Donald Trump's initial Team:
23.12.2016 InBho: "International Bhojpuri"
09.10.9116: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"
Since Prelims, InBho observed Donald Trump's truthfulness and abilities unlike most US Media, now you may have at the US President Elect Donald Trump's Initial Team:
1. Rex Tllerson Secretary of States [CEO Exxon Mobile
2. Rick Perry Secretary of Energy [Texas Governer
3. Ryan Zink Secretary of Interior
4. James Mattis Secretary of Defance [Rtd. Marine General
5. Staven Mnuchin Secretary of Treasury [Trumps Finance ch
6. Jeff Session Attorney General [US Cenator,
7. Ben Carson Secretary of Housing & Urban Dev [Director, John Hopkins Hos.
8. Wilbur Ross Secretary of Commerce
9. Tom Price Secretary of Health & Human Serv.
10. Betsy Devos Secretary of education [Charter School Advocate
11. Elain Chao Secretary of Transport
12. Nikki Helley US Ambassador to UNO [Governer, carolina
13 Andrew Puzder Secretary of Labor
14. John Kelly Secretary of Inland Security [Rtd. Marine Genl.
15. Scott Pruit Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency
16. Mick Mulvaney Director of Office of Mngt and Budget
17. Luda McMohon Administrator of Small Business
18. Reince Prisebus Chief of Staff WH
19. Maichael Flinn National Security Advisor [Director defence Intl
20. Staphen u Bannon Chief Strategist
21. Donald McGohn WH Councel.
InBho ke aashaa baa ki Cayanit Adhyax Donald Trumpo Sanaatanaarya Abraaham Linkane jaisan SRA ke unnat banaihe` aa Sansaar me` shaanti le aihe`.
[InBho wish President Elect Donald Trump like Sanatanarya Abraham Lincoln, leads US to real development keeping with the World Peace.]
["Bhojpuri Language" occupies 8th Rank among top most spoken 50 languages in Sept. 2016]:
Aasin 9116 ke Sansaar ke 50 sab se jaadaa bole waalaa Bhaasaa me` Bhojpuri 8m Sthaan pa baa:
Rank Bhaasaa Language (Suruaati-desha) M Bole waalaa baakidesh
1 Mandarin Mandaarin: (Cin, China): 1197
2 English Angreji: (InglaenD, England): 700 Globally
3. Hindi: (Bhaarat, India): 500 Glibally
4. Spainish Spe~ni: (Sp~n, Spain): 370 Globally
5. Arabic Arabik: (UAE): 240 Globally
6. Portugese Portugaali: (Porugaal, Portugal) 220 Globaliy
7. Bengali Bangaali:(Bhaarat, Banglaadesh) 210
8. Bhojpuri: (Bhaarat, India) Fiji, Guyana 200 Globally
9. Russian Rusi: (Rusa, Russia): CIS deshaa: 167 Globally
10. Japanese, Jaapaani: (Jaapaan, Japan): 125
11. German Jarman: (Jarmani, Germany): 121 Globally
12. Indonesian InDonesiyaai: (InDonesiya): 85
13. Wu: Saral Cini: (Cina, China) 80
14 Telagu: (Bhaarat, India): 80
15. Korean: (Utt. d. Koriyaa, N S Korea): 78
16. Vietnamese Vietnaami: (Vietnam): 75
17. French Fraansisi: (Fraans, France): 69 Globally
18. Marathi: (Bhaarat, India) 68
19. Tamil: (Bhaarat, India) 67
20. Urdu: (Bhaarat, India): 66 (Paakistaan)
21. Pharshi Faarshi: (Iraan, Iran): 64
22. Turkish Turki: (Turki, Turkey): 61
23. Italian ITaaliyan: (ITali, Italy): 60
24. Kaintunese KaenTuni: (Cina, China): 59
25. Thai Thaai: (ThaailaenD, Sanskrit) 58
26. Gujrati Gujaraati: (Bhaarat, India): 57
27. Sanskrit: (Bhaarat, India) 57 Globally
Praaceenatamam Bhaazaa. The oldest language
28. Jin: (Cina): 56
29. Min Nan Min Naan: (Cina, China): 55
30. Pashto: (Afgaanistaan, Afghanistan): 55
31. Polish: (PolaenD, Poland) 54
32. Kannada KannaRa: (Bhaarat, Bharat): 54
33. Xiaang: (Cina, China): 53 Globally
34. Malayalam Malayaalam: (Bhaarat, India) 52
35. Sundanese SunDani: (Indonesiyaa) 50
36. Hausa Hausaa: (Naaijeriyaa, Nigeria): 50 Pa. Afrikaa
37. Oriya ORiyaa: (Bhaarat, India) 50
38. Barmi: (Barmaa, Maynmar) 48 ThaailaenD
39. Hakkaa: (Cina China): 47
40. Ukrainian Yukraini: Yukren: 46
41. Tagalog, Filipino: (Filippaain, Philippines) 45 Globally
42. Yoruba Yorubaa: (Naaijeriyaa, Nigeria): 42 Pa. Afrikaa
43. Maithili: (Bhaarat, Bharat): 40
44. Swahili Swaahili (Keniyaa, Kenya): 40 Globally
45. Uzbek Uzbe~ki: (Uzbekistaan, Uzbekistan) 36
46. Sindhi: (Bhaarat, India): 35 Paakistaan
47. Amhaic Amhaarik: (Ethiopiyaa, Ethiopia) 30
48. Fula Fulaa: Non-tonal Language: 30 Afrikaa
49. Romanian Romaani: (Romaaniyaa) 29 (since 6th Century.
50. Oromo: (Ethiopiyaa, Ethiopia), Keniyaa, 28 Somaaliyaa
>> 'Sanskrit', uu bhaasaa je 'sab' bhaashaa ke Janani ha, okaraa ke bolewaalaa ta~ bahut thoR baaRe , baakir okar jaane waalaa ke aadhaar pa Sansaar ke Bhaasaa sab me` 27m Raenk baa >> Ee kaa kam baat baa!!!
'sab' = ~ 95% to 98%.
'Sanskritam', 'sarve bhaazaanaa` Janani', yaa` anekaa: na vadanti, parantu anekaa: paThanti, likhanti, gyaayante, yena VishwaBhaazaayaam saa 27m Sthaane adhunaa viraajamaanaa: asti.
'Sanskrit', that language which is the Mother of 'all languages', although not spoken by many but which know many: on the basis of which 'Sanskrit' is at the 27th Rank between Gujrati and Jin languages. 'all = ~ 95% to 98%'.
** Above includes:
12 Languages of Indian origin
10 Languages of European origin/
7 Languages of Chines origin
4 Languages of African origin.
** Bhojpuri:
Sansaar ke 30 – 40 deshan me` log Bhojpuri bole le, je me`, 20 deshan me` 1:1000 se jaadaa log Bhojpuri bole le. Aa 9 deshan me` Bhojpuri bole waalaa log 7% se jaadaa baaRe. 6 deshan ke karib 33% se jaadaa log Bhopurie bolele.
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.]
Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris puraan ha "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. [WW over 195 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.]
InBho: 2-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.
Aaj 9116 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M log bolelan.
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.
[Today in 2016: over 200 M people of overs 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".]
23.12.2016 InBho
23.12.2016 InBho: "International Bhojpuri"
09.10.9116: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी: "AntarrasTreey Bhojpuri"
Since Prelims, InBho observed Donald Trump's truthfulness and abilities unlike most US Media, now you may have at the US President Elect Donald Trump's Initial Team:
1. Rex Tllerson Secretary of States [CEO Exxon Mobile
2. Rick Perry Secretary of Energy [Texas Governer
3. Ryan Zink Secretary of Interior
4. James Mattis Secretary of Defance [Rtd. Marine General
5. Staven Mnuchin Secretary of Treasury [Trumps Finance ch
6. Jeff Session Attorney General [US Cenator,
7. Ben Carson Secretary of Housing & Urban Dev [Director, John Hopkins Hos.
8. Wilbur Ross Secretary of Commerce
9. Tom Price Secretary of Health & Human Serv.
10. Betsy Devos Secretary of education [Charter School Advocate
11. Elain Chao Secretary of Transport
12. Nikki Helley US Ambassador to UNO [Governer, carolina
13 Andrew Puzder Secretary of Labor
14. John Kelly Secretary of Inland Security [Rtd. Marine Genl.
15. Scott Pruit Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency
16. Mick Mulvaney Director of Office of Mngt and Budget
17. Luda McMohon Administrator of Small Business
18. Reince Prisebus Chief of Staff WH
19. Maichael Flinn National Security Advisor [Director defence Intl
20. Staphen u Bannon Chief Strategist
21. Donald McGohn WH Councel.
InBho ke aashaa baa ki Cayanit Adhyax Donald Trumpo Sanaatanaarya Abraaham Linkane jaisan SRA ke unnat banaihe` aa Sansaar me` shaanti le aihe`.
[InBho wish President Elect Donald Trump like Sanatanarya Abraham Lincoln, leads US to real development keeping with the World Peace.]
["Bhojpuri Language" occupies 8th Rank among top most spoken 50 languages in Sept. 2016]:
Aasin 9116 ke Sansaar ke 50 sab se jaadaa bole waalaa Bhaasaa me` Bhojpuri 8m Sthaan pa baa:
Rank Bhaasaa Language (Suruaati-desha) M Bole waalaa baakidesh
1 Mandarin Mandaarin: (Cin, China): 1197
2 English Angreji: (InglaenD, England): 700 Globally
3. Hindi: (Bhaarat, India): 500 Glibally
4. Spainish Spe~ni: (Sp~n, Spain): 370 Globally
5. Arabic Arabik: (UAE): 240 Globally
6. Portugese Portugaali: (Porugaal, Portugal) 220 Globaliy
7. Bengali Bangaali:(Bhaarat, Banglaadesh) 210
8. Bhojpuri: (Bhaarat, India) Fiji, Guyana 200 Globally
9. Russian Rusi: (Rusa, Russia): CIS deshaa: 167 Globally
10. Japanese, Jaapaani: (Jaapaan, Japan): 125
11. German Jarman: (Jarmani, Germany): 121 Globally
12. Indonesian InDonesiyaai: (InDonesiya): 85
13. Wu: Saral Cini: (Cina, China) 80
14 Telagu: (Bhaarat, India): 80
15. Korean: (Utt. d. Koriyaa, N S Korea): 78
16. Vietnamese Vietnaami: (Vietnam): 75
17. French Fraansisi: (Fraans, France): 69 Globally
18. Marathi: (Bhaarat, India) 68
19. Tamil: (Bhaarat, India) 67
20. Urdu: (Bhaarat, India): 66 (Paakistaan)
21. Pharshi Faarshi: (Iraan, Iran): 64
22. Turkish Turki: (Turki, Turkey): 61
23. Italian ITaaliyan: (ITali, Italy): 60
24. Kaintunese KaenTuni: (Cina, China): 59
25. Thai Thaai: (ThaailaenD, Sanskrit) 58
26. Gujrati Gujaraati: (Bhaarat, India): 57
27. Sanskrit: (Bhaarat, India) 57 Globally
Praaceenatamam Bhaazaa. The oldest language
28. Jin: (Cina): 56
29. Min Nan Min Naan: (Cina, China): 55
30. Pashto: (Afgaanistaan, Afghanistan): 55
31. Polish: (PolaenD, Poland) 54
32. Kannada KannaRa: (Bhaarat, Bharat): 54
33. Xiaang: (Cina, China): 53 Globally
34. Malayalam Malayaalam: (Bhaarat, India) 52
35. Sundanese SunDani: (Indonesiyaa) 50
36. Hausa Hausaa: (Naaijeriyaa, Nigeria): 50 Pa. Afrikaa
37. Oriya ORiyaa: (Bhaarat, India) 50
38. Barmi: (Barmaa, Maynmar) 48 ThaailaenD
39. Hakkaa: (Cina China): 47
40. Ukrainian Yukraini: Yukren: 46
41. Tagalog, Filipino: (Filippaain, Philippines) 45 Globally
42. Yoruba Yorubaa: (Naaijeriyaa, Nigeria): 42 Pa. Afrikaa
43. Maithili: (Bhaarat, Bharat): 40
44. Swahili Swaahili (Keniyaa, Kenya): 40 Globally
45. Uzbek Uzbe~ki: (Uzbekistaan, Uzbekistan) 36
46. Sindhi: (Bhaarat, India): 35 Paakistaan
47. Amhaic Amhaarik: (Ethiopiyaa, Ethiopia) 30
48. Fula Fulaa: Non-tonal Language: 30 Afrikaa
49. Romanian Romaani: (Romaaniyaa) 29 (since 6th Century.
50. Oromo: (Ethiopiyaa, Ethiopia), Keniyaa, 28 Somaaliyaa
>> 'Sanskrit', uu bhaasaa je 'sab' bhaashaa ke Janani ha, okaraa ke bolewaalaa ta~ bahut thoR baaRe , baakir okar jaane waalaa ke aadhaar pa Sansaar ke Bhaasaa sab me` 27m Raenk baa >> Ee kaa kam baat baa!!!
'sab' = ~ 95% to 98%.
'Sanskritam', 'sarve bhaazaanaa` Janani', yaa` anekaa: na vadanti, parantu anekaa: paThanti, likhanti, gyaayante, yena VishwaBhaazaayaam saa 27m Sthaane adhunaa viraajamaanaa: asti.
'Sanskrit', that language which is the Mother of 'all languages', although not spoken by many but which know many: on the basis of which 'Sanskrit' is at the 27th Rank between Gujrati and Jin languages. 'all = ~ 95% to 98%'.
** Above includes:
12 Languages of Indian origin
10 Languages of European origin/
7 Languages of Chines origin
4 Languages of African origin.
** Bhojpuri:
Sansaar ke 30 – 40 deshan me` log Bhojpuri bole le, je me`, 20 deshan me` 1:1000 se jaadaa log Bhojpuri bole le. Aa 9 deshan me` Bhojpuri bole waalaa log 7% se jaadaa baaRe. 6 deshan ke karib 33% se jaadaa log Bhopurie bolele.
Prakaashak: [Publisher]:
Sarvaadhikaar Prakaashak ke paas suraxit. :12.7.9115.
[All rights reserved with the Publisher: 10.10.2015.]
Auru baa [continued]
Duniyaa bhar ke 200 M se jaadaa bolanihaar aa karib 1800 baris puraan ha "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa". Sansaar ke sab deshan ke Sarkaaran se 'Drishya-Sravya-Kaavya' se bharal "Bhojpuri Bhaasaa" ke maanyataa debe khaatir InBho anurodh karataa. [WW over 195 M speaker's “Bhojpuri Language”, about 1800 year old: InBho requests the Governments of all the countries to recognize "Bhojpuri Language" vibrating with its rich 'Audio-Visual Art'.]
InBho: 2-sar Baris: since: 19.07.2015 > 17.04.9115 se suruaat.
Aaj 9116 me` Bhojpuri Sansaar ke 50-so deshan ke 200 M log bolelan.
InBho "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool" ke Aadhaar pa kaam karelaa.
[Today in 2016: over 200 M people of overs 50 countries speak Bhojpuri. InBho works with the Aim of the "International Bhojpuri eSkool".]
23.12.2016 InBho
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