1st Switzerland, 2nd Bahamas, 3rd New Zealand among most Developed Countries WW.
08.09.2016 InBho: "International Bhojpuri"
21.06.9116: , अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"
jaa khabar: Hot News:
Kawano desh ke Unnati kaa oh desh ke dhan-daulat se holaa, ki logan ke khushhaali se?
Ham ta jaanataani ki desh ke Unnati kaatir:
DD / Janatantra, Aarthik Unnati, Mahilaa Swatantrataa khaali pahnaave ke naa, baluk shixaa, kaam-dhaam aadi ke Swatantrataa je laikaa-laikian ke jinagi sawaare se, sunar Swaastha se aa
Khel-kood ke cikanai se holaa.
Hot News:
The "Overall Development of a Country, ODC":
Is simply by the Economic Development, or by
the Happy, Healthy Enjoyable long life of
the people of a country.
Thus, we assess:
1. The presence of Janatantra: People's Government not Party's.
2. Economic Development of the people.
3. Female % and their freedom of living including dress and movement.
4. Health & Mother-Child Care
5. Education and Presence of Learned Persons.
6. Cream of Sports persons
Sansaar ke sabse jaadaa Unnat desh: okar ODC, "Overall Development of a Country":
ke maan se pataa calelaa
Among the Most developed Countries of the World on ODC value:
1-laa Sthaan: SwiTzarlaenD::1st Place: Switzerland
2-sar Sthaan: Bahamaas::2nd Place: Bahamas
3-sar Sthaan: Nai ZeelaenD::3rd Place: New Zealand.
People's Happiness sprouts from 'Janatantra' (LD: Lincolnian Democracy) and not merely from Demonstration-Cracy i.e. Democracy.
Ab dekhee`25 Sthaan tak For more: 25 Places:
ODC: "Overall Development of a Country"
Country Janatantra Eco Devt Female % & Dress Liberty Health, Mother Baby care Sports Education Total % Development
Switzerland 1500000 802147 5000 504864 302022 100000 3214034 91.206 1
Bahamas 0 123945 10000 411351 1861169 96950 2608459 81.917 2
New Zealand 0 378800 10489 482162 1260401 99000 2230852 78.101 3
Cuba 1000000 53513 -2000 476757 421239 99750 2049848 76.148 4
Andorra 0 480000 -44500 400000 0 50500 2855500 75.146 5
Denmark 0 520022 4000 499459 627775 100000 5651256 72.452 6
Jamaica 0 51379 2000 375505 1714314 87650 2230750 72.425 7
Laxembourg 0 1013500 -2000 523512 0 100000 1363061 70.975 8
Norway 0 747364 -4000 513513 227390 100000 1584155 70.31 9
N. Korea 1000000 12244 11000 264595 107477 100000 1495312 69.171 10
Netherland 0 444334 4000 502162 442461 100000 1492942 69.141 11
UK 0 437334 16949 502162 139629 100000 1464293 68.773 12
Croasia 0 115355 18000 494054 277237 98700 1503350 68.461 13
Hungary 0 122599 -40920 476757 708759 88000 1431103 67.848 14
China 1000000 79247 -15005 422703 22846 93600 1693391 67.367 15
St Kitts Is 10000 502729 3990 469459 312348 100000 5181446 67.361 16
USA 10000 502729 3990 469459 312348 100000 5181446 66.492 17
Sweden 0 502729 0 343513 312348 100000 1258586 66.136 18
Ireland 0 480000 1000 502162 152542 100000 5135705 65.843 19
Germany 0 412190 8949 502162 196947 100000 1220228 65.664 20
Latavua 0 136645 40945 756757 480000 99900 1214248 65.518 21
Lithuania 0 141722 40000 488108 441780 99800 1211410 65.431 22
Macao SA China 0 785592 18000 452162 0 93700 1440741 65.321 23
France 10000 362482 13000 500811 207245 100000 1183534 65.302 24
Canada 0 432385 4000 491891 137300 10000 1164496 64.93 25
*1. DD = Direct Democracy > to some extent in Switzerland.
*2. Janatantra = 'Lincolnian Democracy' not ‘Democracy’ i.e. 'Demonstration-Cracy'.
*3 Economic Development is GDP: USD/Capita
*4. (Female % - Burka, hijab%) over 50%: 10K/1%
Baaki deshano ke ODC Raenk dekhee`:
[Please look at the ODC Rank of other counyties]:
Rank Desh Country Score
26 Sloveniyaa Slovenia 64.74
27 Beljiam Belgium 64.57
28 Vietnam Vietnam 64.53
29 FinlaendD Finland 64.35
30 AaislaenD Iceland 63.88
31 Astriyaa Austria 63.82
32 AsTreliyaa Austrelia 63.57
33 Jaapaan Japan 63.52
34 Szek Rep Czek Rep 63.47
35 EsToniyaa Estonia 63.34
36 D. Koriyaa S. Korea 63.32
36 Amerikan Samoa 63.32
38 Itali Italy 63.27
39 Belaarus Belarus 63.24
40 Singaapur Singapore 62.8
41 Trinidad aa Tobaego Trinidad &Tobago 62.71
42 Kataar Qatar 62.54
43 Aarmeniyaa Armenia 62.51
44 Hong Kong Hong Kong 62.04
45 Slovaakiyaa Slovakia 61.87
46 Saaipras Cyprus 61.71
47 Kazaakhstaan Kazakhstan 61.69
48 Spe~n Spain 61.44
49 Israael Israel 60.92
50 Taipai Taiwan 60.75
51 Rus Russia 60.59
52 Jeorjiyaa Georgia 60.58
53 Montenigro Montenegro 60.43
54 PolaenD Poland 60.37
55 Bahraain Bahrain 60.09
56 Arubaa Aruba 59.95
57 Grees Greece 59.71
58 Fr. Polinesiyaa Fr Polinesia 59.55
59 Serbiyaa Serbia 59.39
60 Azarbaijaan Azerbajan 59.36
61 Yukren Ukraine 59.17
62 Dominikaa Dominika 59.12
63 Romaaniyaa Romania 58.93
63 AnTiguaa Antigua 58.93
65 Nai KalaDoniyaa New Caladonia 58.81
66 Mangoliyaa Mangolia 58.76
66 Panaamaa Panama 58.76
68 Barbaados Barbados 58.55
69 MaalTaa Malta 58.29
70 Brubei Daru s Brunei Daru 58.11
71 Bulgariyaa Bulgaria 57.95
72 Kuwait Kuwait 57.87
73 Cili Chile 57.75
74 PuerTo Riko Puerto Rico 57.6
75 Maaldives Maldives 57.29
76 KosTaa Rikaa Costa Rica 57.26
77 UAE UAE 57.24
78 Fiji Fiji 57.04
79 ArjenTinaa Argentina 56.28
80 Portugaal Portugal 56.22
81 Siseli Seycheli 56.19
82 Moldovaa Moldova 56.13
83 Tongaa Tonga 56.1
84 ThaailanD Thailand 55.98
85 Samoaa Samoa 55.32
86 Albaaniyaa Albania 55.19
87 Bosniyaa Harzagobinaa Bosnia Harzgobina 55.05
88 Kolombiyaa Colombia 55.02
89 Venezuelaa Venezuela 54.67
90 Mexiko Mexico 54.57
91 Uzbekistaan Uzbekistan 54.42
92 Grenadaa Grenada 54.27
93 Braazil Brazil 54.14
94 Surinaam Suriname 53.83
95 Kirgijstaan Kirgijistan 53.64
96 Sri Lankaa Sri Lanka 53.21
97 Filipaains Philippines 52.95
98 Taajikstaan Tajikistan 52.92
99 St Lusiyaa St Lucia 52.8
100 JorDaan Jodan 52.52
101 Urugue Urugue 52.48
102 Ekwidor Equidor 52.36
103 Malaysiyaa Malaysia 52.41
104 Turkmenistaan Turkmenistan 52.37
105 Paraague Parague 52.1
106 Peru Peru 51.89
107 Dom. Gantantra Dom. Rep 51.82
108 Golan Hight Palestine 51.5
109 Guyanaa Guyana 51.37
110 Hong Kong Hong Kong 51.15
111 Marisas Mauritius 51.11
111 Gabon Gabon 51.11
113 d.Afrikaa S. Africa 50.27
Country Scoring < 50 but > 40:
114 IndDonesiayaa Indonesia 49.92
115 Botswaanaa Btswana 49.68
116 Boliviyaa Bolivia 49.42
117 El Salvaador El Salvador 49.15
118 MaarTinigue Martinigue 49.11
119 Saudi Arabiyaa Saudi Arabia 48.7
120 Fr Guina Fr Guina 48.02
121 Omaan Oman 48.08
122 Nikaaraaguaa Nicaragua 47.3
123 Lebanan Lebnon 45.95
124 Libiyaa Libya 45.95
125 Naamibiyaa Namibia 45.88
126 Barmaa Myanmar 46.65
127 Siriyaa Syria 45.63
128 EriTriyaa Eritria 45.1
129 Belize Belize 44.79
130 Laaos DPR Laos DPR 44.13
131 SwaazilaenD Swaziland 44.1
132 Iraan Iran 43.99
133 SwaazilaenD Swaziland 43.89
134 Gabon Gabon 43.38
134 BR Guinaa Eq. Guina 43.38
136 Eq. Guinaa Eq Guina 42.88
137 Solomon Is Solomon Is 42.65
137 Lesotho Lesotho 42.65
139 Tyunisiyaa Tunisia 42.51
140 Komoros Comoros 42.23
141 Gautemaalaa Guatemala 41.48
142 Zimbaabwe Zimbabwe 40.6
Country Scoring < 40 but > 30:
143 Keniyaa Kenya 38.77
144 Iraak Iraq 38.67
145 Djibauti Djibauti 38.6
146 BurunDi Burundi 38.5
147 Aljeriyaa Algeria 38.22
148 KamboDiyaa Cambodia 37.56
149 Kongo ROC Congo Roc 36.75
150 RwaanDaa Rwanda 35.91
151 Misra Egypt 35.02
152 Saao Tome Sao Tome 34.23
153 Ghaanaa Ghana 33.83
154 UgaanDaa Uganda 33.75
155 Tanzaaniyaa Tanzania 32.51
156 Timor L Timor L 31.59
157 MaDaagaaskar Madagaskar 31.58
158 Papuaa NG Papua NG 30.99
159 Banglaadesh Banladesh 30.87
159 SuDaan Sudan 30.87
Country Scoring < 30 but > 20:
161 Morokko Morocco 29.99
162 Bhaarat India 29.04
163 Kaemeroon Cameroon 28.9
164 BhuTaan Bhutan 28.43
165 Malaawi Malawi 26.73
166 Haiti Haiti 26.55
167 Nepaal Nepal 26.37
168 Yemen Yemen 25.23
169 Jaambiyaa Zambia 24.38
170 Togo Togo 22.16
171 Senegal Senegal 21.47
172 Gambiyaa Gambia 20.13
Country Scoring < 20 but > 10:
173 Maanav dweep Isle of Man 19.51
174 Ethiopiyaa Ethiopia 18.03
175 Guinaa Biss Guina Biss 16.46
176 Paakistaan Pakistan 16.26
177 DR Kongo DR Congo 16.02
178 Mozaambik Mozambique 15.75
179 Naaijeriyaa Nigeria 15.52
180 Angolaa Angola 15.26
181 MauriTaaniyaa Mauritania 14.4
182 Liberiyaa Liberia 10.58
Rank Desh Country Score
Countries with Single digit Score:
183 Ivori Coast Cote de'ivore 8.82
184 Barkinaa Faafo Berkina Faso 8.36
185 GuaaDeloupe Guadeloupe 8.07
186 Sieraa Lione Sierra Leone 7.84
187 Guaam Guam 7.46
188 Micronesiyaa Micronesia 7
189 Kiribatti Kiribatti 6.96
190 Ke~p Varde Cape Verde 6.04
191 Guaadelope Guadeloupe 5.64
192 Benin Benin 5.03
193 P. Sahaaraa W. Sahara 4.87
194 Maali Mali 4.44
195 Guinaa Guina 4.32
196 Fareo Is 4.02
196 St Visent dw St Vicent Is 4.02
198 CaaD Chad 2.53
199 Afgaanistaan Afaghanistan 1.3
200 d.SuDaan S. Sudan -0.85
201 Kendreey Afrikan Gan. Central African Rep. -1.56
202 Naaijar Niger -2.02
203 Somaaliyaa Somalia -11.16
Contries for which Data not available:
West Sahara, Mayotte, Curacao, Chanel Is, US Vergin Is, Bermuda, Greenland and others.
Prakaashak: [Publisher]: www.InBho.blogspot.com
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.]
Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 190 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris puraan ha "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. [WW over 190 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'. ]
Aaj 9116 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 190 M log bolelan.
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.
[Today in 2016: over 190 M people of overs 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".]
08.09.2016 InBho
08.09.2016 InBho: "International Bhojpuri"
21.06.9116: , अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"
jaa khabar: Hot News:
Kawano desh ke Unnati kaa oh desh ke dhan-daulat se holaa, ki logan ke khushhaali se?
Ham ta jaanataani ki desh ke Unnati kaatir:
DD / Janatantra, Aarthik Unnati, Mahilaa Swatantrataa khaali pahnaave ke naa, baluk shixaa, kaam-dhaam aadi ke Swatantrataa je laikaa-laikian ke jinagi sawaare se, sunar Swaastha se aa
Khel-kood ke cikanai se holaa.
Hot News:
The "Overall Development of a Country, ODC":
Is simply by the Economic Development, or by
the Happy, Healthy Enjoyable long life of
the people of a country.
Thus, we assess:
1. The presence of Janatantra: People's Government not Party's.
2. Economic Development of the people.
3. Female % and their freedom of living including dress and movement.
4. Health & Mother-Child Care
5. Education and Presence of Learned Persons.
6. Cream of Sports persons
Sansaar ke sabse jaadaa Unnat desh: okar ODC, "Overall Development of a Country":
ke maan se pataa calelaa
Among the Most developed Countries of the World on ODC value:
1-laa Sthaan: SwiTzarlaenD::1st Place: Switzerland
2-sar Sthaan: Bahamaas::2nd Place: Bahamas
3-sar Sthaan: Nai ZeelaenD::3rd Place: New Zealand.
People's Happiness sprouts from 'Janatantra' (LD: Lincolnian Democracy) and not merely from Demonstration-Cracy i.e. Democracy.
Ab dekhee`25 Sthaan tak For more: 25 Places:
ODC: "Overall Development of a Country"
Country Janatantra Eco Devt Female % & Dress Liberty Health, Mother Baby care Sports Education Total % Development
Switzerland 1500000 802147 5000 504864 302022 100000 3214034 91.206 1
Bahamas 0 123945 10000 411351 1861169 96950 2608459 81.917 2
New Zealand 0 378800 10489 482162 1260401 99000 2230852 78.101 3
Cuba 1000000 53513 -2000 476757 421239 99750 2049848 76.148 4
Andorra 0 480000 -44500 400000 0 50500 2855500 75.146 5
Denmark 0 520022 4000 499459 627775 100000 5651256 72.452 6
Jamaica 0 51379 2000 375505 1714314 87650 2230750 72.425 7
Laxembourg 0 1013500 -2000 523512 0 100000 1363061 70.975 8
Norway 0 747364 -4000 513513 227390 100000 1584155 70.31 9
N. Korea 1000000 12244 11000 264595 107477 100000 1495312 69.171 10
Netherland 0 444334 4000 502162 442461 100000 1492942 69.141 11
UK 0 437334 16949 502162 139629 100000 1464293 68.773 12
Croasia 0 115355 18000 494054 277237 98700 1503350 68.461 13
Hungary 0 122599 -40920 476757 708759 88000 1431103 67.848 14
China 1000000 79247 -15005 422703 22846 93600 1693391 67.367 15
St Kitts Is 10000 502729 3990 469459 312348 100000 5181446 67.361 16
USA 10000 502729 3990 469459 312348 100000 5181446 66.492 17
Sweden 0 502729 0 343513 312348 100000 1258586 66.136 18
Ireland 0 480000 1000 502162 152542 100000 5135705 65.843 19
Germany 0 412190 8949 502162 196947 100000 1220228 65.664 20
Latavua 0 136645 40945 756757 480000 99900 1214248 65.518 21
Lithuania 0 141722 40000 488108 441780 99800 1211410 65.431 22
Macao SA China 0 785592 18000 452162 0 93700 1440741 65.321 23
France 10000 362482 13000 500811 207245 100000 1183534 65.302 24
Canada 0 432385 4000 491891 137300 10000 1164496 64.93 25
*1. DD = Direct Democracy > to some extent in Switzerland.
*2. Janatantra = 'Lincolnian Democracy' not ‘Democracy’ i.e. 'Demonstration-Cracy'.
*3 Economic Development is GDP: USD/Capita
*4. (Female % - Burka, hijab%) over 50%: 10K/1%
Baaki deshano ke ODC Raenk dekhee`:
[Please look at the ODC Rank of other counyties]:
Rank Desh Country Score
26 Sloveniyaa Slovenia 64.74
27 Beljiam Belgium 64.57
28 Vietnam Vietnam 64.53
29 FinlaendD Finland 64.35
30 AaislaenD Iceland 63.88
31 Astriyaa Austria 63.82
32 AsTreliyaa Austrelia 63.57
33 Jaapaan Japan 63.52
34 Szek Rep Czek Rep 63.47
35 EsToniyaa Estonia 63.34
36 D. Koriyaa S. Korea 63.32
36 Amerikan Samoa 63.32
38 Itali Italy 63.27
39 Belaarus Belarus 63.24
40 Singaapur Singapore 62.8
41 Trinidad aa Tobaego Trinidad &Tobago 62.71
42 Kataar Qatar 62.54
43 Aarmeniyaa Armenia 62.51
44 Hong Kong Hong Kong 62.04
45 Slovaakiyaa Slovakia 61.87
46 Saaipras Cyprus 61.71
47 Kazaakhstaan Kazakhstan 61.69
48 Spe~n Spain 61.44
49 Israael Israel 60.92
50 Taipai Taiwan 60.75
51 Rus Russia 60.59
52 Jeorjiyaa Georgia 60.58
53 Montenigro Montenegro 60.43
54 PolaenD Poland 60.37
55 Bahraain Bahrain 60.09
56 Arubaa Aruba 59.95
57 Grees Greece 59.71
58 Fr. Polinesiyaa Fr Polinesia 59.55
59 Serbiyaa Serbia 59.39
60 Azarbaijaan Azerbajan 59.36
61 Yukren Ukraine 59.17
62 Dominikaa Dominika 59.12
63 Romaaniyaa Romania 58.93
63 AnTiguaa Antigua 58.93
65 Nai KalaDoniyaa New Caladonia 58.81
66 Mangoliyaa Mangolia 58.76
66 Panaamaa Panama 58.76
68 Barbaados Barbados 58.55
69 MaalTaa Malta 58.29
70 Brubei Daru s Brunei Daru 58.11
71 Bulgariyaa Bulgaria 57.95
72 Kuwait Kuwait 57.87
73 Cili Chile 57.75
74 PuerTo Riko Puerto Rico 57.6
75 Maaldives Maldives 57.29
76 KosTaa Rikaa Costa Rica 57.26
77 UAE UAE 57.24
78 Fiji Fiji 57.04
79 ArjenTinaa Argentina 56.28
80 Portugaal Portugal 56.22
81 Siseli Seycheli 56.19
82 Moldovaa Moldova 56.13
83 Tongaa Tonga 56.1
84 ThaailanD Thailand 55.98
85 Samoaa Samoa 55.32
86 Albaaniyaa Albania 55.19
87 Bosniyaa Harzagobinaa Bosnia Harzgobina 55.05
88 Kolombiyaa Colombia 55.02
89 Venezuelaa Venezuela 54.67
90 Mexiko Mexico 54.57
91 Uzbekistaan Uzbekistan 54.42
92 Grenadaa Grenada 54.27
93 Braazil Brazil 54.14
94 Surinaam Suriname 53.83
95 Kirgijstaan Kirgijistan 53.64
96 Sri Lankaa Sri Lanka 53.21
97 Filipaains Philippines 52.95
98 Taajikstaan Tajikistan 52.92
99 St Lusiyaa St Lucia 52.8
100 JorDaan Jodan 52.52
101 Urugue Urugue 52.48
102 Ekwidor Equidor 52.36
103 Malaysiyaa Malaysia 52.41
104 Turkmenistaan Turkmenistan 52.37
105 Paraague Parague 52.1
106 Peru Peru 51.89
107 Dom. Gantantra Dom. Rep 51.82
108 Golan Hight Palestine 51.5
109 Guyanaa Guyana 51.37
110 Hong Kong Hong Kong 51.15
111 Marisas Mauritius 51.11
111 Gabon Gabon 51.11
113 d.Afrikaa S. Africa 50.27
Country Scoring < 50 but > 40:
114 IndDonesiayaa Indonesia 49.92
115 Botswaanaa Btswana 49.68
116 Boliviyaa Bolivia 49.42
117 El Salvaador El Salvador 49.15
118 MaarTinigue Martinigue 49.11
119 Saudi Arabiyaa Saudi Arabia 48.7
120 Fr Guina Fr Guina 48.02
121 Omaan Oman 48.08
122 Nikaaraaguaa Nicaragua 47.3
123 Lebanan Lebnon 45.95
124 Libiyaa Libya 45.95
125 Naamibiyaa Namibia 45.88
126 Barmaa Myanmar 46.65
127 Siriyaa Syria 45.63
128 EriTriyaa Eritria 45.1
129 Belize Belize 44.79
130 Laaos DPR Laos DPR 44.13
131 SwaazilaenD Swaziland 44.1
132 Iraan Iran 43.99
133 SwaazilaenD Swaziland 43.89
134 Gabon Gabon 43.38
134 BR Guinaa Eq. Guina 43.38
136 Eq. Guinaa Eq Guina 42.88
137 Solomon Is Solomon Is 42.65
137 Lesotho Lesotho 42.65
139 Tyunisiyaa Tunisia 42.51
140 Komoros Comoros 42.23
141 Gautemaalaa Guatemala 41.48
142 Zimbaabwe Zimbabwe 40.6
Country Scoring < 40 but > 30:
143 Keniyaa Kenya 38.77
144 Iraak Iraq 38.67
145 Djibauti Djibauti 38.6
146 BurunDi Burundi 38.5
147 Aljeriyaa Algeria 38.22
148 KamboDiyaa Cambodia 37.56
149 Kongo ROC Congo Roc 36.75
150 RwaanDaa Rwanda 35.91
151 Misra Egypt 35.02
152 Saao Tome Sao Tome 34.23
153 Ghaanaa Ghana 33.83
154 UgaanDaa Uganda 33.75
155 Tanzaaniyaa Tanzania 32.51
156 Timor L Timor L 31.59
157 MaDaagaaskar Madagaskar 31.58
158 Papuaa NG Papua NG 30.99
159 Banglaadesh Banladesh 30.87
159 SuDaan Sudan 30.87
Country Scoring < 30 but > 20:
161 Morokko Morocco 29.99
162 Bhaarat India 29.04
163 Kaemeroon Cameroon 28.9
164 BhuTaan Bhutan 28.43
165 Malaawi Malawi 26.73
166 Haiti Haiti 26.55
167 Nepaal Nepal 26.37
168 Yemen Yemen 25.23
169 Jaambiyaa Zambia 24.38
170 Togo Togo 22.16
171 Senegal Senegal 21.47
172 Gambiyaa Gambia 20.13
Country Scoring < 20 but > 10:
173 Maanav dweep Isle of Man 19.51
174 Ethiopiyaa Ethiopia 18.03
175 Guinaa Biss Guina Biss 16.46
176 Paakistaan Pakistan 16.26
177 DR Kongo DR Congo 16.02
178 Mozaambik Mozambique 15.75
179 Naaijeriyaa Nigeria 15.52
180 Angolaa Angola 15.26
181 MauriTaaniyaa Mauritania 14.4
182 Liberiyaa Liberia 10.58
Rank Desh Country Score
Countries with Single digit Score:
183 Ivori Coast Cote de'ivore 8.82
184 Barkinaa Faafo Berkina Faso 8.36
185 GuaaDeloupe Guadeloupe 8.07
186 Sieraa Lione Sierra Leone 7.84
187 Guaam Guam 7.46
188 Micronesiyaa Micronesia 7
189 Kiribatti Kiribatti 6.96
190 Ke~p Varde Cape Verde 6.04
191 Guaadelope Guadeloupe 5.64
192 Benin Benin 5.03
193 P. Sahaaraa W. Sahara 4.87
194 Maali Mali 4.44
195 Guinaa Guina 4.32
196 Fareo Is 4.02
196 St Visent dw St Vicent Is 4.02
198 CaaD Chad 2.53
199 Afgaanistaan Afaghanistan 1.3
200 d.SuDaan S. Sudan -0.85
201 Kendreey Afrikan Gan. Central African Rep. -1.56
202 Naaijar Niger -2.02
203 Somaaliyaa Somalia -11.16
Contries for which Data not available:
West Sahara, Mayotte, Curacao, Chanel Is, US Vergin Is, Bermuda, Greenland and others.
Prakaashak: [Publisher]: www.InBho.blogspot.com
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.]
Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 190 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris puraan ha "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. [WW over 190 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'. ]
Aaj 9116 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 190 M log bolelan.
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.
[Today in 2016: over 190 M people of overs 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".]
08.09.2016 InBho
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