Unnat Khushahaal desh: 1st Switzerland, 2nd New Zealand , 3rd Bahamas at Top
22.10.2016 InBho: "International Bhojpuri"
07.08.9116: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"
Desh ke Unnati Development of a Country
Kawano desh ke Unnati kaa oh desh ke dhan-daulat aa dhau`s se holaa,
ki logan ke khushhaali se?
Ham ta jaanataani ki desh ke Unnati kaatir:
DD, Direct Democracy / Janatantra, Aarthik Unnati, Mahilaa Swatantrataa khaali pahnaave ke naa, baluk shixaa, kaam-dhaam aadi ke Swatantrataa je laikaa-laikian ke jinagi saw`aare se, sunar Swaastha se aa
Khel-kood ke cikanai se holaa.
Hot News:
The "Overall Development of a Country, ODC":
Is it simply by the Economic Development, or
is it by the Happy, Healthy Enjoyable long life of
the people of a country.
Eh se dekhee`: Thus, we assess:
1. The presence of Janatantra: People's Government, not Party's.
2. Economic Development of the people.
3. Female% and their freedom of living including dress and movement.
4. Health & Mother-Child Care
5. Education and Presence of "Literate Learned Persons".
6. Cream of Sports persons.
Janataa ke khushi 'Janatantara' se holaa, naa ki khaali Democracy ke pradarshan kare ke adhikaar se, aa kawano Raajtantra me` bole ke swatantrataa ke adhikaar se.
Are re re!! Ee kaa bhail Bartaaniyaa me`
> Bole ke swatantrato gail!!!
> RT ke Bank Khaataa band ka ke.
[People's Happiness sprouts from 'Janatantra' (LD: Lincolnian Democracy) and not merely from Demonstration-Cracy i.e. Democracy.
Ab dekhee Saar: Look at the Summary of:
ODC: "Overall Development of a Country"
1. Atyadhik Unnat desh: 4. ODC > 80 %
Countries with Excellent Development: 4
ODC: is the measure of the happiness of boys, girls, women and men.
HDI: is an index to measure Human Development but not their Happiness.
1, 2. Unnat desh: 51. Developed Countries: 51.
60% < ODC < 80%
Country Janatantra Eco Devt Female % & Dress Liberty Health, Mother Baby care Sports Education ODC % Rank
Countries with Excellent Development: 4
Switzerland [1] 1500000 [1]802147 50.5 [2] 84.8 6.34 100 93.834 1
New Zealand 0 378800 51.1 82.7 21.55 99 84.048 2
Bahamas 0 228969 51 74.4 [1] 23.26 96.95 81.817 3
Cuba [2] 1000000 53313 49.8 78.7 9.17 99.75 80.155 4
2. Developed Countries: 51 60% < ODC < 80% Rank
Netherland 0 444334 50.4 82.8 11.74 100 75.51 5
Andorra 0 480000 45.55 [1] 84.85 0 50.5 75.146 6
Denmark 0 [3]520022 50.4 80.8 9.6 100 74.755 7
Norway 0 [2]747346 49.6 [2] 83.85 6.22 100 74.195 8
UK 0 437340 50.7 82.8 10.15 100 73.831 9
Jamaica 0 51379 50.2 77.2 [2] 22.14 87.65 73.157 10
country janatantra Index pt Eco. dev. USD/Capita female %,dress liberty % Health, mother-baby care% Sports % Education % ODC % Rank
Australia 0 54718 49.2 81.8 13.43 100 72.083 11
Croasia 0 115358 51.8 76.8 12.08 89.7 71.054 12
Hungary 0 122591 [3] 52.4 78.7 11.65 99 70.72 13
Iceland 0 501733 49.9 82.9 6 99 70.044 14
Latavia 0 136645 [1] 54.1 78.6 10 99.9 69.62 15
Slovenia 0 207131 50.4 [2] 83.85 8.8 99.9 69.45 16
Russia 10000 90571 {2] 53.5 75.5 3.03 99.6 69.311 17
N. Korea [2] 1000000 12240 51.1 68.7 1.34 100 69.17 18
Ireland 0 480000 50.1 82.8 4.77 100 68.776 19
Sweden 0 502279 50.6 [4] 83 6.18 100 68.554 20
78 44 80 48 in yr 63 41 86 in % Rank
Germany 0 412190 50.9 82.8 4.2 100 67.436 21
USA 10000 558368 50.4 80.65 2.51 100 67.213 22
Lithuania 0 141722 54 79.75 7.25 99.8 67.206 23
Finland 0 419208 50.8 80.9 3.25 100 66.758 24
Belgium 0 402313 50.8 80.8 3.6 100 66.641 25
Belarus 10000 57405 53.5 72.74 7.34 1st 100.55 66.543 26
France 10000 362482 51.3 81.8 3.73 100 66 27
Canada 0 432385 50.4 81.75 2.58 100 65.82 28
& Tobago 0 204441 49.8 73 7.73 98.6 65.326 29
Macao SA China 0 785592 51.8 83 0 93.7 65.321 30
% Rank
Czec Rep 0 172313 50.9 77.5 5.31 99 65.025 31
Slovakia 0 51439 51 77.65 4.88 96.7 64.79 32
Cayman Is 0 548270 49.7 82.3 0 99.1 64.75 33
Ukraine 10000 21160 50 60.55 1.55 99.7 64.7 34
Vietnam 1000000 21112 50.5 78.9 0.16 92 64.576 35
Italy 0 298470 51 84.8 3.31 98.9 64.524 36
S. Korea 0 212215 51.5 84.85 3.78 100 64.522 37
Hong Kong 0 424229 53.1 87 0 95.9 64.41 38
Japan 0 324772 51.4 86.85 1.5 100 63.98 39
Singapore 0 528887 50.7 84.85 2.1 94.1 63.88 40
Qatar 0 746642 27.4 79.6 2.61 96.75 63.44 41
Estonia 0 258316 53.2 72.85 3.06 99.8 63.34 42
Spain 0 258316 50.9 85.8 3.39 97.2 63.17 43
Poland 10000 124945 51.6 80.75 3.25 99.65 62.65 44
Cyprus 0 180356 49 79.85 2.54 100 62.58 45
Armenia 10000 54963 53.6 74.3 5.28 99.6 62.52 46
Greece 0 180356 51.2 68.75 3.94 96.5 62.06 47
Azerbaijan 10000 54963 50.2 69.4 7.24 99.75 62.01 48
Israel 0 802147 50.4 96.6 1.21 96.35 61.9 49
Kazakhstan 0 54718 49.2 81.8 13.64 100 61.86 50
Cape Verde 0 217800 47.2 79.1 1.07 99.96 61.68 51
Bahrain 0 54718 38 76.7 6.43 92.85 61.55 52
Serbia 0 51439 51.2 77.65 4.88 96.7 61.37 53
Georgia 10000 319000 53.2 62.85 3.77 99.7 61.1 54
Taiwan 10000 319000 48.5 79 0.43 96.7 60.93 55
3. Unnatisheel desh: 76. Developing Countries: 76. 40 % < ODC < 60 %
4. Unnatisheel desh: 48. Developing Countries: 48. 0 % < ODC < 40 %
5. Avikashit desh: 4. Underveloped Countries: 4. ODC < 0
Country Janatantra Eco Devt USD/capita-yr Female % & Dress Liberty Health, Mother Baby care Sports Education ODC % Rank
S. Sudan 10000 7306 49.9 52.35 0 9.5 -0.85 180
Central Africa 10000 3330 50.7 44.5 0 17.45 -1.51 181
Niger 10000 3590 49.6 57.2 0.096 6.9 -2.15 182
Somaliya 10000 5519 50.2 50.15 0 8 -7.05 183
1. UNESCO jaisan Sansaar ke sansthaa sab ke eh deshan pa khaas dhyaan debe ke caahee`. [These countries need special care by the organization like UNESCO.]
2. Eha deshan ke aisan dashaa ke ego khaas laagataa eehaa` ke Shixaa me` kamee. Teen deshan me` ta 10-so % log sixit naikhan. [The cause of poor development of these countries appear to be their poor Education which is not even 10 % in South Sudan, Niger and Somalia.]
*1. Janatantra = 'Lincolnian Democracy':
*2. Aarthik Unnati: Economic Development GDP: USD/capita:
*4. (Female %, - Burka and hijab%) over 50%: 10K/1%
The 'Development of the people of a country depends on the
'development of their ladies depicted by the
Freedom of Movement, study, work, dress etc'.
*5. Sab ke Swaasth, Prasooti aa navjaat pa dhyaan:
[Health of people, mother & baby Care]:
*6. Education: including 'Literate Learneds'
'Status of Ladies' and 'Literacy' as the measure of
"Literate Learneds" in a country:
*7. Sports:
Only results of Summer Olympics London 2012 and Summer Rio 2016 considered so far.
<< Generally people of 'Smaller Country' are better placed:
ChoT deshan ke sthaan kuch acchaa baa.
Contries for which Data not available / reliable:
West Sahara, Mayotte, Curacao, Chanel Is, US Vergin Is, Bermuda, Greenland and others.
Prakaashak: [Publisher]: www.InBho.blogspot.com
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.]
Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 190 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris puraan ha "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. [WW over 190 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'. ]
Aaj 9116 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 190 M log bolelan.
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.
[Today in 2016: over 190 M people of overs 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".]
22.10.2016 InBho
22.10.2016 InBho: "International Bhojpuri"
07.08.9116: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"
Desh ke Unnati Development of a Country
Kawano desh ke Unnati kaa oh desh ke dhan-daulat aa dhau`s se holaa,
ki logan ke khushhaali se?
Ham ta jaanataani ki desh ke Unnati kaatir:
DD, Direct Democracy / Janatantra, Aarthik Unnati, Mahilaa Swatantrataa khaali pahnaave ke naa, baluk shixaa, kaam-dhaam aadi ke Swatantrataa je laikaa-laikian ke jinagi saw`aare se, sunar Swaastha se aa
Khel-kood ke cikanai se holaa.
Hot News:
The "Overall Development of a Country, ODC":
Is it simply by the Economic Development, or
is it by the Happy, Healthy Enjoyable long life of
the people of a country.
Eh se dekhee`: Thus, we assess:
1. The presence of Janatantra: People's Government, not Party's.
2. Economic Development of the people.
3. Female% and their freedom of living including dress and movement.
4. Health & Mother-Child Care
5. Education and Presence of "Literate Learned Persons".
6. Cream of Sports persons.
Janataa ke khushi 'Janatantara' se holaa, naa ki khaali Democracy ke pradarshan kare ke adhikaar se, aa kawano Raajtantra me` bole ke swatantrataa ke adhikaar se.
Are re re!! Ee kaa bhail Bartaaniyaa me`
> Bole ke swatantrato gail!!!
> RT ke Bank Khaataa band ka ke.
[People's Happiness sprouts from 'Janatantra' (LD: Lincolnian Democracy) and not merely from Demonstration-Cracy i.e. Democracy.
Ab dekhee Saar: Look at the Summary of:
ODC: "Overall Development of a Country"
1. Atyadhik Unnat desh: 4. ODC > 80 %
Countries with Excellent Development: 4
ODC: is the measure of the happiness of boys, girls, women and men.
HDI: is an index to measure Human Development but not their Happiness.
1, 2. Unnat desh: 51. Developed Countries: 51.
60% < ODC < 80%
Country Janatantra Eco Devt Female % & Dress Liberty Health, Mother Baby care Sports Education ODC % Rank
Countries with Excellent Development: 4
Switzerland [1] 1500000 [1]802147 50.5 [2] 84.8 6.34 100 93.834 1
New Zealand 0 378800 51.1 82.7 21.55 99 84.048 2
Bahamas 0 228969 51 74.4 [1] 23.26 96.95 81.817 3
Cuba [2] 1000000 53313 49.8 78.7 9.17 99.75 80.155 4
2. Developed Countries: 51 60% < ODC < 80% Rank
Netherland 0 444334 50.4 82.8 11.74 100 75.51 5
Andorra 0 480000 45.55 [1] 84.85 0 50.5 75.146 6
Denmark 0 [3]520022 50.4 80.8 9.6 100 74.755 7
Norway 0 [2]747346 49.6 [2] 83.85 6.22 100 74.195 8
UK 0 437340 50.7 82.8 10.15 100 73.831 9
Jamaica 0 51379 50.2 77.2 [2] 22.14 87.65 73.157 10
country janatantra Index pt Eco. dev. USD/Capita female %,dress liberty % Health, mother-baby care% Sports % Education % ODC % Rank
Australia 0 54718 49.2 81.8 13.43 100 72.083 11
Croasia 0 115358 51.8 76.8 12.08 89.7 71.054 12
Hungary 0 122591 [3] 52.4 78.7 11.65 99 70.72 13
Iceland 0 501733 49.9 82.9 6 99 70.044 14
Latavia 0 136645 [1] 54.1 78.6 10 99.9 69.62 15
Slovenia 0 207131 50.4 [2] 83.85 8.8 99.9 69.45 16
Russia 10000 90571 {2] 53.5 75.5 3.03 99.6 69.311 17
N. Korea [2] 1000000 12240 51.1 68.7 1.34 100 69.17 18
Ireland 0 480000 50.1 82.8 4.77 100 68.776 19
Sweden 0 502279 50.6 [4] 83 6.18 100 68.554 20
78 44 80 48 in yr 63 41 86 in % Rank
Germany 0 412190 50.9 82.8 4.2 100 67.436 21
USA 10000 558368 50.4 80.65 2.51 100 67.213 22
Lithuania 0 141722 54 79.75 7.25 99.8 67.206 23
Finland 0 419208 50.8 80.9 3.25 100 66.758 24
Belgium 0 402313 50.8 80.8 3.6 100 66.641 25
Belarus 10000 57405 53.5 72.74 7.34 1st 100.55 66.543 26
France 10000 362482 51.3 81.8 3.73 100 66 27
Canada 0 432385 50.4 81.75 2.58 100 65.82 28
& Tobago 0 204441 49.8 73 7.73 98.6 65.326 29
Macao SA China 0 785592 51.8 83 0 93.7 65.321 30
% Rank
Czec Rep 0 172313 50.9 77.5 5.31 99 65.025 31
Slovakia 0 51439 51 77.65 4.88 96.7 64.79 32
Cayman Is 0 548270 49.7 82.3 0 99.1 64.75 33
Ukraine 10000 21160 50 60.55 1.55 99.7 64.7 34
Vietnam 1000000 21112 50.5 78.9 0.16 92 64.576 35
Italy 0 298470 51 84.8 3.31 98.9 64.524 36
S. Korea 0 212215 51.5 84.85 3.78 100 64.522 37
Hong Kong 0 424229 53.1 87 0 95.9 64.41 38
Japan 0 324772 51.4 86.85 1.5 100 63.98 39
Singapore 0 528887 50.7 84.85 2.1 94.1 63.88 40
Qatar 0 746642 27.4 79.6 2.61 96.75 63.44 41
Estonia 0 258316 53.2 72.85 3.06 99.8 63.34 42
Spain 0 258316 50.9 85.8 3.39 97.2 63.17 43
Poland 10000 124945 51.6 80.75 3.25 99.65 62.65 44
Cyprus 0 180356 49 79.85 2.54 100 62.58 45
Armenia 10000 54963 53.6 74.3 5.28 99.6 62.52 46
Greece 0 180356 51.2 68.75 3.94 96.5 62.06 47
Azerbaijan 10000 54963 50.2 69.4 7.24 99.75 62.01 48
Israel 0 802147 50.4 96.6 1.21 96.35 61.9 49
Kazakhstan 0 54718 49.2 81.8 13.64 100 61.86 50
Cape Verde 0 217800 47.2 79.1 1.07 99.96 61.68 51
Bahrain 0 54718 38 76.7 6.43 92.85 61.55 52
Serbia 0 51439 51.2 77.65 4.88 96.7 61.37 53
Georgia 10000 319000 53.2 62.85 3.77 99.7 61.1 54
Taiwan 10000 319000 48.5 79 0.43 96.7 60.93 55
3. Unnatisheel desh: 76. Developing Countries: 76. 40 % < ODC < 60 %
4. Unnatisheel desh: 48. Developing Countries: 48. 0 % < ODC < 40 %
5. Avikashit desh: 4. Underveloped Countries: 4. ODC < 0
Country Janatantra Eco Devt USD/capita-yr Female % & Dress Liberty Health, Mother Baby care Sports Education ODC % Rank
S. Sudan 10000 7306 49.9 52.35 0 9.5 -0.85 180
Central Africa 10000 3330 50.7 44.5 0 17.45 -1.51 181
Niger 10000 3590 49.6 57.2 0.096 6.9 -2.15 182
Somaliya 10000 5519 50.2 50.15 0 8 -7.05 183
1. UNESCO jaisan Sansaar ke sansthaa sab ke eh deshan pa khaas dhyaan debe ke caahee`. [These countries need special care by the organization like UNESCO.]
2. Eha deshan ke aisan dashaa ke ego khaas laagataa eehaa` ke Shixaa me` kamee. Teen deshan me` ta 10-so % log sixit naikhan. [The cause of poor development of these countries appear to be their poor Education which is not even 10 % in South Sudan, Niger and Somalia.]
*1. Janatantra = 'Lincolnian Democracy':
*2. Aarthik Unnati: Economic Development GDP: USD/capita:
*4. (Female %, - Burka and hijab%) over 50%: 10K/1%
The 'Development of the people of a country depends on the
'development of their ladies depicted by the
Freedom of Movement, study, work, dress etc'.
*5. Sab ke Swaasth, Prasooti aa navjaat pa dhyaan:
[Health of people, mother & baby Care]:
*6. Education: including 'Literate Learneds'
'Status of Ladies' and 'Literacy' as the measure of
"Literate Learneds" in a country:
*7. Sports:
Only results of Summer Olympics London 2012 and Summer Rio 2016 considered so far.
<< Generally people of 'Smaller Country' are better placed:
ChoT deshan ke sthaan kuch acchaa baa.
Contries for which Data not available / reliable:
West Sahara, Mayotte, Curacao, Chanel Is, US Vergin Is, Bermuda, Greenland and others.
Prakaashak: [Publisher]: www.InBho.blogspot.com
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.]
Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 190 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris puraan ha "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. [WW over 190 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'. ]
Aaj 9116 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 190 M log bolelan.
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.
[Today in 2016: over 190 M people of overs 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".]
22.10.2016 InBho
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