
Aol raaiTs rizarvD with da Pablishar & EDiter: [All rights reserved with the Publisher & Editer]: 24.11.2020.
[Please donate to InBho: "Internatio5al Bhojpuri" Rupee 100, R 50, ... Dr Deo Dutta Sharma / through ICICI Bank Account No. 025501002121, ISFC:A ICIC0000255].
अउरु Auru baa kanTiniuD [continued]
06.05.2022 InBho इन-भो.

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